5th Grade Record and interpret calculations with numbers - Worksheet & Printable

Which of these expressions would result in the smallest number?


684 – (47 + 6)


684 – 47 – 6


(684 – 47) x 6


684 – (47 x 6)

Standard: 5.OA.A.2

Domain: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Theme: Write and interpret numerical expressions

Description: Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. For example, express the calculation "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2" as 2 × (8 + 7). Recognize that 3 × (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.

Olivia had 42 pieces of candy. She kept 9 pieces for herself and then divided the rest evenly among her three friends. Which expression best represents the number of candy each friend received?


(42 ÷ 3) - 9


(42 – 9) ÷ 3


42 ÷ (9 – 3)


42 – (9 ÷ 3)

Standard: 5.OA.A.2

Domain: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Theme: Write and interpret numerical expressions

Description: Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. For example, express the calculation "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2" as 2 × (8 + 7). Recognize that 3 × (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.

Jamie purchased 10 cases of soda for a party. Each case holds 24 cans. He also purchased 3 six packs of juice. Which expression represents the number of cans he purchased?


(10 x 24) + (3 x 6)


(10 + 24) x (3 + 6)


10 x (24 + 6)


10 x 24 x 3 x 6

Standard: 5.OA.A.2

Domain: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Theme: Write and interpret numerical expressions

Description: Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. For example, express the calculation "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2" as 2 × (8 + 7). Recognize that 3 × (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.

Each of the 25 students in a class sold 7 items for a fundraiser. Their teacher also sold 13 items. Which expression best represents the number of items they sold in all?


25 x (7 + 13)


13 + (25 x 7)


7 x (25 + 13)


25 + 7 + 13

Standard: 5.OA.A.2

Domain: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Theme: Write and interpret numerical expressions

Description: Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. For example, express the calculation "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2" as 2 × (8 + 7). Recognize that 3 × (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.

Which expression shows 10 more than the "quotient" of 72 "divided" by 8?


(10 + 72) ÷ 8


(72 ÷ 8) + 10


72 ÷ (8 + 10)


8 ÷ (72 + 10)

Standard: 5.OA.A.2

Domain: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Theme: Write and interpret numerical expressions

Description: Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. For example, express the calculation "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2" as 2 × (8 + 7). Recognize that 3 × (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.


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