More Triangles Videos - Free Educational Videos for Students in K - 12


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This page provides a list of educational videos related to More Triangles. You can also use this page to find sample questions, apps, worksheets, lessons , infographics and presentations related to More Triangles.

More about triangles

By MathPlanetVideos

Find the measure of the angles ∠EBFand∠FCB

Basic trigonometry II | Basic trigonometry | Trigonometry | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video will show you a lot more examples so you can get more comfortable applying the ratios. Remember that this ONLY works for right triangles!

Basic trigonometry II | Basic trigonometry | Trigonometry | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video will show you a lot more examples so you can get more comfortable applying the ratios. Remember that this ONLY works for right triangles!

Special right triangles

By Khan Academy

A few more 45-45-90 examples and an introduction to 30-60-90 triangles.

30-60-90 Triangles II

By Khan Academy

More examples using 30-60-90 triangles.. All Khan Academy content is available for free at


By Mathceratops

This video offers more information on how to determine the scale factor that caused a small triangle to become a big one, and how to take a scale factor and do a dilation of a triangle with it

Learn Equilateral, Scalene & Isosceles Triangles and Acute, Obtuse & Right Triangles - [15]

By Math and Science

Quality Math And Science Videos that feature step-by-step example problems!

Dangling Prepositions

By WarnerJordanEducation

This video begins with a review of the "rhetorical triangle" in which audience, purpose, and formality guides a writer's choice of language. Then, it introduces dangling prepositions that more properly belong in informal, not formal speech and writing.

Triangle Similarity - AA SSS SAS & AAA Postulates, Proving Similar Triangles, Two Column Proofs

By The Organic Chemistry Tutor

This geometry video tutorial provides a basic introduction into triangle similarity. it explains how to use two column proofs in order to prove if two triangles are similar using the mostly the AA postulates. Other triangle similarity postulates mentioned are the AAA, SSS, and SAS postulates. Theorems used in this video include the base angle theorem, theorems associated with parallel lines, alternate interior angle theorem, vertical angles, reflexive property, definition of an altitude, right angle congruence, and more. This geometry video contains plenty of examples and practice problems on triangle similarity.

Pythagorean theorem 2 | Right triangles and trigonometry | Geometry | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

In this video, Sal Khan continues discussing the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the third side of the triangle Mr. Khan uses computer software for demonstration. The screen is a little 'busy' so the viewer may want to open the screen to 'full screen' to see all more clearly.

Interactive Read Aloud (video style format for all learners) The Greedy Triangle - YouTube

By Mathster Vakkas

Interactive Read Aloud (video style format for all learners) The Greedy Triangle - YouTube

Equation of a Line With an Undefined Slope

By Stephen Day

Understand the relationship between dividing by 0 and undefined slopes.