What's Matter? - Crash Course Kids #3.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

What's Matter? - Crash Course Kids #3.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

What's Matter? - Crash Course Kids #3.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Hey , what's matter ? No , no , not
00:12 What's the matter ? Obviously , since you're here with
00:15 me , you're pretty awesome at the moment , You
00:17 might have heard that everything is made of matter and
00:19 that's true . You soccer balls , ipads , even
00:22 your pet fluffy , all made of matter . So
00:25 that's interesting . But what is matter exactly ? The
00:33 scientific answer is matter is anything that has weight and
00:37 takes up space . You already know about weight ,
00:39 right ? That's just how heavy something is . Like
00:42 if you ever been to a doctor's office , the
00:43 first thing they do is have you stand on the
00:45 scale so they can measure how much you weigh as
00:47 for taking up space . Another way of thinking about
00:50 it is that all matter has volume . It simply
00:53 fills the area it's in when you pour water into
00:56 a glass . For example , the water's volume is
00:58 the amount of space that it takes up in the
01:00 glass . So all matter has volume and weight ,
01:03 but it sure doesn't all look the same . Well
01:06 , that's because Matter comes in different forms or states
01:09 , liquids are a state of matter that I'm sure
01:11 you're familiar with . If you've ever poured yourself a
01:13 drink while trying to watch tv , you might have
01:15 noticed that liquids take up space because once the space
01:18 inside your glasses full got right on the carpet .
01:23 Sorry mom . You also know that water has weight
01:25 . If you carry a water bottle as you drink
01:27 from it , it gets lighter because you're removing water
01:30 from it . Solids are matter too . Of course
01:32 . Probably the most obvious kind rocks are solid and
01:35 so is ice , which is just solid water .
01:37 Soccer balls are solid ipads , your pet fluffy and
01:41 every single guy in one direction and just like rocks
01:44 , all those things have weight and take up space
01:46 . Now . You know what's weird sometimes Matter can
01:49 be seen or felt , but it's there like the
01:52 air we breathe . Air is an example of gas
01:55 , the third main state of matter . And I
01:57 probably know what you're thinking . How do we know
02:00 air or any gas really is there ? If we
02:03 can't see it ? Well , we can prove it
02:05 by doing an experiment science . Mm hmm . Let's
02:12 start by asking the question is air matter because if
02:16 it is it should take up space and have weight
02:18 right to see if air takes up space . Look
02:21 at . I can easily drop an empty balloon into
02:23 this little box , but a full one won't fit
02:26 . That's because the air that fills the space inside
02:29 the balloon is bigger than the space inside the box
02:32 . Now , does there have wait , let's try
02:34 something else . Take two empty balloons and tape them
02:37 to the ends of a meter stick . Then we'll
02:39 hang the meter stick on a string so that it's
02:41 perfectly balanced . Now let's see what happens if we
02:43 blow up just one of the balloons and put it
02:45 back on our meter stick , check it out the
02:48 end with the full balloon sinks . It weighs more
02:50 than the empty balloon because the air gives it extra
02:53 weight . The balloon full of air will always weigh
03:00 more than the empty one because there's matter in matter
03:04 has weight and takes up space , whether it's a
03:06 liquid , a solid or a gas . So listen
03:09 , the next time someone tells you that something doesn't
03:11 matter , you can tell them to their face that
03:15 technically everything is matter and tell him , Sabrina said
03:18 so .



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