Substitution Reactions - SN1 and SN2 Mechanisms: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #21 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Substitution Reactions - SN1 and SN2 Mechanisms: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #21 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Substitution Reactions - SN1 and SN2 Mechanisms: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #21 - By Math and Science

00:0-1 You can review content from Crash course Organic Chemistry with
00:02 the Crash course app available now for android and IOS
00:05 devices . Hi I'm Debbie Chakravarty and welcome to Crash
00:09 Course Organic Chemistry and to my home where we are
00:13 filming now because of the pandemic . When your fancy
00:16 clothes say dry clean only . Maybe you just never
00:20 wash them when I was little I thought dry cleaners
00:23 dusted laundry detergent on clothes and then just ran them
00:26 through a machine to get rid of the powder .
00:28 Dry cleaning isn't actually dry though , it's just using
00:32 a liquid other than water to wash it away .
00:35 The most common liquid is tetrachloride ethylene also called perchloroethylene
00:39 or Perk for short . But dry cleaning like everything
00:43 comes with accidents . And unlike a water spillage a
00:45 perks village can be harmful to the environment . We
00:48 don't have a great way to clean up for chemical
00:50 spillage is right now . So we may need to
00:52 get creative industrial plants use some species of soil bacteria
00:56 to clean up waste products like one to die plural
00:59 ethane . These bacteria have an enzyme that removes the
01:02 halogen through S . And two reactions , replacing them
01:05 with more palatable alcohols . So the waste chemicals can
01:08 be eaten by bacteria , processed and even reused in
01:11 things like plastic manufacturing perks double bond makes it unable
01:15 to do in SN two reaction . So it's a
01:17 challenging compound for bioremediation . But maybe someday chemists and
01:21 hungry bacteria could help with this pollution . For now
01:24 let's dive deeper into S . And one S .
01:26 And two reactions to find out how substrate structure and
01:29 other reaction conditions can help us pick a likely mechanism
01:33 . Mhm . Mhm . In episode 20 we learned
01:45 about S . And one in SN . Two pathways
01:47 for substitution reactions . Being able to figure out which
01:50 one takes place will let us predict the correct reaction
01:53 products . Remember SN one has a carbo cat eye
01:55 on intermediate and result in a mixture of stereo is
01:58 a merciful Cairo center is reacting . The S .
02:01 N . Two mechanism is a concerted process and gives
02:03 inverted stereo chemistry at a reacting Cairo center . There
02:07 are three key players in our substitution reaction dance or
02:10 married around or whatever visual you like . An sp
02:13 three hybridized carbon substrate , a leaving group that can
02:16 accept electrons as it departs from the molecule and a
02:19 nuclear file . Something with the lone pair or pi
02:22 bond , recognizing . Good leaving groups can help us
02:24 determine if a substitution reaction can take place . For
02:27 example , weak bases with strong conjugate acids are good
02:31 leaving groups , weak bases are happy to float around
02:33 by themselves in solution as an ions . Most salads
02:37 fall into this category because the P . K .
02:39 Is for hcl H . I and hbR are big
02:42 negative numbers . Other good leaving groups are Sultanate's compounds
02:46 that come from acids with negative P . K .
02:48 A values . They're big molecules , their electrons are
02:51 spread out and stabilized by multiple resonance structures and they
02:54 have special non aipac names like to oscillate missile it
02:57 and Tripoli . If the group we want to leave
02:59 , doesn't want to let go of the carbon chain
03:01 substitution does not happen . We call these poor leaving
03:05 groups . Poor leaving groups tend to be strong bases
03:08 which are less stable than weak bases out on their
03:10 own in solution , examples of poor leaving groups include
03:13 hydroxide and H two minus ch three minus anhydride ,
03:17 all with weak conjugate acids that have PKS above 12
03:21 . However , sometimes we can turn a poor leaving
03:23 group into a good one and entice it to leave
03:26 by protein eating . It sort of like offering your
03:28 friend candy to give you their spot on the S
03:30 . N . One married around . So like I
03:32 just said , hydroxide is a poor leaving group .
