Synthesis and Column Chromatography: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #25 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Synthesis and Column Chromatography: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #25 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Synthesis and Column Chromatography: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #25 - By Math and Science

00:0-1 You can review content from Crash course Organic Chemistry with
00:02 the Crash course app available now for android and IOS
00:05 devices . Hi , I'm Debbie Chakravarty and welcome to
00:08 Crash course Organic Chemistry when you get down to it
00:11 all life is kind of similar from plants to fungi
00:14 to humans . We share many of the same biological
00:17 organic reactions that breakdown molecules for energy and build the
00:21 molecules that make you you . But we are different
00:24 from a mushroom oratory . And those differences allow some
00:27 organisms to produce molecules that have wildly different effects in
00:31 other organisms . Sometimes harmful but sometimes beneficial , for
00:35 example will always contain salicylic acid that acts as a
00:38 plant hormone . And as far back as 4000 B
00:41 . C . E . The assyrians used this extract
00:43 to treat joint pain in humans . Natural products like
00:46 salicylic acid can be medicines themselves or they can be
00:49 inspiration for more effective treatments . Like in 18 53
00:52 french chemist Charles Frederic Gerhardt synthesized a similar compound acetyl
00:56 salicylic acid , which we know today as aspirin .
00:59 Gerhard aspirin wasn't pure acetyl salicylic acid though . Which
01:03 brings us to the topic of this episode . When
01:05 we're running reactions in a lab we need to purify
01:08 them to isolate the chemical we're trying to make from
01:10 any other reactant or side products hanging around in the
01:13 mixture . And one method to separate chemicals is chromatography
01:19 . Yeah . Mhm Many reactions produced mixtures sometimes due
01:30 to competing side reactions and sometimes because the starting material
01:34 didn't completely react . For example , let's look at
01:36 a synthesis of the antidepressant medication paroxetine , also called
01:40 Paxil . We're starting with an alcohol and our goal
01:42 is to turn it into an ether . Remember that
01:45 hydroxide is a poor leaving group . So in the
01:47 synthesis we react the alcohol to form um easily .
01:50 Now we have a great leaving group and can use
01:52 the Williamson and verification reaction to make the ether .
01:55 Unfortunately , those reactions aren't super efficient and the ether
01:58 is only 56% of our products . So before we
02:01 move on to the last step to make Paxil will
02:03 need to separate the either we want from the side
02:05 products that we don't . This is where chromatography comes
02:08 in . Chromatography is what we call a group of
02:11 different techniques that let us separate the components of a
02:13 mixture . Usually to quantify or identify them . Chromatography
02:17 always involves two key pieces to help separate different molecules
02:20 in a sample . There's a stationary phase or absorbent
02:23 and a mobile phase or l . You win the
02:25 inventor of chromatography . Russian , italian botanist Mikhail seven
02:29 first use solid calcium carbonate as a stationary phase .
02:32 Two separate a sample of colored plant pigments , that's
02:35 how chromatography got its name . We can do a
02:37 simple kind of paper chromatography using a piece of paper
02:40 as our stationary phase to separate the component pigments .
02:43 In washable marker ring paper is made up of cellulose
02:46 , which is a bunch of sugar molecules strung together
02:49 all of those hydroxyl groups hanging off the sugars have
02:51 disciples , which means this paper is polar and interact
02:54 a lot with molecules that are also polar . We're
02:56 not just tearing off a piece of our notebook here
02:58 , notebook paper is often coated to prevent ink from
03:01 spreading and we need the ink to spread out .
