10 - What are Imaginary Numbers? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

10 - What are Imaginary Numbers? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

10 - What are Imaginary Numbers? - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back to algebra . The title of
00:02 this lesson is called what is an imaginary number or
00:05 alternatively what are imaginary numbers . Now ? Every once
00:08 in a while I teach a lesson that makes me
00:09 really , really excited . And the reason I'm excited
00:12 about this lesson is because when I first learned about
00:14 the idea of imaginary numbers I didn't understand what they
00:17 were , I didn't understand why they were called imaginary
00:19 . I kind of thought they were useless actually because
00:21 of the word imaginary . And in general it was
00:24 just not not obvious to me why we care about
00:27 imaginary numbers . Usually you go through Matthew , go
00:30 through calculus , you go into college , you study
00:32 advanced mathematics and then you understand why imaginary numbers are
00:35 so useful . What I'm gonna do in this lesson
00:37 is first of all tell you what an imaginary number
00:39 is then we're gonna do some motivation , showing you
00:42 why we needed why we need the concept of imaginary
00:45 numbers to solve certain types of equations in algebra ,
00:47 the equations you're gonna be using . And then if
00:50 you stick with me to the end of this lesson
00:52 , after we do a couple of problems with working
00:53 with imaginary numbers , I'm going to show you why
00:56 we actually care about imaginary numbers . I'm gonna short
00:59 circuit about five more years of math education to tell
01:02 you why imaginary numbers are so useful and a couple
01:05 of examples of how imaginary numbers are are used in
01:09 modern day mathematics , modern day science , math .
01:12 So stick with me to the end . We're gonna
01:13 get through all of that . Now , first I'm
01:15 gonna give you the punch line . I want to
01:16 tell you what an imaginary number is . All right
01:19 ? So this right here I'm gonna write on the
01:20 board . It's called the definition of the imaginary number
01:26 definition of the imaginary number , which we call I
01:30 we use the the the letter I . To mean
01:33 imaginary number anytime you see I . And mathematics ,
01:36 it means the imaginary number . So the punch line
01:38 here is the following thing . The uh imaginary number
01:42 i is equal by definition . It's defined mathematically to
01:47 be the square root of negative one . Now ,
01:51 I've been telling you since the beginning of talking about
01:53 radicals that we cannot take square roots of negative one
01:56 . Right ? So when you first learned about imaginary
01:58 numbers , first of all , you think they're really
01:59 , really scary . Really , really complicated . But
02:02 I'm telling you , they're not complicated at all to
02:04 work with . Just kind of follow along with me
02:06 . Secondly , you're kind of scratching your head .
02:07 Why ? How can we do that ? How is
02:09 that legal ? We can't take the square root of
02:10 negative one . Well , the truth is you you
02:12 cannot take the square root of a negative one and
02:15 get a real number back . In other words all
02:18 of the numbers that you've ever been exposed to your
02:20 entire life are what we call real numbers . Those
02:23 are the numbers that we can kind of hold in
02:25 our hands for lack of a better word numbers like
02:27 two and three even negative numbers like negative 10 or
02:31 fractions like 3/4 or one half or even non repeating
02:36 decimals like pie or like other there's tons of other
02:39 ones like square root of two and square root of
02:40 three and things like that . Those have decimals that
02:42 go on and on forever . Those are all called
02:44 to real numbers . The truth is you can't take
02:46 the square root of a negative number and get an
02:49 answer that's a real number . So mathematicians over the
02:52 years have invented a totally new kind of number .
02:55 It's called an imaginary number . It's a terrible name
02:57 because it makes it sound like it's a fictitious thing
03:00 that's useless . The truth is a very very useful
03:03 and we define the letter I , we're going to
03:06 use it as a placeholder to be the square root
03:08 of negative one . Now it is true . I
03:09 cannot find a real number that will multiply by itself
03:13 . You know like we say the square root of
03:14 nine is three because three times three is nine .
03:16 We say the square root of 16 is four because
03:19 four times four is 16 . We can't say that
03:21 the square root of negative one is some number of
03:23 times some number because there is no number that does
03:25 that . We have to invent something else . It's
03:27 called an imaginary number . You're gonna have to get
03:30 used to seeing the letter I running around when we're
03:33 simplifying expressions you can kind of think of I is
03:36 like a variable . You can combine terms like terms
03:39 we have to have I involved and so on .