03:34 But if we had a proton to it , the
03:36 leaving group changes to water , which is happy to
03:38 swim away in solution . Leave behind a carbo cat
03:41 eye on and get substituted by a nuclear filic bromide
03:44 . We need a good leaving group for both SN
03:46 one and sN two to happen . But in organic
03:49 chemistry will often be asked to choose which mechanism is
03:52 more likely for a given substitution reaction . So let's
03:55 look at three key factors that can help us decide
03:58 whether to do S . N . One or S
04:00 . N . To the first . And most important
04:02 factor is the structure of the substrate substrates with leaving
04:05 groups on primary carbons . Use SN two substrates with
04:09 leaving groups on secondary carbons can use SN one or
04:12 S . N two , and substrates with leaving groups
04:14 on tertiary carbons use exclusively SN one . These guidelines
04:18 will work for most molecules you'll come across in organic
04:20 chemistry but there are important exceptions for one . This
04:24 neo pencil primary substrate won't do an sN two mechanism
04:27 very smoothly are leaving group is one carbon away from
04:30 hysterically hindered tertiary carbon . So backside attack is really
04:34 tough and the reaction is too slow to be practical
04:36 . We also have substrates like perk claro eh thin
04:39 or chloral benzine where the leaving group is directly attached
04:42 to a double bond substitution by S and one or
04:45 S . N two doesn't happen at all . The
04:47 sp two geometry is all wrong for S and two
04:49 backside attack in sN one is pretty unfavorable to because
04:53 the vinyl or fennel carbo kati means that would have
04:55 to form our high energy . And then we have
04:57 substrates with ALEc and Ben's like leaving groups , a
05:00 leaving group that's one sp three carbon atom away from
05:02 a double bond . They use both SN one and
05:05 S and two reaction mechanisms . Looking at one of
05:08 these compounds , we might say , oh there's a
05:10 leaving group on a primary carbon , so it's got
05:12 to be an sn two mechanism . But depending on
05:14 reaction conditions , like if there's an excellent leaving group
05:17 , a carbo Catalan can form because its resonance stabilized
05:21 , That's the first step of an sN one mechanism
05:23 . This resonance stabilization of an intermediate cast iron is
05:26 what makes a lilic and Ben's Ilic substrates special .
05:29 It also makes things even more complicated for a lilic
05:31 substrates . If a reaction proceeds by an S .
05:34 N . One mechanism , the two resonance forms of
05:36 the carbon kata and intermediate can lead to a mixture
05:39 of constitutionalism . MERS as products . On the other
05:41 hand , Ben's Ilic substrates only give one substitution product
05:45 because they don't react on the benzene ring after the
05:47 structure of the substrate . The second key to picking
05:50 a path is the role of the nuclear file .
05:52 The nuclear file in an S . And two reaction
05:54 is an active participant in the rate determining step in
05:58 our marriage . Around analogy , they were the playground
06:00 bully who push someone off rather than waiting for them
06:02 to leave . Nuclear Felicity is a term to describe
06:05 just how pushy the nuclear files behavior is . Adam
06:08 size plays a key role in nuclear file strength .
06:10 The more polarized , able to adam , the easier
06:13 it is to get those electrons to attack and make
06:15 a new bond . So nuclear Felicity increases moving down
06:18 a group on the periodic table halogen , which we
06:21 talked about as good leaving groups are also good nuclear
06:24 files and really strong nuclear files are often charged ,
06:27 so violates hydroxide and Alcock sides are all examples of
06:31 strong bullies or nuclear files that use SN . Two
06:34 mechanisms , however , compounds like methanol , acetic acid
06:38 , water and other alcohols are relatively weak nuclear files
06:42 . Even with lone pairs on an oxygen atom ,
06:44 these molecules are uncharged and are less nuclear filic than
06:47 their deep resonated cousins . They patiently wait to hop
06:50 on the merry go round and are more likely to
06:52 promote an sN one reaction and chunky sulfates , which
06:56 are good leaving groups are very poor nuclear files .
06:59 Their electrons are tied up in resonance not available to
07:01 attack and make new bonds to a substrate . Our
07:04 third and final key to help us decide between an
07:06 S . N . One and S and two mechanism
07:09 is the solvent solvents are usually liquids that are able
07:11 to dissolve . Other things like how perk dissolves clothing
07:14 , grime in dry cleaning and water dissolves table salt
07:17 . There are two classes of solvents we need to
07:19 consider in substitution reactions . Polar product and polar a
07:23 product . Polar protic solvents like water and ethanol both
07:27 have a proton on an electro negative atom . This
07:29 type of polar bond with a proton lets them hydrogen
07:32 bond to both cat ions and and ions . This
07:35 is good for SN One mechanisms because the rate determining
07:38 step is the substrate breaking up into ions . So
07:42 polar products solvents favor the SN . One mechanism on
07:45 the other hand , in an SN two reaction ,
07:47 we need the nuclear file to be really available to
07:50 push out the leaving group in the rate determining step
07:53 . If our nuclear file is tied up by the
07:54 solvent , it loses its pushing power and becomes weaker
07:58 . So a polar A product solvent , which has
08:00 no available hydrogen can't hydrogen bond to our nuclear file
08:04 and an S . And two reaction is favored .
