Severe Weather: Crash Course Kids #28.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Severe Weather: Crash Course Kids #28.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Severe Weather: Crash Course Kids #28.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Hi guys , welcome back today . We're going to
00:12 talk about Sorry about that today we're going to talk
00:17 about are you finished thunder ? Mhm . Thank you
00:23 . Thunder is pretty excited because today's episode is all
00:26 about it . Well , to be more specific .
00:28 Today's episode is all about severe weather . But before
00:31 things get all snowy , windy and rainy in here
00:34 , let's bundle up and ask ourselves the big question
00:37 . What exactly is severe weather and how is it
00:40 different from regular weather ? We know that weather is
00:47 a condition of the air or atmosphere on our planet
00:49 , severe weather is the same thing . Only more
00:52 extreme extreme . But what does that mean ? How
00:56 do you know when weather is severe or extreme and
00:58 when it isn't ? Well severe weather is any dangerous
01:01 act of nature that puts people , animals or buildings
01:04 at risk ? Some light rain probably wouldn't count as
01:07 severe weather , but a thunderstorm with heavy rain and
01:09 lightning would tornadoes , blizzards , hurricanes , floods and
01:13 droughts are other forms of severe weather that can be
01:15 dangerous to humans . But the more you know about
01:18 these weather events , the less scary they see .
01:20 Let's start with tornadoes . A tornado is a fast
01:23 spinning column of air that stretches all the way from
01:25 a thunderstorm cloud down to the earth's surface with wind
01:28 speeds of up to over 300 kilometers an hour ,
01:31 tornadoes have the power to pick up and destroy everything
01:34 in their path while not quite as windy as a
01:36 tornado blizzards are storms with blowing or falling snow ,
01:39 high winds of their own and cold temperatures , Hurricanes
01:42 or typhoons are storms with high winds and heavy rain
01:46 that start over warm ocean waters and bring lots of
01:48 water with them . Speaking of lots of water ,
01:50 let's talk flooding , floods happen when too much rain
01:54 forces streams , rivers and lakes to overflow , sending
01:57 lots and lots of water where it doesn't belong like
02:00 your back yard . A drought is sort of the
02:02 opposite . I think a lot less water or no
02:06 water at all , droughts happen when an area doesn't
02:08 receive enough rainfall , drying up rivers and lakes ,
02:11 killing trees and ruining crops . All of those forms
02:14 of severe weather have a big impact on the biosphere
02:17 and the Geo sphere . How ? So let's find
02:20 out . I'll conjure up some different types of severe
02:23 weather to see exactly how shakeups in the atmosphere can
02:26 impact the biosphere and the geo sphere mm severe weather
02:33 can be dangerous for people obviously , but beyond affecting
02:36 humans in the biosphere , severe weather can also affect
02:39 plants and animals to take a drought after very long
02:42 spells without enough rain . This nice mountain pond will
02:45 become smaller and maybe even dry up entirely . That
02:48 means less habitat for the animals that live in the
02:50 water , like ducks and beavers . But it also
02:53 means less plant life around because plants need water to
02:56 and fewer plants means less food for animals like deer
02:58 and elk that feast on them . But what about
03:01 the opposite problem ? What about too much water in
03:04 the form of heavy rain ? Really strong thunderstorms can
03:06 sometimes bring lightning and high winds that can damage trees
03:10 , maybe breaking off some of their limbs , Uprooting
03:12 them or even setting them on fire . This is
03:14 bad news not only for the tree , but also
03:17 for everything that lives in it . And finally ,
03:19 even the ground , as solid as it might seem
03:21 , can be reshaped by severe weather . Strong recurring
03:24 floodwaters act like powerful rivers and can actually wear down
03:28 rocky formations like mountains over time . And sometimes big
03:31 flows of rain water can cause a slope or hillside
03:34 to collapse . In an event called a mudslide ,
03:37 the atmosphere interacts strongly with the other spheres of the
03:40 environment , particularly when it's cooking up severe weather .
03:43 It can even move things in the biosphere and reshape
03:47 the geo sphere . So now , you know how
03:53 to tell if weather is severe or not ? Ask
03:55 yourself , Does it put life or property at risk
03:58 ? Does it have a major impact on the biosphere
04:00 and the geo sphere ? If the answer is yes
04:03 , you're not dealing with normal weather patterns . Severe
04:06 weather might be less common , but it has a
04:08 much bigger impact on the world around you . Anything
04:10 to add thunder ? I guess that means we're done
00:0-1 .



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