Thousandths Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Thousandths. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Thousandths.

Comparing decimals example 2 | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

When comparing decimals it's easy to get confused by the number of digits to the right of decimal. Is it a tenth, hundredth, or thousandth? This video will help you a lot!

Subtracting decimals 2

By Khan Academy

In this example where we subtract decimals we do so up to the thousandths place. It's a little tricky, but not if we do it together.

Mapping Diagrams |


This lesson covers subtracting decimals. Students learn to subtract decimals by first lining up the decimal points, then subtracting the numbers by column. For example, to subtract 9.514 -- 1.6, first line up the decimal points, then subtract the digits the thousandths column, to get 4 - 0, or 4, then subtract the digits in the hundredths column, to get 1 -- 0, or 1, then subtract the digits in units column, by borrowing a 1 from the 9 in the units column (which leaves an 8 in the units column), to get 15 -- 6, or 9, then subtract the digits in the units column, to get 8 -- 1, or 7. So 9.514 -- 1.6 = 7.914.

Comparing Decimals to Hundredths Using Visual Models

By Icon Math

how to compare two decimal numbers up to the hundredths place.

[4.NF.7-1.0] Comparing Decimals - Common Core Standard - Practice Problem

By Freckle education

Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size, recording the results with the symbols greater than, =, or less than, and justify the conclusions by using a visual fraction model

Comparing decimals example 1 | Decimals | 4th grade | Khan Academy

By KhanAcademy

how to compare decimals with tenths and hundredths

Significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Introduction to significant figures. All Khan Academy content is available for free at

4.NF.5 & 4.NF.6 Fractions and Decimals

By Tiffany Nickel

an understanding of fraction equivalence with denominators 10 and 100 as well as decimal notation.

Writing Tenths and Hundredths with Decimals

By StoneBridgeMath

This video shows how pictures of tenths and hundreds are connected to both fractions and decimals. The instructor displays visual models then shades various areas in the models and she expresses the shaded areas as both a fraction and a decimal.

More on significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Understanding the "rules of thumb" for significant figures. All Khan Academy content is available for free at

Multiplying and dividing with significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video takes us through some real world examples of when we should use significant figures when multiplying and dividing. An important note: never consider significant figures until you have reached your FINAL ANSWER. Otherwise, rounding too early will produce more uncertainty about your solution.

Writing Fractions as Decimals

By Mathademics

Learn how to write fractions as decimals.

Rewriting fractions as decimals | Math | 4th grade | Khan Academy

By KhanAcademy

The fractions have denominators of 10 and 100.

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

By TeacherTube Math

This video is from the TeacherTube website and the instructor shows how to add and subtract decimals. She shows how to line up the decimal points in the numbers. Instructor appears to be using computer software for demonstration.

Indroduction to Decimals

By TopperLearning

Introduction to Decimals

Decimals to Fractions

By Mathademics

Decimals to Fractions using knowledge of hundredths.

Comparing Decimals

By Mathademics

Comparing Decimals

Converting Repeating or Terminating Decimals to Fractions


YouTube presents Converting Repeating or Terminating Decimals to Fractions an educational video resource on math.

Adding/Subtracting Decimals

By Mathademics

Adding/Subtracting Decimals