Talent Scout
Robust Communication Assessment Solution For Recruitment and Workforce Development

Best-in-class AI-powered communication skills assessment solution that allows assessing candidates scientifically, making it faster, easier and objective.

Perfect for campus recruitment, lateral hiring, upskilling, and more!

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Communication Is The Number One Skill Gap Across Companies Of All Sizes

Communication is fundamental to a committed and productive workforce. From team building to innovation and growth, every stage of the employee life cycle is directly linked to their ability to express their ideas clearly. As organizations increasingly rely on cross-team collaboration, communication skills are rated among the "top four" job skills that predict employee and employer satisfaction.

Strong speaking, writing, and comprehension skills are non-negotiable for job success.

Importance Of Effective Workplace Communication Skills

Supports the overall company performance

Increases employee job satisfaction and engagement

Better conflict mitigation across multiple scenarios

Robust client relationships

Boosts employee productivity

Allows more strategic team building

Managers can deliver messages and define goals and expectations

Talent Scout Offers 360 Degree Communication Skills Measurement
And Insightful Performance Reports For Objective Selection

Champion a data-driven HR culture to hire and upskill candidates that exceed industry standards for workplace communication levels for job roles that involve front-end and back-end interactions with clients and customers.

Essential Functions The Communication Assessment Is Useful for Include


Customer Service

Technical Writing

Content Writing

Inbound Marketing


Professional Development


Accurate And Automated Communication Testing Solution For Holistic Evaluation

Test All Aspects of Communication Skills: Speaking, Reading and Writing

Speaking Skills

Evaluate a candidate's ability to speak clearly, correctly and coherently.

The proprietary tool assesses spoken language competence utilizing the latest advances in Speech Recognition technology;

  • It's entirely machine-administered and auto-graded to carry out unbiased evaluations.
  • It evaluates the crucial disfluency metrics across dimensions such as prosody, speaking rate, pausing, intonation, etc.

Reading Skills

Evaluate candidates' reading comprehension and fluency skills through interactive reading tests.

The Reading Fluency analyzer automatically analyzes the candidates completed assignment and provides insightful reading proficiency reports, including Reading Accuracy, Reading Performance, Speech Rate (WPM), Fluency Rate (CWPM).

Writing Skills

Evaluate the candidate’s ability to write concisely and clearly, to express ideas and thoughts effectively.

The innovative writing and readability analyzer is designed to help you quickly understand common errors in candidates' extended written responses, including spelling, grammar, and readability.

  • Automatically grades a candidate's content piece based on grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
  • The grammar checker includes the sentence and paratext analysis with text structure details to help understand essay structure effortlessly.
  • Evaluates abbreviations, use of punctuation and parts of speech.
  • Rates overall content quality.

Get The Talent Scout Advantage For Effective
Business-critical Communication Skills Evaluation

Tailor-made test

Get a tailored assessment created to suit your unique requirements with our assessment experts to ensure satisfactory screening.

Hassle-free Grading

Effortlessly grade a candidate's assignment submission with a simple interface that allows you to enter appropriate scores and provide comments (if any).

Automated Grading System

Utilize the ML-powered Lumos Grading Assistant to grade candidates' responses to open-ended questions instantly! The algorithm provides a directional score on a scale of 0 to 4 considering several language attributes.

Intuitive Dashboard and Reports

Get instant access to a full suite of easy-to-read reports and a real-time dashboard providing a holistic view of actionable insights into communication skill levels.

Download Reports In Multiple Formats

Export the candidates' performance reports with just a click in CSV or PDF file formats.

Anytime, Anywhere Assessments

Keep things moving from anywhere with our responsive online platform.

Benefits Of Communication Skills Assessment With Talent Scout

Talent Scout’s robust, comprehensive and affordable communication skills assessment tools helps you measure a professionals' ability to function in a corporate environment.

Utilize the online English communication skills test to identify the right fit for global contact center roles.

Pre-employment communication skills evaluation enables recruiters to scientifically identify applicants with the potential to match specific functions and responsibilities required in leadership positions.

People managers can utilize these assessments to identify organizational communication-related gaps.

The results from the comprehensive communication skill tests can be fundamental to designing targeted training programs for a future-ready workforce.

Communication assessments serve as a convenient filter for mass hiring.

They help improve lateral hiring decisions through an unbiased and holistic assessment of a candidate’s language proficiency, listening comprehension and reading skills.

Looks interesting, but not sure where to start?

Give us 15 mins, and we'll walk you through how you can utilize Lumos Talent Scout for your organization's recruitment and workforce development initiatives to make the right hires - faster and objectively.

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    Recruit Perfect Talent In Less Time While Saving More

    Leverage our database of adaptive assessments to assess candidate’s skills across multiple areas



    Digital Marketing


    Product Management

    Customer Relationship Management