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                             TO SUPPORT DISTANCE LEARNING

                     Collaborative LMS

                     Separate dashboard for teachers, students, admins, and parents with role-

                     based access, tools, and functionalities.

                     Online Video Classes

                     Digital instruction enabled through safe video conferencing tools to ensure

                     remote student participation from home.

                     Tailored Comprehensive Learning Content

                     Standards-based learning modules that can be customized to meet the
                     needs of each student. Includes access to thousands of practice questions

                     and flexible learning resources.

                     Custom Lessons

                     Lumos EdSearch allows teachers to create individualized assignments with

                     readily available learning resources such as videos, worksheets, reading
                     tasks, vocabulary activities and more.

                     Self-Paced Guided Practice

                     Lumos Assistant uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to provide
                     engaging and empathetic step-by-step guidance to students.

                     Interactive Quizzes

                     Lumos SmartBoard allows the teachers to run interactive online quizzes, and

                     the entire class can participate by logging in to their Student Portal.

                     Anytime and Anywhere Access

                     The program is accessible from your PC, smartphone, or tablet. If you happen
                     to run into any problem or need assistance, we are here to help you 24/7.

                                                 888-309-8227                       support@lumoslearning.  3 3
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