Vegetation Transformation: Crash Course Kids #5.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Vegetation Transformation: Crash Course Kids #5.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Vegetation Transformation: Crash Course Kids #5.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Have you ever seen someone do a presto change o
00:11 trick ? Some of the living things that you see
00:13 every day also do a pretty impressive changing act .
00:16 No props require you probably already know that all living
00:19 things need energy to grow and to survive . And
00:22 that plants are one of the few kinds of living
00:25 things that can change light energy into chemical energy in
00:28 the form of sugar . But if it's not magic
00:31 then how do they do it ? How do plants
00:33 change light energy into chemical energy ? The the answer
00:41 . A word that kind of sounds like a magic
00:43 spell . Photosynthesis . Let's take a closer look at
00:47 a plant to track down exactly what photosynthesis is all
00:50 about . While we're exploring , we'll use a diagram
00:53 to show what's going on inside . Ever wonder why
00:55 plants are green . Their cells contain a green colored
00:58 chemical called chlorophyll . The chlorophyll is found in special
01:02 mini containers called chloroplasts . When the sun shines on
01:05 a plants leaf , the green chlorophyll inside the cell
01:08 grabs that light energy and uses it to change water
01:11 and a gas called carbon dioxide into sugar . Another
01:13 gas oxygen is released back into the air . So
01:16 stop . Take a deep breath and thank of plants
01:19 . Why ? Because most of the oxygen in the
01:21 air around you right now . Is there because of
01:24 photosynthesis ? And this is really convenient because you ,
01:27 me and all other animals on earth count on that
01:31 oxygen to breathe . Plus bonus since animals can't do
01:35 photosynthesis , they can get energy by eating the plants
01:38 and all of the delicious sugar they made during photosynthesis
01:42 . It's a two for one . So how do
01:44 we know that light is what's so important for photosynthesis
01:47 ? Well , we can tell by doing an experiment
01:49 using two plants as a model , mm hmm .
01:55 These are both the same type of plant with the
01:57 same amount of soil . We'll put one plant in
01:59 the dark for a few days and one in the
02:01 light , making sure that both plants get the same
02:04 amount of water and are kept at the same temperature
02:06 just to keep things fair now , what do you
02:08 think will happen ? Right . The one that's been
02:11 in the dark sure doesn't look too healthy . That's
02:13 because there wasn't any sun light to drive photosynthesis without
02:17 photosynthesis . The plant can't make any sugar . No
02:20 sugar means no energy and no energy means a droopy
02:24 tired looking plant . So photosynthesis is how plants use
02:31 a chemical called chlorophyll to capture the sun's energy .
02:35 They use this energy to change carbon dioxide and water
02:38 to chemical energy in the form of sugar . This
02:41 sugar , along with the oxygen that's released , is
02:44 used by animals to survive . And that's a change
02:47 . We can all live with



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