Why No Polar Pineapples: Crash Course Kids #11.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Why No Polar Pineapples: Crash Course Kids #11.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Why No Polar Pineapples: Crash Course Kids #11.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 plants are awesome . They're usually quite pretty . The
00:12 bigger ones provide shade in the summer . Many of
00:14 them have flowers and some of them are downright tasty
00:17 . They even do something that most other living things
00:19 on earth can't do . Plants take the energy from
00:22 the sun and change it into chemical energy through photosynthesis
00:26 . This is the energy that they use to grow
00:28 . I'm sure you already realize that certain plants ,
00:30 like pineapples only grow in certain places , specifically places
00:34 that are tropical , warm , sunny and a really
00:37 nice place to take a vacation . But you don't
00:39 naturally find pineapples in the same places as you do
00:41 penguins . But why is that ? Why do some
00:44 plants grow in certain areas of the earth and not
00:47 others ? Like so many things , the answer has
00:54 to do with the sun . The Earth orbits the
00:56 sun every 365 days . It takes this trip tilted
01:00 on an invisible line called its axis . This tilt
01:03 means that the sun's light doesn't hit the Earth evenly
01:06 . You know this from when we talked about the
01:07 seasons and why they happen . But seasons aren't the
01:10 only thing caused by Earth's tilt . Some parts of
01:12 the earth specifically near the equator , get a lot
01:15 of direct sunlight or sunlight that being straight down instead
01:18 of an angle , direct sunlight is pretty intense and
01:21 hot . So the areas around the equator are warm
01:23 all the time . Now . The opposite is true
01:26 . For the polls , they get a lot more
01:28 indirect sunlight or sunlight that strikes the earth at a
01:31 shallow angle All year . Long and angled race are
01:34 a lot weaker so they're less warm . And this
01:36 explains why there are no pineapples at the south pole
01:39 . How , mm Let's say you go to bean
01:45 seeds in the same conditions in the same room ,
01:48 same amount of soil , same amount of water daily
01:50 , even the same kind of pot . Then let's
01:52 say you put one in direct sunlight like on a
01:54 window sill and the other across the room on the
01:56 table . And then you wait after about three weeks
01:59 , if you compare the plant grown in direct sunlight
02:01 with the one grown in indirect sunlight , you'd see
02:03 that the one grown in direct sunlight is a lot
02:05 bigger . Not to mention happier and healthier if greenness
02:08 is any indication and why shouldn't it be it's had
02:10 more sunlight to change its energy through photosynthesis . And
02:13 that energy means more growth . And if you compare
02:16 the temperature on the window sill to the temperature on
02:18 the table , you'd see that the plant by the
02:20 window was growing in warmer temperatures to since the equator
02:23 gets direct sunlight all year long , it has warm
02:26 temperatures all year long . So picky plants like pineapples
02:29 which take a long time and a lot of energy
02:31 to produce that yummy fruit are able to grow their
02:33 , but pineapples at the polls , nope , there's
02:36 just not enough energy from the sunlight there to give
02:38 the plant what it needs to survive . Yeah ,
02:44 so the Earth's tilt on its axis means the areas
02:47 around the equator get direct sunlight all year long .
02:50 This means warm temperatures throughout the year and the areas
02:53 near the Earth's poles get in direct sunlight all year
02:56 long , which means colder temperatures throughout the year .
02:59 Since plants need sunlight for photosynthesis areas that get a
03:02 lot of direct sunlight , like around the equator are
03:04 home to lots of plants , especially the ones that
03:07 take a long time to grow . And that's why
03:09 there are no pineapples at the pole . So all
03:11 I'm saying is if you happen to be traveling to
03:13 the north or south pole sometime soon and you really
03:16 really like pineapple , you should just plan on packing
03:19 some with , you don't say I didn't warn you



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