How Animals See: Crash Course Zoology #6 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How Animals See: Crash Course Zoology #6 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

How Animals See: Crash Course Zoology #6 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 If we collected the whole evolutionary history of animals in
00:03 a book , we'd start with the original common ancestor
00:07 and before we knew it , even if we manage
00:09 to fit a million years on each page , we'd
00:12 still end up with over 600 pages . There's a
00:16 lot of important stuff spread throughout the grand evolutionary history
00:21 of animals . But one of the most foundational chapters
00:24 would come fairly early on For the animals we know
00:28 today with very few exceptions . Seeing means being an
00:32 animal . In fact , we wouldn't even make it
00:35 10% of the way through the book before seeing well
00:39 , seeing the earliest known fossil with eyes is for
00:43 Gina ability , arian from over 550 million years ago
00:47 , seeing or vision is the ability to interpret your
00:50 environment based on how light interacts with it . And
00:53 about 96% of all animal species have eyes , the
00:57 organ or collection of tissue and cells that make vision
01:00 happen . Even many animals that have evolved to be
01:03 eyeless or have eyes that don't function to their full
01:06 capacity still have some ability to sense light . In
01:10 fact , vision is so evolutionarily advantageous . It's evolved
01:14 multiple times and in multiple ways across all metas Owens
01:18 . And it took eyes a surprisingly short time .
01:21 Evolutionarily speaking to be seen all over the animal tree
01:25 of life . I'm Ray Wynne Grant and this is
01:28 crash course zoology eyes can be intricate structures or simple
01:42 collections of cells but basically eyes detect light and process
01:46 that information into signals that the nervous system understands .
01:50 And there are two minimum requirements for an eye to
01:53 work photo receptors which are cells that react to light
01:57 by sending electrical signals and a nervous system made of
02:00 special cells that can process the signals into colors ,
02:04 brightness , darkness and other visual information . Everything else
02:08 you've heard eyes have like lenses , pupils , corneas
02:12 is extra to make the signal from the photo receptors
02:15 and its interpretation by the nervous system more effective .
02:19 So there are lots of different types of eyes .
02:21 But we can split animal eyes up into two big
02:25 categories eye patches and image forming eyes . Animals with
02:30 eye patches can have something as basic as a flat
02:33 cluster of a few photo receptors . They can perceive
02:36 light and dark and if that patches in a small
02:39 cup tell vaguely where the light is coming from but
02:43 they can't see shapes , details or patterns at all
02:46 . To really take advantage of the sense of vision
02:49 . Animals need an image forming I which not only
02:53 detects light but thanks to some extra I machinery uses
02:57 it to make an image in the back of the
02:59 eye . The most basic image forming eyes form dim
03:03 , blurry images to see fine and far away details
03:07 . Animals need a lens or a transparent crystal like
03:10 structure that focuses incoming light onto the retina . The
03:14 specialist layer of photo receptors located in the back of
03:17 the image forming eyes . But while it's convenient to
03:20 divide animal eyes into eye patches and image forming ,
03:24 it doesn't truly reflect the diversity of animal vision .
03:27 Like box jellyfish , octopus is fire worms , horseshoe
03:32 crabs and parrots all have image forming eyes . But
03:36 even if they were all looking at the same object
03:38 , they all see very different things because some have
03:42 stronger lenses or more sensitive retinas than others . And
03:45 some build a picture of the world in a fundamentally
03:48 different way . So it's not easy to compare eyes
03:51 and it's hard to not be biased by how we
03:54 humans see . Animal eyes are specialist to see in
03:57 a way that's evolved to match their lifestyle and environment
04:01 not necessarily ours . So we have to be more
04:05 specific , like by looking at how animals perceive fine
04:08 details called acuity or resolution . Visual acuity depends on
04:13 lots of factors like how many photo receptors are packed
04:17 into the retina . I size and how the structure
04:20 of the eye focuses light into a picture . The
04:23 compound eyes of crustaceans , insects and some mollusks are
04:27 made of multiple , sometimes even thousands of light sensitive
04:31 I units called um Atiya that combine their information to
04:34 form an image . These eyes generally have poorer visual
04:39 acuity than camera type eyes , which focus light onto
04:42 a single much larger retina . But because they require
04:47 less space , Compound eyes can wrap around an animal's
04:50 head giving them a wider field of view or how
04:54 much of their environment and animal can see without moving
04:57 . Their eyes or head . And compound eyes are
05:01 great at detecting movement . So if resolution is the
05:04 most important to us , we want camera type eyes
05:08 , but if we wanted to see a larger area
05:11 maybe to keep a lookout for predators , we could
05:13 go with compound eyes , especially if our animal is
05:17 tiny . This trade off between seeing a small area
05:20 and lots of detail and seeing a larger area in
05:23 less detail is really common in animal eyes . Some
05:27 animals take it to the extreme , like jumping spiders
05:31 have evolved telescope eyes . Two of their eight camera
05:35 type eyes have two lenses instead of one which magnifies
05:39 the image and really bumps up the resolution , but
05:42 their field of view is tiny so the spiders six
05:45 other eyes see a wide area to compensate . We
05:48 can also compare eyes based on how much light they
05:51 need to work called sensitivity . Most animals see in
05:55 different lighting by having two types of photoreceptors , rods
06:00 , which are so sensitive to light that they get
06:02 overwhelmed in daylight and cones , which pick up finer
06:06 details and color . Animals can also change how much
06:09 light gets into their eyes with other adaptations like pupils
06:13 , the hole in the center of some eyes that
06:15 grows and shrinks to let more or less light in
06:18 . Or with tap it um lucid um a layer
06:21 of reflective tissue at the very back of the eye
06:24 that bounces light so it passes the retina twice ,
06:27 giving the photo receptors a second chance to catch the
06:30 light . So for working in a low light environment
06:33 , we'd want wide open eyes with a to PDM
06:35 lucid . Um to maximize light sensitivity . The last
06:39 property of vision will talk about to distinguish animal eyes
06:42 because there are others is what types of light they
06:46 see first there is the wavelength which is based on
06:49 how much energy the light has We . Humans can
06:53 only see light with wavelengths from about 380 to about
06:56 750 nm . So we named that the visible spectrum
07:01 , but most animals can see light outside that range
07:04 like infrared or ultraviolet light , or even polarization ,
07:08 which is the direction that light waves are vibrating in
07:11 . By evolving to be more sensitive to specific wavelengths
07:15 . Animals can more easily notice things that are important
07:18 to them , like camouflage predators or the colours of
07:21 tasty food . So the best set of eyes are
07:24 , well , that depends on what you need them
07:27 for . But the wildest eyes and one of the
07:30 most complex visual systems discovered yet can be found in
07:35 the ocean punching things . Let's live a day in
07:39 the life of a mantis shrimp . Allow me to
07:44 introduce you to the peacock mantis shrimp . This technicolor
07:48 boxer has a pair of compound eyes that are set
07:52 on stocks and can look two places at once as
07:56 he swims through shallow coasts of the indo pacific .
