3rd Grade I Need to Learn More - Worksheet & Printable

Read the passage and answer the question.

Everything in nature follows a pattern. Circles, lines, spirals, and angles are repeated to make a design or a pattern. Patterns in nature are not just pretty adornments. They do serve a purpose that has helped nature survive and flourish.

Have you ever taken a close look at a beehive? Well, not too close or you might get stung! The natural pattern in beehives is so perfect that it seems to be computer designed. The hives are made up of layers and layers of cells. Each cell has perfectly equal six sides or hexagons. Why would bees build six-sided cells, instead of circular or box shaped ones? That is because the bee is a genius at geometry and architecture! Six-sided cells use up every bit of space and allow bees to get maximum area for storing honey. Hexagons also use the least building material because all six sides are common to other cells. The bees don’t waste space, material or effort. Aren’t they smart insects?

Where could you look if you wanted to find out more information on bees?


Magazine articles on bees


Internet articles on hexagons


Books on building materials


TV shows on home improvement

Standard: W.3.7

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Description: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.

Good manners can be seen at home, at school, on the playground and at the dining table where we eat out meals. A well mannered person is polite and gentle when he talks.

Every one likes a person who is polite and well-mannered. Good manners are always liked by everyone and bring good rewards.

All that is right pleases everyone. Therefore we should do what is right always. We should always remember to do what is right.

All that is wrong displeases everyone. Therefore, we should not do what is wrong. We will be rewarded for our good actions.

A boy or girl who constantly comes late for any work cannot be depended upon. People do not give him any important work for they do not know whether he will come on time or not. A person who is always late loses his friends.

All of us make mistakes. When we make a mistake we do not like to be punished for it. We like to be forgiven. Therefore, we too should forgive the mistakes of others. Forgiveness is a great virtue.

It is easy to make a mistake, but it is not easy to forget that mistake. If we make some mistake, we should feel sorry for it. We should also apologize to the person whom we have hurt.
We should not cheat in an examination. Cheating always does more harm than good. We should not keep bad company.

Which student would be most likely to use this article for a research project?


a student who wants to know why kids don't behave


a student who wants to see what happens when children don't have good manners


a student that is interested in the percentages of students that get in trouble in school on a weekly basis


a student who wants to figure out why it is important to have good manners

Standard: W.3.7

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Description: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.

Ben's class is making brochures on the fun activities in his town. Ben wants to make his brochure about the town's outdoor swimming pool. Which website should he use to collect information for his brochure?


a website about how to clean a large swimming pool


the town's website on fun activities for babies


the town's website on fun summer activities


a website about how to put a swimming pool in your backyard

Standard: W.3.7

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Description: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.

Ava's class is creating posters about interesting plants. Ava wants to make her poster about Venus Fly Traps, a plant that eats bugs. Which website should she use to collect information for her poster?


A website about how to grow pitcher plants


A website about trees


A website about plants that eat animals


A website about grasses

Standard: W.3.7

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Description: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.

Anthony needs to gather information from his social studies textbook about the lives of people living in Kenya, a country in Africa. Which chapter should he read to find important information?


Chapter 6: Daily Life in Kenya


Chapter 2: Living in Asia


Chapter 12: Maps of Africa


Chapter 4: The Geography of Africa

Standard: W.3.7

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Description: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.


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