Dividing 3-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Dividing 3-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Dividing 3-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers.

Multiplying and dividing with integers

By MathPlanetVideos

alculate the following expressions (−4)⋅(−12),−123

Dividing complex numbers

By Khan Academy

Sal divides (6+3i) by (7-5i).

Multiplying and dividing with significant figures | Decimals | Pre-Algebra | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video takes us through some real world examples of when we should use significant figures when multiplying and dividing. An important note: never consider significant figures until you have reached your FINAL ANSWER. Otherwise, rounding too early will produce more uncertainty about your solution.

One-step equations with multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Let's get a conceptual understanding of why one needs to divide both sides of an equation to solve for a variable.

One-step equations with multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Let's ease into this, shall we? Here's an introduction to basic algebraic equations of the form ax=b. Remember that you can check to see if you have the right answer by substituting it for the variable!

One-step equations with multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Remember that what you do to one side, you have to do to the other. Will you multiply or divide both sides to dump the fraction, x/a? Let's do it together.

One-step equations with multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

This equation can be simplified through a single step to solve for the variable. Can you help?

Understanding fractions as division

By Khan Academy

Understand 3/2 on the number line by thinking about it as a mixed number.

Understanding fractions as division

By Khan Academy

Understand the relationship between fractions, division, and mixed numbers.

Understanding fractions as division

By Khan Academy

Learn how 3 ������������ 2 is the same as 3 ��������������������� 1/2, which is the same as 3/2.

Dividing / Division of Integers

By PatrickJMT

This video reviews the rule of signs. It then solves several multiplication and division problems using positive and negative integers.

Expressing division in multiple ways

By Khan,Academy

This word problem is solved by showing 4 different ways to divide 18 by 2.

Meaning of Division

By MathwithMrAlmeida

In this video, Mr. Almeida explains the meaning of division as an "unknown factor problem." This illustrates 3.OA.6 in the grade 3 Common Core Standards for Mathematics.

Video for Lesson 11: Basic Division

By mathwithlarry

This is a video for basic division. Division is nothing more than repeated subtraction and multiplication is repeated addition. Examples are solved and explained on a piece of paper. He explains that division is the opposite of multiplication in his example.

Introduction to long division

By Khan Academy

Dividing into larger numbers. Introduction to long division without remainders

Total seats in a theater | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.

Marbles for friends | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step estimation word problem.

Running distance in a week | Multiplication and division

By Khan Academy

Solve a two-step word problem by drawing a picture and creating an equation.