08:06 Polar . A product solvents have atoms like oxygen or
08:09 nitrogen with a partial negative charge and a polar bond
08:12 just not to a hydrogen atom . The polar bonds
08:15 help these solvents dissolve organic compounds . And the ionic
08:18 nuclear files often used in SN two reactions . Some
08:21 examples of polar a product solvent or acetone , dimethyl
08:24 , former meid and dimethyl sulfide oxide or D .
08:27 M . S . So I'm going to be honest
08:28 evaluating these key reaction conditions can feel complicated , but
08:32 here's a trick . We can use weak nuclear files
08:35 are often polar products solvents and favor SN one since
08:38 their product , the reaction is carried out under acidic
08:41 conditions or generates a molecule of acid as a byproduct
08:44 . So when we see acid as a reactant or
08:47 product , think SN one . And on the flip
08:49 side , reactions that take place under neutral or basic
08:52 conditions tend to favor SN two . We can summarize
08:55 all we've learned by adding different types of nuclear files
08:58 to the table . We started an episode 20 like
09:02 I've mentioned over and over again . The best way
09:04 to learn reaction mechanisms and organic chemistry is to practice
09:08 . So let's do some rapid fire problems . We're
09:11 going to put four substitution problems on screen and predict
09:14 the likely mechanism and the products . Then we'll work
09:17 through the answers . So pause right after the question
09:20 . If you want to solve them yourself . Ready
09:22 , here's the first problem . A reaction between a
09:24 . Tosel it and sodium benzene dial it carried out
09:28 in the solvent D . M . F . We
09:29 have a secondary substrate with an excellent leaving group .
09:32 So there's no definitive answer . There are nuclear file
09:36 is the real deciding factor . We have sulfur with
09:39 a negative charge on a large atom . So it's
09:41 a strong nuclear file . A playground bully . This
09:44 reaction is S . N . Two , which gives
09:46 us the inversion of stereo chemistry in our product here
09:49 is the second problem . A reaction between an alcohol
09:52 and hydrochloric acid . First of all , hydroxide is
09:55 a poor leaving group . But remember hcl is a
09:58 strong acid that dissociates into H plus and cl minus
10:02 . So there are protons floating around that can protein
10:04 eight the alcohol and make it an excellent leaving group
10:07 water . We have two keys here , a good
10:09 leaving group and a tertiary substrate that blocks backside attacks
10:13 . We get an SN one reaction . This is
10:16 reinforced by our little trick . There's acid in the
10:18 reaction . So think sN one the products are a
10:21 mixture of the same and inverted stereo chemistry at the
10:24 reacting Cairo carbon . For a third problem , How
10:27 about this ? Iodide reacting with acetic acid ? Let's
10:30 assume acetic acid is also our solvent here . We
10:33 have a secondary substrate , a benzene ring with the
10:36 leaving groups separated from it by one sp three carbon
10:39 . So actually this is a Benz Ilic substrate that
10:41 can make a resonance stabilized secondary carbo cat eye on
10:44 that means it could do SN one or S and
10:47 two . And we have to look at another factor
10:49 to make the final call . Acetic acid is our
10:51 weak nuclear file and our polar products solvent . And
10:54 we clearly have acidic conditions . All science point to
10:57 S . N . One . Finally , our last
11:00 problem , a reaction between a bromide and in a
11:02 civilized and I on our substrate here is a primary
11:05 alcohol bromide , which rules out SN one right away
11:08 because SN one reactions can only happen with secondary or
11:12 tertiary substrates . To double check our nuclear file is
11:15 the strongly basic A satellite and ion and are solvent
11:18 is polar . A product that ticks all the boxes
11:21 for an SN two reaction . That's all we have
11:24 for now . But keep practicing nuclear Felix substitution reactions
11:27 are some of the most common reactions in organic chemistry
11:30 . So we'll see them again and again . In
11:33 this episode we learn that the main determining factor of
11:36 SN one or S . N two mechanism is the
11:38 structure of the substrate , weaker nuclear files . Favorite
11:41 Sn one while stronger nuclear files . Favorite SN two
11:44 polar products , solvents , favorite Sn one while polar
11:47 a product . Sullivan's favorite SM two and acidic conditions
11:51 characterized SN one mechanisms while neutral or basic conditions are
11:55 typical of SN two in the next episode will add
11:58 to our table even more as we learn about elimination
12:00 reactions where groups are lost from the substrate . Until
12:03 then , thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course
12:05 Organic Chemistry . If you want to help keep all
12:08 Crash course free for everybody forever , you can join
12:11 our community on Patreon .


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