03:41 We're gonna be squaring and cubing and dividing and multiplying
03:44 by I we're gonna be doing all the same things
03:46 we do with all variables and numbers all the time
03:48 . But in the back of your mind , anytime
03:50 you see the letter I anywhere on a paper and
03:52 math , you need to remember that . That is
03:54 the square root of a negative number or the squared
03:56 of negative one . Right ? And it's defined like
03:59 that defined defined like that is a definition . This
04:02 is not something that you discover under a rock somewhere
04:05 . It's something that's mathematically defined . The reason is
04:07 because it's useful . Imaginary numbers we will see are
04:10 very very useful . All right . If you define
04:14 the letter I . This imaginary number to be the
04:16 squared of negative one . It's not a real number
04:18 that this is an imaginary number , right ? Then
04:21 , because of that , we can say the following
04:23 thing . Thus , if you square both sides of
04:26 this , if I square this and square this ,
04:28 then we also know that I squared is equal to
04:31 negative one . How ? Because if I square this
04:33 , I'll get the ice square and if I square
04:35 this , they'll cancel with the square roots and then
04:37 I'll have a negative one back . So this is
04:39 equally important as this . So I'm gonna circle this
04:42 and we're gonna reference it throughout the lesson . It's
04:44 so important . I want you to stop for a
04:46 second and absorb this . It looks and it is
04:49 very simple , but there's a lot of depth into
04:52 what's on the board here that we're gonna see as
04:54 we work through the problems . Any time you have
04:56 the square root of negative one , of course it's
04:58 I but the concept of I allows us to take
05:00 the square root of any negative number we want .
05:03 But we're gonna get I somewhere in the answer .
05:05 And because of that , anytime you square I you
05:08 get back a real number which happens to be negative
05:11 one , it turns out this price , this property
05:13 right here is the secret sauce as to why they're
05:16 so useful and I'll give you a little bit of
05:18 a preview . Imaginary numbers are not something you can
05:21 hold in your hand , right ? But if I
05:22 have an imaginary number in this hand and I have
05:25 an imaginary number in this hand . Oftentimes if I
05:27 combine them together in this case , what's written on
05:30 the board is by multiplying them . I have an
05:32 imaginary thing times an imaginary thing which are not things
05:35 I can hold because they're imaginary numbers , but when
05:38 I multiply them together , I don't have an imaginary
05:40 number anymore . I have a real number back .
05:43 This negative one is just a negative one . It's
05:45 a real number . And that is probably one of
05:48 the biggest punch lines as to why imaginary numbers are
05:50 useful because I can work with imaginary numbers over here
05:54 and I can work with imaginary numbers over here .
05:56 Neither one of which represent real numbers , but I
05:58 can combine them together and often my equations will combine
06:02 them together so poof they're not imaginary anymore , they're
06:05 real . So that's actually one of the reasons why
06:07 they're so useful . So this is the punch line
06:10 and I want to leave it on the board and
06:11 I want to motivate why we actually need imaginary numbers
06:14 . Um It turns out that all of the equations
06:16 we've learned how to solve all . Up up until
06:19 now in algebra have required different kind of numbers and
06:22 I'm gonna it's a little bit of history of mathematics
06:24 here , a little bit . Okay , some equations
06:26 require positive numbers to solve . Some equations require negative
06:30 numbers to solve . Some equations require fractions to solve
06:33 . Some equations require imaginary numbers to solve which is
06:36 what we're going to get to . I want to
06:37 go down that with you because I think it's very
06:39 important that you understand where this comes from . So
06:43 I'm going to talk about real numbers for a second
06:45 because real numbers , let me see if I can
06:47 write real numbers down . Real numbers are the numbers
06:49 that you've been exposed to your whole life all the
06:51 way from first grade , all the way up until
06:54 now . Real numbers , every number you've ever seen
06:56 , even if it was negative , is still a
06:58 real number . Even if it's a decimal is still
07:01 still a real number . They're all real numbers .
07:03 Right ? So all the equations that you've ever learned
07:05 how to solve only required real numbers numbers to solve
07:08 them . But there are different types of real numbers
07:10 . So let's talk about a few of those .
