Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Jim has taken a summer job doing piecework which means that he gets paid per piece that he completes. He is working in a broom factory and must complete one step in the process of making a broom.

He gets paid $0.25 for each piece that he completes correctly and loses $0.25 for each one that he does incorrectly. In which of the following cases does he make the most money?

A store is selling T-Shirts. Which is the best deal?

Instruction: Check all correct answers.

Part A

Instruction: Read each sentence and select whether the rate is a rate or unit rate.

  Rate Unit Rate
The earth rotates 1.25 degrees in 5 minutes.

Sarah reads 13 pages in 1/3 of an hour.

A man pays $45.24 for 16 gallons of gasoline.

The car drives 25 miles per hour.

The soup costs $1.23 per ounce.

40 millimeters of rain fell in 1 minute.

Ratios & Proportional Relationships (7.RP.A.1)