Practice 2-Digit Addition Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Practice 2-Digit Addition. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Practice 2-Digit Addition.

Adding three digit numbers with regrouping

By Khan Academy

In the old days 'regrouping' was known as carrying. It's the same idea now as then: moving the tens (or hundreds or thousands) over to the next column.

Total seats in a theater | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.

Marbles for friends | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step estimation word problem.

Running distance in a week | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.

How many truffle eating guests attended a party

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.

AE Live 7.2: Integrated Skills - Combining Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar


This session is part of the American English Live! teacher professional development series. The webinar will address an integrated approach to teaching speaking, reading, listening, writing, and grammar skills. First, we will identify some challenges associated with combining language skill areas, and we’ll discuss ways to overcome these challenges. Next, we will explore how to develop and implement a variety of multi-skill instructional options including meaningful grammar activities, dynamic reading relays and jigsaws, interactive writing games, engaging speaking activities, and high-interest listening tasks. By the end of the session, participants will have developed a toolkit for conducting more interactive, learner-centered lessons that motivate students and hold their interest—teachers will be ready to adapt and use these innovative ideas immediately!

08 - Learn Synthetic Division of Polynomials - Part 1

By Math and Science

Quality Math And Science Videos that feature step-by-step example problems!