07:12 Right ? Let's take a couple of equations . Right
07:15 ? Let's take a very simple equation . Let's say
07:17 we have the equation X plus the number one is
07:19 equal to three . You all know how to solve
07:21 that equation . You just move the one over by
07:23 subtraction . Three minus one is two . So what
07:25 we found here is that X is equal to two
07:27 . Now what kind of number is too ? Well
07:29 , it's a real number . Of course it's ,
07:30 remember what kind of number is it ? It's a
07:32 real number . I'll put that down but it's a
07:34 positive number . So that's a type of number that
07:38 was invented a long time ago to solve certain kinds
07:42 of equations equations that look like this . Something plus
07:44 one is equal to a number where a positive number
07:46 is the value of the variable . So we needed
07:49 a uh a positive real number two to solve that
07:53 type of equation . Let's pick another kind of equation
07:56 . Let's say we have X plus the number two
07:58 is equal to one . Well this looks the same
08:01 , but if we solve it it's slightly different .
08:02 If we subtract two , then we'll find out that
08:05 X is not equal to a positive number , X
08:07 is equal to uh not negative to of course X
08:10 is equal to negative one . Right ? Because negative
08:13 one plus two of course will give me the one
08:15 . Now , this is also a real number ,
08:17 negative numbers are real as well . However , this
08:19 was slightly different . It's a negative number . Now
08:24 , I need you to think back to maybe 1000
08:27 years ago or 2000 years ago when Algebra mathematics were
08:30 really first started to start to be solidified right ?
08:33 The idea of a positive number is easy to understand
08:36 . I have five eggs in my hand , easy
08:38 to understand . I have 16 buckets of rocks or
08:42 whatever . I have 16 pencils . That's easy to
08:44 understand . Positive numbers are easy , but at some
08:46 point in history somebody must have thought , hey ,
08:49 the idea of a negative number is useful too .
08:52 It sounds crazy to you because you're so used to
08:54 dealing with negative numbers . But there was a time
08:56 when nobody knew what the negative number was , Somebody
08:58 had to invent the idea of a negative number .
09:01 Why in order to solve an equation like this ,
09:04 when I subtract something bigger from something smaller than I
09:08 can't use a positive number , I have to introduce
09:10 the idea of kind of owing somebody . I always
09:12 say negative numbers is like if I owe you something
09:15 , so if I get an answer of X is
09:16 equal to negative one , it doesn't mean I have
09:18 $1 in my bank . It means I'm book keeping
09:22 that . I actually owe you negative , I owe
09:24 you a dollar . So I don't have that dollar
09:26 , I actually owe it to somebody else . That's
09:28 the idea of what a negative number is . But
09:30 that number was not something that we're born understanding .
09:33 You have to be taught that . And it's a
09:35 useful idea to solve an equation like this , which
09:38 is a different kind of equation , right ? It
09:39 requires negative numbers . Uh as an answer or as
09:43 a uh as we need to invent this in order
09:46 to solve this kind of equation . So let's continue
09:48 on , let's take another kind of equation . A
09:50 little bit down the way in history , somebody tried
09:52 to solve an equation like this , X plus 1/4
09:54 is equal to one half . You all know how
09:56 to solve this . No problem . I'll just subtract
09:58 the 1/4 from both sides . What am I gonna
10:00 get ? I'm gonna say that X is equal to
10:02 Well , if I take one half minus the fourth
10:04 , of course you can do the common denominator but
10:06 you all know one half minus 1/4 is equal to
10:09 1/4 . Right ? Again , this is a real
10:12 number . I can have 1/4 of a sandwich ,
10:14 I can have 1/4 of a candy bar . Of
10:18 course it's a real number and uh it's a positive
10:22 number . Also , I'm not writing down every little
10:24 attribute of all these numbers is a positive number ,
10:26 just like this too is however it's different than the
10:28 others because we call this rational a rational number ,
10:34 remember is a is a number that can be written
10:36 as a fraction any fraction . So 1/4 of course
10:40 is a rational number , but I didn't write it
10:42 down for these two . These two are also rational
10:44 numbers because two can be written as to over one
10:46 , that's a fraction negative , one can be written
10:49 as negative 1/1 . So that's a fraction . So
10:51 let's take a little bit of an aside to talk
10:53 about these rational these rational they give you some examples
10:56 some more rational numbers . The number 10 is a
10:58 rational number because I can write it as 10/1 .
11:01 The number 3/7 is a rational number because it's a
11:03 fraction . Of course The number of negative 2/3 ,
11:06 that's a rational number because that obviously is a fraction
11:08 . It happens to be negative as well . That's
11:10 fine . It's still rational . Let's take something crazy
11:13 . 1028 1028 , divided by 37 . That's a
11:17 fraction because it's a crazy numerator and a crazy denominator
11:21 . Let's keep on going because we can make up
11:23 a few more and there's a point to this .
