3rd Grade Introducing and Closing Topics - Worksheet & Printable

Ricardo is writing a narrative about his life in the Caribbean before moving to America. He will be sharing the narrative with his classmates.

Which of the following sentences would be MOST APPROPRIATE for the closing of his speech?


Let me begin by showing you where the Caribbean Islands are.


I hope you learned something exciting about my life in the Caribbean.


The Caribbean climate is very tropical.


Let me make my next point.

Standard: W.3.1.A

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.

Elmer is writing a speech to deliver to his family about why they need to travel to the Grand Canyon for vacation. Currently, the rest of his family wants to go to the beach.

Which of the following sentences would be MOST APPROPRIATE for the closing of his speech?


Now, I hope I have shown you why going to the beach is not the best vacation for our family.


We have gone to the beach every year for the past ten years of my life.


The next reason that going to the Grand Canyon is so great is that it is closer to our home.


Additionally, if we go to the Grand Canyon, we can see one of the wonders of the world.

Standard: W.3.1.A

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.

Andy is away at summer camp and his friend Allen misses him terribly.

Allen wants to write his friend a letter to send to him at camp.

What is the best ending sentence for a friendly letter?


How are you doing my friend?


I sure love camp!


I can't wait to hear about what has been going on with you.


The summer is going by way too fast. We have been having a lot of fun here.

Standard: W.3.1.A

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.

Quincey is writing an editorial for his local newspaper. He is concerned about the number of restaurants that allow smoking throughout their buildings.

Which of the following sentences would be MOST APPROPRIATE for the closing of his editorial?


Are you aware that second-hand smoke is a real problem?




Also, going out to eat should be a pleasant experience.


I hope you will consider what I have said about smoking in restaurants.

Standard: W.3.1.A

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.

Bart is writing a feature article about the sports world. He hopes to publish his article on an online sports blog for student-athletes.

Which of the following sentences would be MOST APPROPRIATE for the closing of his article?


Do you love sports as much as I do?


After reading all these facts, I bet you agree with me that it is going to be a great season!


The star player may be out for the season, but new talent will step up to the plate. Read on...


What is your favorite sport?

Standard: W.3.1.A

Domain: Writing Standards

Theme: Text Types and Purposes

Description: Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.


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