divide Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to divide. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to divide.

Dividing a whole number by a fraction

By Brian Mclogan

To divide two fractions, we multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

Dividing Integers | MathHelp.com

By MathHelp.com

This lesson covers basic subtraction in the form of subtracting whole numbers. Students learn to subtract numbers with two or more digits, such as 985 - 47. The first step is to line up the numbers vertically so that the units digits are in the same column. Next, subtract the units digits, the tens digits, and the hundreds digits. When subtracting the units digits, notice that it is not possible to subtract 7 ones from 5 ones, so 1 ten must be borrowed from the tens column, leaving 7 tens and 15 ones. Now, subtracting the units digits, 15 - 7 = 8, subtracting the tens digits, 7 - 4 = 3, and subtracting the hundreds digits, 9 - 0 = 9. So 985 - 47 = 938. Note that the answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference, so the difference of 985 - 47 is 938.

Dividing complex numbers

By Khan Academy

Sal divides (6+3i) by (7-5i).

Dividing mixed numbers

By Khan Academy

Dividing Mixed Numbers

Complex Numbers: Dividing - Ex 1

By PatrickJMT

Complex Numbers: Dividing - Ex 1. In this video, I show how to divide a complex number by another complex number.

Dividing a decimal by a whole number

By B Barnett

Learn how to divide decimals by whole numbers.

Dividing complex numbers | Imaginary and complex numbers | Precalculus | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Here we see a guided example of how to divide two complex numbers. Remember to use the complex conjugate of the denominator. The whole point is to make the denominator into a real number, so if that doesn't happen, go back and check over your work very carefully.

Multiplying/Dividing Integers

By Mathademics

Multiplying/Dividing Integers

Dividing Polynomials

By Carter Maslan

step-by-step example of dividing the polynomial (x^2 + 3x - 40) / (x - 5).

Dividing whole numbers by unit fractions

By Khan Academy

Dividing a whole number by a fraction? Turn the tables and multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction. Boom!

Dividing Mixed Numbers

By Davitily

The instructor uses an electronic chalkboard to demonstrate how to divide mixed numbers. One example is modeled using a step by step approach.

Complex Numbers - Multiplying and Dividing

By PatrickJMT

This video lesson contains a few example problems on multiplying and dividing complex numbers. For multiplication, the FOIL method is discussed, and for division, the idea of complex conjugates is discussed.

Divide polynomials by monomials with remainders

By Khan Academy

Sal divides (18x^4-3x^2+6x-4) by 6x.

Fractions - Multiplying and Dividing

By PatrickJMT

Fractions - Multiplying and Dividing. Numerous numerical and variable expressions are shown.

Dividing mixed numbers

By Khan Academy

Dividing Mixed Numbers

Dividing mixed numbers

By Khan Academy

Dividing Mixed Numbers