Landforms, Hey!: Crash Course Kids #17.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Landforms, Hey!: Crash Course Kids #17.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Landforms, Hey!: Crash Course Kids #17.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 look outside your window for a sick and you'll probably
00:11 see some buildings and streets , maybe telephone poles ,
00:14 hopefully some trees in there . To a lot of
00:16 the world that we live in has been shaped by
00:17 people and hey , no complaints because I'm plenty comfortable
00:20 right here , but people aren't the only ones moving
00:23 things around and shaping our world . Wind , rain
00:25 and other elements do it all the time , Making
00:27 shapes out of the earth we call landforms . So
00:29 what are some kinds of landforms and how are they
00:32 made first ? Remember that the earth is made of
00:38 several spheres , including the hydro sphere , biosphere atmosphere
00:42 and geo sphere . The solid part of the earth
00:44 or geo sphere may look pretty stable , but it's
00:47 always changing . Weathering and erosion by wind and water
00:50 are constantly reshaping what our planet's surface looks like .
00:53 And even if it takes so long that we don't
00:55 usually notice it , it's happening . Let's check out
00:57 our map to explore what kinds of landforms there are
00:59 around the world . Well , mm hmm . Mountains
01:05 are probably some of the most well known landforms ,
01:07 basically . They're just really big hills with steep sides
01:10 that stretch way above the surface of the earth .
01:12 Many mountains are formed when large plates or pieces of
01:15 the earth's surface collide and are forced upwards , the
01:18 low spaces in between . We call those valleys .
01:20 But if mountains don't pique your interest , how about
01:23 plateaus ? Plateaus are also tall landforms , but unlike
01:27 mountains which tend to have the pointy tops , we
01:28 know as peaks , Plateaus have flat tops . Plateaus
01:31 come in lots of sizes . If they're medium sized
01:34 . For example , they're called mesa's , which is
01:36 the spanish word for table . Which is highly appropriate
01:38 since plateaus kind of look flat and long like tables
01:41 and if they're smallish , they're called beauts , no
01:43 matter what they're called or what size they are .
01:45 Plateaus can form in lots of different ways . Sometimes
01:48 they're caused by the erosion or wearing away of mountains
01:51 like by water or really big pieces of ice .
01:53 Other plateaus are made by magma , which is really
01:55 hot , melted liquid earth below the surface when magma
01:58 swells up below the surface but can't break through ,
02:00 it can push up a flat chunk of land ,
02:02 leaving that table like formation behind . And speaking of
02:05 magma , let's go to the pacific ocean on our
02:06 map . For a good look at the most explosive
02:08 landforms volcanoes . These landforms are found where the surface
02:11 of the earth is relatively thin when magma breaks through
02:14 the surface or erupts that hot liquid rock gets a
02:17 new name lava and a new volcano is born hot
02:20 stuff coming through hot is definitely a good term to
02:24 describe another kind of landforms . Desserts , Desserts are
02:27 landforms that lose more water to air than they get
02:29 through rain , snow or other kinds of moisture .
02:31 The world's largest desert is the Sahara . In northern
02:33 Africa . Or daytime temperatures can climb to a sweltering
02:36 55°C just a wee bit out of my personal comfort
02:40 zone . But then again , sore the cold temperatures
02:42 in Antarctica , which is actually considered to be a
02:44 desert to penguins in the desert , Who knew it
02:47 right time to set sail for two more kinds of
02:49 landforms , islands and deltas . You'll find deltas at
02:52 the mouth or end of rivers where they meet the
02:54 ocean . Deltas are formed when dirt and other debris
02:56 that are washed down the river accumulate or build up
02:59 to form a piece of land islands , on the
03:01 other hand , can form any number of ways they
03:03 might come from the cooled lava , underwater volcanoes or
03:06 from a whole lot of dirt's and in pieces of
03:08 coral building up due to ocean currents . Islands can
03:10 even form by breaking off from a larger piece of
03:13 land so they can form in lots of ways .
03:15 But as long as it's surrounded on all sides by
03:17 water , it's an island in our travels . Today
03:23 , we took a look at lots of different kinds
03:24 of landforms , which are natural features of the earth's
03:27 surface . Landforms can stretch high above the earth's surface
03:30 like mountains , plateaus or mesa's be created in or
03:33 by water like deltas and islands , or even be
03:35 dry like desert . So remember these things the next
03:38 time you step outside underneath and beyond and all around
03:41 the things that people have made their are landforms millions
03:44 of years in the making .



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