The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) is a standardized test that includes a variety of new technology-enhanced questions.

Some of them are Multiple choice-single correct responses, Multiple choice-multiple correct responses, Matching Tables, Drag and Drop, Hot text, Table Fill in, Graphing, Equation/numeric, Extended constructed response, Short answer, and many more.

This page contains several sample questions along with practice test links for Grade 8 ELA that gives you an idea of questions that your students are likely to see on the test. After each sample question, an answer explanation follows. The explanation includes essential aspects of the task that you may need to consider for the skills, processes, and information your students need to know.

Domain: Grade 8 >> Reading Standards for Literature

Sample Question: Which of the following group of signal words would you most likely find in a paper contrasting two things?

  1. in addition, finally, above all
  2. meanwhile, coupled with, for instance
  3. likewise, as well, the same as
  4. although, however, contrary to

Answer Explanation: Answer choice D is correct. A paper or article that is contrasting two things will likely use signal words such as although, however, contrary to, unlike, and unless. These are not the only signal words, but they are quite common. Answer choices A, B, and C are incorrect.

Standards: RL.8.5

Click here to practice: Reading Standards for Literature Questions on 8th Grade

Domain: Grade 8 >> Reading Standards for Informational Text

Sample Question: A zookeeper is a person who manages zoo animals that are kept in captivity for conservation or to be displayed to the public. They work very closely with all the animals in the zoos and have many responsibilities to maintain the health and wellness of each animal. They must have good record keeping skills since there is a lot of data that must be collected for each animal. Each species is different from each other and requires special attention and care that a zookeeper must give. Zookeepers also have a very interesting history that starts in B.C. and continues to the present day.

Which of the following means the opposite of the word “captivity” as it appears in the passage above?

  1. freedom
  2. confinement
  3. enslaved
  4. trapped

Answer Explanation: Answer choice A is correct. As used in the text, captivity means confinement. The question asks for the opposite of captivity which is freedom. Answer choices B, C, and D are not opposite meanings of the word.

Standards: RI 8.4

Click here to practice: Grade 8 Reading Standards for Informational Text Questions

Domain: Grade 8 >> Writing Standards

Sample Question: Which of the following do NOT have to be cited?

  1. Articles and books that you refer to directly.
  2. Historical, scientific or statistical facts.
  3. Paraphrased information.
  4. Universal proverb.

Answer Explanation: Answer choice D is correct. Universal proverbs do not have to be cited, but the rest of the answer choices do need to be cited.

Standards: W.8.8

Click here to practice: 8th Grade Writing Standards Questions

Domain: Grade 8 >> Language Standards

Sample Question: Which of the following is written in a passive voice?

A) She decorated the locker for Sally’s birthday.

B) Sally’s locker was decorated for her birthday.

C) The bell rang to signify the end of the day.

D) The kids ran out of the school building.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Answer Explanation: Answer choice B is correct. Sentence B is the only one that is written in the passive voice. The subject is not doing the action.

Standards: L.8.3

Click here to practice: Language Standards Questions for 8th Grade

Looking for online practice tests? Here is the link to practice more of SBAC Grade 8 English Language Arts questions.

Jenny Watson