Free Educational Videos for Students in K-12

Best educational videos to complement children’s learning. Instructional and ‘how to’ videos that explain concepts and help build essential skills. Find thousands of Khan academy videos, Lumos Learning videos along with many other interesting resources from top publishers. Recommend helpful videos to colleagues, friends, or students. Share feedback and submit reviews.

Staying on Topic when Writing

By TheSeahorseProject

Staying on Topic when Writing

WRITING STYLE 6: Choosing Verbs

By demarcations

This video reviews the purpose and affect of strong active verbs in writing. Also, it gives examples of overused, nominalized, or weak verbs to avoid in academic writing. The instructor gives several examples of changing weak verb construction into active verbs.

Style and Voice in Writing

By OnDemandInstruction

This video explains the elements of voice found in writing. It presents examples of strong voice and provides a checklist for the development of a writer's voice.

Common Core Writing Standard 4: Producing Clear and Coherent Writing - YouTube

By Smrt English

This video gives some basics for producing clear, organized writing using the appropriate style.

What is a Graphic Organizer

By OnDemandInstruction

This instructional video presents what is a graphic organizer. A graphic organizer is a study tool that is used to organize information. It is used on the writing process to organize information collected in a brainstorm. It is also used to help students stay organized during challenging tasks.

Author`s Purpose with Grog & Sheep

By Toby Price

Grog and Sheep explain why knowing the author's purpose is important.

Adverb! Learn how to diagram this part of speech


This video demonstrates how to diagram a sentence using adverbs.

Word Attack! Using Context Clues to Become a Word Ninja

By Elaine Vazquez

Learn to use pronunciation strategies, context clues, prefixes, suffixes, and roots to empower your reading of complex multi-syllabic words.

eSpark Learning: Analyzing Textual Details Framing Video (6.RI Quest 3)

By eSparkLearningVideos

This eSpark video outlines a new learning quest that will help students master Common Core State Standard 6.RI: Analyze how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced and developed in a text.

eSpark Learning: Developing Key Events Instructional Video (6.RI.3)

By eSparkLearningVideos

This video shows how events are introduced and developed throughout a sample text about the history of the Oregon Trail. It reviews the order of events and key details that help readers understand the history. After reading aloud the text, the instructor uses a graphic organizer to analyze it.