03:03 Now I'll draw a little line on the bottom of
03:05 our chromatography paper in pencil to mark the origin ,
03:08 which is where we put our washable marker ink sample
03:11 . This ink is a mixture made up of several
03:13 different colored compounds that have different polarity . Then we
03:16 can stand the paper up in a solvent chamber here
03:19 . I just have a jar with our solvent or
03:20 mobile phase , a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water
03:24 . We have to make sure the marker ink spot
03:25 is above the solvent or our sample will just diffuse
03:28 into the solution at the bottom of the chamber ,
03:30 giving us a murky solution and no separation on the
03:33 paper . Oops . What we want to happen here
03:36 is for a process called capillary action to move the
03:38 solvent up our chromatography paper . We actually saw capillary
03:42 action way back in episode six when we looked at
03:44 candle wax to polar compounds in the marketing sample ,
03:47 spend a lot of time interacting with the polar stationary
03:50 phase and stick to the cellulose molecules at the bottom
03:53 of the paper . Less polar compounds don't interact as
03:56 much with the paper molecules and move up with the
03:58 mobile phase . More easily . Different colored marker inks
04:00 have different compounds . So let's check out the beautiful
04:03 color separations from some paper . Chromatography like I mentioned
04:06 are solvent chamber was filled with isopropyl alcohol and water
04:09 because that's safe and easy to do in a crash
04:11 course studio . But in organic chemistry labs , Diet
04:14 the ether and hexane is a common chromatography solvent system
04:18 . Also because paper is porous , the colors in
04:20 the paper Chromatography experiment were pretty spread out , which
04:23 isn't that useful for working with organic chemicals . So
04:26 are stationary phase in the lab is usually silica gel
04:29 or alumina , which has the consistency of very fine
04:32 sand and gives a better separation . A thin layer
04:35 of the stationary phase is adhered to a glass ,
04:37 aluminum or plastic back plate . And we call the
04:40 technique thin layer chromatography or TLC for short . Now
04:43 that we've got a new experimental setup , let's look
04:46 at what happens to a sample of an organic compound
04:48 . When we alter the ratios of solvents , we'll
04:50 start with an equal mixture of diet , all ether
04:52 and hexane as our mobile phase , a 1 to
04:54 1 solvent system . We can quantify the movement of
04:57 a spot of organic compounds on the plate by calculating
05:00 its retention factor or R . F . A way
05:02 to describe the eluding power of a solvent system or
05:05 how much the solvent can move a compound up a
05:07 stationary phase during chromatography . To calculate our f ,
05:10 we measure the distance traveled by the spot from the
05:13 origin and divided by the distance from the solvent front
05:15 to the origin , which is how far we let
05:17 the solvent move up on the plate . We have
05:19 to remove the plate from the chamber before the solvent
05:22 reaches the top . Otherwise , a spot tends to
05:24 spread out too much doing the math . In this
05:26 1 to 1 solvent system are spot has a retention
05:28 factor of 0.41 Now , let's try a different ratio
05:31 by increasing the heck saying the non polar solvent in
05:34 our mobile phase for 1 to 5 ratio of either
05:37 to hexane . After doing the chromatography experiment , measuring
05:40 and calculating are f we only get 0.16 So we
05:43 can say that the 1 to 5 solvent system has
05:45 less eluding power than the 1 to 1 solvent system
05:48 . The non polar solvent , hexane is less effective
05:51 at pulling polar organic compounds away from the polar stationary
05:54 phase and moving them up the TLC plate . However
05:57 , if we switch the ratio and increase the ether
05:59 , the polar solvent in our mobile phase , we'll
06:01 get different results with a 5 to 1 ratio of
06:04 either . To heck saying . Well , expect polar
06:06 organic compounds to interact to a greater extent with the
06:08 more polar mobile phase , increasing the eluding power .
06:12 Let's do the math . And what do you know
06:14 in the solvent system ? R R F is 0.70
06:17 in the lab . We're not just calculating R .
06:18 F values of spots of pure organic compounds in different
06:21 solvents . We use chromatography to separate reaction products like
06:25 the either from the side products when making Paxil .
06:27 And that requires us to examine and actually physically separate
06:31 mixtures from a sample . We use TLC to monitor
06:33 our reaction . And using a thin capillary tube ,
06:36 we put a spot of our starting material in lane
06:38 A . On the left we spot our reaction mixture
06:41 which usually contains multiple compounds that we want to separate
06:44 from each other in lane . See on the right
06:46 , in the middle lane B . We spot both
06:48 on top of each other . A coast spot .
06:50 If all the lanes look like Lane A . After
06:53 our chromatography is done , we could have made a
06:55 completely pure product from the reaction with an identical R
06:58 . F . To the starting material . However ,
07:00 it's more likely that something has gone wrong with the
07:02 reaction . So basically TLC lets us preview if our
07:05 reaction actually worked or if we're stuck with the same
07:08 molecules that we started with Lane be the co spot
07:11 helps us make sure there really is a difference between
07:13 our starting material and our reaction mixture and that we
07:16 know are starting material was used up in the reaction
07:18 . For example , if Lane B looks like it's
07:20 missing spot from Lane A . But lanes B and
07:23 C look the same . A starting material could have
07:26 hitched a ride with reaction solvent to move further up
07:28 the plate and fool us into thinking it's a new
07:30 compound when it's not . But if Lane B includes
07:33 the same separations as both lane A and Lindsay were
07:36 good . It's really important to triple check all of
07:38 this with these three lanes . Now we're not always
07:40 working with colored compounds and plants like Mikhail Civet or
07:43 separating bright mark . Arinc with paper chromatography often with
07:46 TLC , our reaction mixtures are light yellow or clear
07:49 , which can make them hard to see . Luckily
07:52 many organic compounds have aromatic rings , double bonds or
07:55 triple bonds which absorb UV light . So we keep
07:57 a UV light in the lab to shine on TLC
08:00 plates and reveal are separated components . So we can
08:02 circle are spots with the pencil . If we're working
08:04 with compounds that don't show up under UV light ,
08:07 we use chromatography stains that can undergo chemical reactions with
08:10 the compounds on our plate . Conveniently the effects of
08:13 these stains can be seen with the naked eye .
