Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

King Edward was a lover of all kinds of sport; one day, he and his noblemen sat watching wild, savage lions fighting each other in the enclosure below. Amongst the noblemen sat Count Orlaf beside a beautiful and lively lady, whom he loved and hoped to marry. The lions roared and bit and tore each other with savage fury, until the king said to the noblemen, “Gentlemen, let's eat!”

What would your title be if the above passage were changed to a newspaper report?

Read the Passage and answer the question.

Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier were papermakers, but they had been interested in flying for many years. One night, in 1782, Joseph noticed something that gave him an idea. He was sitting in front of the fire when he saw some small pieces of scorched paper being carried up the chimney.

Soon afterwards, the brothers conducted an experiment. They lit a fire under a small silk bag, which was open at the bottom; at once, the bag rose to the ceiling. After this, Stephen and Joseph conducted many more experiments, both indoors and in the open air. Eventually, they built a huge balloon of linen and paper. On June 5th, 1783, they launched their balloon in the village of Annonay.

What type of writing is the above passage?

Read the Passage and answer the question.

Archaeology is the study of past human life and culture through systematically examining and interpreting the material remains left behind. These material remains include archaeological sites (e.g., settlements, building features, graves), as well as cultural materials or artifacts such as tools and pottery. Through the interpretation and classification of archaeological materials, archaeologists work to understand past human behavior. In some countries, archaeology is often historical or art historical, with a strong emphasis on culture history, archaeological sites, and artifacts such as art objects. In the New World , archaeology can be either a part of history and classical studies or anthropology.
The exact origins of archaeology as a discipline are uncertain. Excavations of ancient monuments and the collection of antiquities have been taking place for thousands of years. It was only in the 19th century, however, that the systematic study of the past through its physical remains began to be carried out in a manner recognizable to modern students of archaeology.

Who do you think would be the perfect audience for the above passage?

Writing Standards (W.8.4)