Free Educational Videos for Students in K-12

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Using Trig Functions Part II

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series from Khan Academy on Trigonometry includes Radians and Degrees, Using Trigonometric Functions, The Unit Circle definition of trigonometric function, Graph of the Sine Function, graphs of Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Identities, Law of Cosines, Law of Sines, Polar Coordinates and Trigonometric Word Problems..

Navigation Word Problem (Trigonometry)

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series from Khan Academy on Trigonometry includes Radians and Degrees, Using Trigonometric Functions, The Unit Circle definition of trigonometric function, Graph of the Sine Function, graphs of Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Identities, Law of Cosines, Law of Sines, Polar Coordinates and Trigonometric Word Problems...

Causative Verbs in English

By Espresso English

This video presents causative verbs as verbs that cause something else to happen. Several examples are given to show how to use the causative verbs let, make, have, get, and help correctly

Making Requests and Offers

By Smrt English

Craig presents making requests and offers using modal verbs.

The Past Passive

By Smrt English

Leanne explains how English speakers use the passive voice in the past simple, the past continuous, and the past perfect tenses.

Have To (Part 1)

By Smrt English

Mark explains how to create sentences using "have/had to".

Passive with Modals

By Smrt English

Mark explains how to make passive sentences with modal verbs.

How Long (Part 1)

By Smrt English

Mark explains how to use the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous tenses to describe duration

"Like" as a Preposition (Part 1)

By Smrt English

This video shows how to use the word "like" as a preposition using the format "What (be) like?" The instructor explains how this question is different from "How . . .?"

Comparative Adjectives (Part 2)

By Smrt English

Mark shows how to make comparative adjectives using the preposition "than", emphasis words "way/much/far", and comparison word "as".