08:15 For example , a potassium permanganate stained reacts with compounds
08:18 by oxidation and makes the oxidized compound spots appear yellow
08:22 on a pretty purplish background . Kind of like our
08:24 set TLC gives us a great preview of how are
08:27 compounds will separate , but a tiny plate isn't practical
08:30 to purify grams of our reaction mixture . For that
08:32 . We'll need a bigger batter technique called flash chromatography
08:36 . To set up our flash chromatography . We actually
08:37 need to play around with TLC to find a solvent
08:40 system that gives the component we want to separate from
08:42 the reaction mixture in our f of about 0.2 .
08:46 We also need to know the mass of the sun
08:47 purified sample we want to separate . And from there
08:50 we can pick an appropriately sized flash column with a
08:52 simple table , thanks to the work of chemists before
08:55 us . So let's say that . We figured that
08:57 all out . And now we'll head into the thought
08:58 bubble lab to start . We'll push a plug of
09:01 cotton firmly into the bottom of the chromatography column and
09:04 cover the cotton with a little sand for reinforcement .
09:06 We're going to use a method called slurry packing ,
09:09 where we mix the mobile phase solvent with silica gel
09:12 as our stationary phase and pour that into the column
09:15 through a funnel . Next will apply pressure to the
09:17 top of the column using an air hose until the
09:19 solvent is level with the silica gel . Let's add
09:22 a little more sand to keep the silica gel even
09:24 . And then we're ready to load our sample into
09:26 the column with a long pasture pipette . We add
09:28 our reaction mixture to the column . Then we can
09:31 fill the reservoir with our mobile phase and run the
09:33 column will apply pressure with an air hose again ,
09:36 forcing the liquid through all the silica gel , sand
09:39 and the cotton plug . And we'll collect fractions of
09:42 the mobile phase in test tubes . We have to
09:44 be careful not to let the solvent move below the
09:46 level of the silica gel in the column . That
09:49 would mess up our carefully balanced mixture of mobile and
09:52 stationary phases so we can add solvent to the top
09:55 to prevent the column from going dry . The less
09:57 polar compounds move quickly through the silica gel in the
10:00 flash column into the first few test tubes . After
10:03 we collected all the fractions , we can check if
10:05 our compound is alluded by doing TLC . The less
10:08 polar compounds will also move fastest via capillary action upward
10:12 on the TLC . Play lastly , we'll combine the
10:14 fractions that have the compound we want in a round
10:17 bottom flask and concentrate using a rotary evaporator . A
10:20 vacuum reduces the pressure inside the road of app ,
10:23 which lowers the boiling point of the solvents to remove
10:25 them easily from the sample . We spin the flash
10:28 to create more surface area and encourage the solvent molecules
10:31 to move into the vapor phase . Hopefully we've isolated
10:34 a good size pure sample of a compound we want
10:37 . Thanks thought bubble with a purified sample . We
10:39 can calculate a percent yield to see how efficient our
10:42 reaction was , analyze our compound using spectroscopy and then
10:46 move on to the next reaction in our synthesis .
10:49 Maybe now we have our purified either and can move
10:51 on to the final step to make Paxil or we're
10:53 doing any number of other reactions . Flash chromatography is
10:57 pretty common in organic chemistry in this episode . We
11:00 learned that chromatography separates organic compounds based on polarity .
11:04 Then layer chromatography tells us how well our reaction went
11:07 . And flash chromatography lets us separate larger quantities of
11:11 compounds . In the next episode , we'll talk about
11:13 how we can use proton NMR , one of the
11:15 most important spectroscopy techniques to an organic chemist to see
11:19 if we really made our desired product . Until then
11:22 , thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course organic
11:24 chemistry . If you want to help keep all crash
11:26 course free for everybody forever , you can join our
11:29 community on Patreon .


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