Pandora\'s Lunchbox with Online Resources

Pandora\'s Lunchbox

Pandora\'s Lunchbox

By Simon and Schuster

Published date: 02-26-2013

Price: 11.99


If a piece of individually wrapped cheese can retain its shape, color, and texture for years, what does it say about the food we eat and feed to our children? Former New York Times business reporter and mother Melanie Warner decided to explore that question when she observed the phenomenon of the indestructible cheese. She began an investigative journey that took her to research labs, university food science departments, and factories around the country. What she discovered provides a rare, eye-opening—and sometimes disturbing—account of what we’re really eating. Warner looks at how deca


Pandora\'s Lunchbox is a educational Book By Simon and Schuster.

This page not only allows students and teachers to get information about the book Pandora\'s Lunchbox but also find engaging Sample Questions, Videos, Pins, Worksheets, Apps related to the following topics.


ISBN: 1451666756

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published Date: 02-26-2013

Pages: 288

Price: 11.99

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