Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Jorge and Jillian have cell phones with different service providers. Jorge pays $50 a month and $1 per text message sent. Jillian pays $72 a month and $0.12 per text message sent. How many texts would each of them have to send for their bill to be the same amount at the end of the month?

Mr. Stevens is 63 years older than his grandson, Tom. In 3 years, Mr. Stevens will be four times as old as Tom. How old is Tom?

Janet has packed a total of 50 textbooks and workbooks in a box, but she can't remember how many of each are in the box. Each textbook weighs 2 pounds, and each workbook weighs 0.5 pounds, and the total weight of the books in the box is 55 pounds. If t is the number of textbooks and w is the number of workbooks, which of the following systems of equations represents this situation?

Expressions & Equations (8.EE.C.8.C)