Angle Tangle Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to Angle Tangle. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to Angle Tangle.

Similar triangles 1

By Khan Academy

Sal reviews all the different ways we can determine that two triangles are similar. This is similar to the congruence criteria, only for similarity!

Solving problems with similar and congruent triangles

By Khan Academy

Sal uses the similarity of triangles and the congruence of others in this multi-step problem to find the area of a polygon.

Special right triangles

By Khan Academy

Showing the ratios of the sides of a 45-45-90 triangle are 1:1:sqrt(2)

Special right triangles

By Khan Academy

A few more 45-45-90 examples and an introduction to 30-60-90 triangles.

Special right triangles

By Khan Academy

Using what we know about 30-60-90 triangles to solve what at first seems to be a challenging problem

Special right triangles

By Khan Academy

Introduction to 45-45-90 Triangles

Solving similar triangles 1

By Khan Academy

Sal solves two problems where a missing side length is found by proving that triangles are similar and using this to find the measure.

Non-right triangle proofs

By Khan Academy

Sal gives a simple proof of the Law of sines.

Non-right triangle proofs

By Khan Academy

Sal gives a simple proof of the Law of cosines.

Recognizing angles

By Khan Academy

Let's do a few example exercises in which you recognize and identify the type of given angle. This is a lot of fun!

Equation practice with congruent angles

By Khan Academy

Parallel lines, transversal lines, corresponding angles

Equation practice with congruent angles

By Khan Academy

Equation practice with congruent angles

Equation practice with congruent angles

By Khan Academy

Equation practice with congruent angles

Line and angle proofs

By Khan Academy

Line and angle proofs

Line and angle proofs

By Khan Academy

Line and angle proofs

Reason about the triangle congruence postulates

By Khan Academy

There are some cases when SSA can imply triangle congruence, but not always. This is why it's not like the other triangle congruence postulates/criteria.

Reason about the triangle congruence postulates

By Khan Academy

Sal introduces and justifies the SSS, SAS, ASA and AAS postulates for congruent triangles. He also shows that AAA is only good for similarity. For SSA, better to watch next video.

Reason about the triangle congruence postulates

By Khan Academy

Sal explains what it means for triangles to be congruent and what is a postulate/axiom. He also presents the SSS congruence postulate/criterion and its justification.

Measuring angles using a protractor | Angles and intersecting lines | Geometry | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

Let's use our virtual protractor to measure some angles together, shall we?

Quadrilateral angles

By Khan Academy

Sal proves that opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.