Effective Techniques to Improve Math Skills

Math is often considered to be a vital subject for understanding the world better. The significance of learning math goes a long way, and the students begin the initial step towards the world of math right from kindergarten. However, in a classroom, math is commonly associated with students who are good at solving math problems, and some students struggle with the same. This issue has to be addressed at the preliminary phase because the complexity of the subject increases as the students level up to their next grade. At some point, teachers worldwide have been stuck with the questions such as, how to help students overcome their struggle solving math problems? How can I grab the interest of the students in math?

Research is done by Edy Surya, Feria Andriana Putri, Mukhtar that explains Improving Mathematical Problem-Solving ability is closely knitted with self-confidence. Solving problems tends to improve the ability to think logically, accurately and spatial awareness. Spatial awareness is a skill that children develop from a premature age. It is nothing but knowing where your body is in space concerning objects or other people. Further, it also formulates a sense of satisfaction to the efforts to solve challenging problems. Encouraging students to pay attention while teaching new topics is to connect them with the world around them; this will help create more profound impacts among the students. Moreover, another cause of difficulty in students’ mathematical problem-solving can be due to the lack of efficient learning models. Here are some techniques to improve the math skills of your students:

  • Motivating students – even if they get the answers wrong. This will keep them active in class and encourage them to make attempts to solve the problem without being hesitant and lazy.
  • Contextual learning – Learning technique where the teacher introduces a concept or problem in such a way that students are able to decode the meaning based on their own experiences.
  • Conducting practice tests on a regular interval can help teachers analyze students’ comprehension and understand where they are lacking to grasp.
  • Planning fun activities to learn the subject with enthusiasm.
Resources to Improve Math Skills!

Kaitlyn Kristy