Other Resources available In Teacher Portal

Common Core State Standards(CCSS):

Read and learn all about Common core State Standards for Math and ELA (Grades 3 to 8)

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  • Easily share homework assignments or any other important classroom announcements with the parent community
  • Sticky could be information about an upcoming test, homework, extracurricular activities and other school events
  • Parents and educators can easily create their own sticky and share with the school community
  • Each sticky could be associated with a Classroom, School, District, City and/or State so that it can be easily related, searched and subscribed to
  • Parents and teachers can easily set reminders for each sticky
  • We know it’s hard to type on a mobile device, so we’re making it easy for you; Stickies don’t need to be boring old text, but also images, audio recordings or other files and documents
  • Education Blogs:

    Read informative blogs about various important topics in the field of education written by expert teachers.

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    Jenny Watson