07:59 Not only does he see both ultraviolet and polarized light
08:03 , but while we have just three types of cones
08:06 are Mantis Shrimp has at least 12 . But even
08:10 with all that visual firepower , he doesn't distinguish colors
08:14 nearly as well as we'd expect , which is weird
08:17 because he definitely lives a colorful life . He scares
08:21 off other males of his species by flashing a bright
08:24 patch of color on his clubs called a Merrill patch
08:28 . Though 12 cones still seems like overkill . Lots
08:32 of other animals put on colorful displays with only three
08:36 or four cones , It might come down to what
08:39 goes on in our crustaceans brain when he sees color
08:42 Instead of comparing the signals from a few codes to
08:45 perceive different colours . Our Shrimp uses a limited 12
08:51 piece palette of finely tuned photo receptors that only respond
08:55 to very specific colors . One cone reacts to UV
09:01 . One reacts to violet , one reacts to blue
09:05 , another for turquoise and so on , spanning a
09:09 rainbow and more of wavelengths with our three cones .
09:14 There's a slight delay as our brains do the math
09:16 to figure out the color we're looking at . But
09:19 instead , a mantis shrimp knows pretty quickly how much
09:23 UV or violet or whatever light he's seeing . He
09:27 isn't very good at telling apart small color differences ,
09:31 but he doesn't need to wait long for his brain
09:34 to process so he can grab a snack or chase
09:37 off an intruder at lightning speed . Have a great
09:41 day . Mantis shrimp eyes especially ones as tricked out
09:45 as what mantis shrimp have , might seem to be
09:48 an overwhelmingly complicated structure to have evolved . In fact
09:52 , many animals that live exclusively in underground habitats ,
09:55 like caves , have evolved to have little or no
09:58 sense of vision , likely because I zar too expensive
10:02 to maintain if they're not being used . But even
10:04 though evolution doesn't always lead to more complexity , eyes
10:08 are one of the best examples of how tiny changes
10:11 in structure and function can build into sophisticated traits over
10:15 time . In 1994 Swedish psychologist , Danny , nelson
10:20 and Suzanne Pell Ger proposed a sequence of events where
10:23 a camera type eye evolved from a light sensitive patch
10:27 of photoreceptors in well , the blink of an eye
10:31 evolutionary history wise , nelson and Pilger used something similar
10:35 to the maximum likelihood approach , assuming that eyes with
10:39 sharper resolution always helped animals survive and reproduce . They
10:43 calculated how many steps or mutations it would take to
10:47 go from this I to this I first the flat
10:51 patch of light sensitive cells develops into a depression than
10:55 a cup and finally a pinhole shape like in a
10:58 nautilus . Eventually the eye area evolves to be enclosed
11:03 with a membrane and filled with fluid to keep junk
11:05 out . And a more complex systems take advantage of
11:09 how fluids bend light to focus it more sharply on
11:12 the retina . Next the lens develops as another structure
11:16 to help focus light on the photo receptive patch .
11:19 Then we get an iris and the pupil for fine
11:22 control of light going into the eye , and what
11:24 they found was that it might have taken 364,000 years
11:29 or less to evolve . All of the complicated eyes
11:33 out there today , including the ones mantis shrimp path
11:37 , which sounds like a long time , but it
11:39 took tens of millions of years for feathers to go
11:42 from this to this and one size did evolve .
11:46 They were an evolutionary game changer , which might explain
11:50 why they seem to have become wildly popular almost overnight
11:54 . Instead of relying mostly on close proximity senses like
11:58 touch animals could literally see other animals coming today .
12:02 Most known animal species have eyes , but like other
12:06 senses , eyes are fine tuned to an animal's lifestyle
12:09 so they all see very different things . Next episode
12:13 will cover another sense that's evolved many times , hearing
12:18 before you go , you should feast your super awesome
12:21 image forming eyes of yours on a new PBS show
12:25 other words , other words on story , digs into
12:29 the quintessential human trait of language and finds the fascinating
12:34 thought provoking and funny stories behind the words and sounds
12:38 we all take for granted incorporating the fields of biology
12:41 , history , cultural studies , literature and more other
12:45 words has something for everyone and offers a unique perspective
12:49 into what it means to be human . Give it
12:52 a peak and let them know . Crash Course sent
12:54 you thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course ideology
12:58 , which was produced by complexity in partnership with PBS
13:00 and Nature . It's shot on the team Sandoval Pierre
13:03 stage and made with the help of all of these
13:05 nice people . If you'd like to help keep crash
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