11:24 I promise . Let's take a look at 0.75 you
11:27 might say . Well that's not that's not a a
11:31 fraction . However , you know , you can write
11:32 this as 3/4 . That's a fraction . So this
11:34 decimal is disguised . It's irrational number two . It
11:38 turns out that other decimals are rational for instance ,
11:40 2.125 . Any decimal that terminates terminates any industrial that
11:48 terminates like this . That can also always be written
11:51 as a fraction . So this is a rational number
11:53 two , I can go find a fraction That's equal
11:55 to this . Right ? Let's take our last crazy
11:57 one . What about two negative two point uh ,
12:00 that's not an equal sign there . Sorry about that
12:02 . Negative 2.1414 But I'm gonna put a repeating bar
12:06 over the last 14 So this is two point 14141414141414
12:12 goes on forever . As long as you have a
12:15 repeating pattern in your decimal , you may have learned
12:17 from previous lessons in algebra or another math classes .
12:20 As long as it's some sort of repeating pattern then
12:23 it's always rational . I can find a fraction that
12:26 this is that equal to this even though the decimal
12:28 goes on to infinity . As long as it is
12:31 repeating like this , I can call it . I
12:33 can find a fraction that's equal to that . All
12:36 right , so I'm gonna write down this is a
12:38 repeating special assistant decimal . Let's put the G here
12:45 , decimal . Yeah . Why am I going through
12:49 all this stuff ? Because all of these , every
12:51 one of these things , pretty much every number that
12:53 you've really been exposed to , up until now has
12:55 been a real number and it's been a rational number
12:57 . So these are all rational , Right . But
13:02 the point is is that throughout history first we didn't
13:05 need to know about fractions at some point in time
13:07 there was some person that decided that it was useful
13:10 to know what a half of a loaf of bread
13:11 was and represented as one half right ? Or three
13:15 quarters of a dollar is worth something . So somebody
13:17 had to invent fractions . But these these different types
13:20 of numbers that we've used have all been invented to
13:23 solve different kinds of equations . This one requires real
13:25 positive numbers . This one requires real negative numbers .
13:28 This one requires real rational numbers . And then once
13:31 we figure that out we realize these are also rational
13:33 numbers to but then a long time ago , probably
13:38 the ancient Greeks , I'm not totally sure but probably
13:40 the ancient Greeks um figured out that some numbers do
13:44 not terminate like this , the decimals don't stop .
13:46 And also if the decimals go on and on forever
13:49 , there's some special numbers that don't have any repeating
13:51 pattern , like this was 141414 on forever . There
13:54 are some numbers that have infinite decimals but they don't
13:58 repeat in any pattern that we know about . And
14:00 those are useful to solve certain kind of equations as
14:03 well . So the famous equation , the area of
14:05 a circle is pi times r squared , you know
14:09 that equation . Of course you do . Everybody learns
14:11 that equation back in fifth or sixth grade . Right
14:13 ? But in order to solve this equation we need
14:15 to invent a new kind of number . Right ?
14:17 So we need what we need pie right ? Which
14:21 can be approximately written us 3.14159 dot dot dot dot
14:26 dot It goes on and on forever . But the
14:28 pattern of the decimal , this 14159 It never repeats
14:32 . We have supercomputers calculating pi out to 100,000 million
14:37 trillion decimal places . There is no pattern to pie
14:40 . It's called an irrational number because the rational numbers
14:44 can be written as fractions because they have decimals that
14:46 either stop or they go on forever forever in a
14:49 pattern . But this is a new kind of number
14:51 that we've never needed before . But we need this
14:53 number to solve this kind of equation . The area
14:56 of a circle requires an irrational number . So this
14:59 is called this is real . Of course this is
15:02 a real number , right ? I can hold it
15:04 in my hand . Of course it's a positive number
15:06 . I'm gonna put pos for that . But it's
15:08 a new kind of number called an irrational . And
15:12 that means I cannot write that as a as a
15:14 fraction . There is no way to write pi as
15:16 a fraction , you may think well , I should
15:19 say there's no way to write Pie is a fraction
15:22 of whole numbers . You can't write it as 22/7
15:25 . Some people say Pie is 22/7 , that's just
15:27 an approximation . It's not the true value of pi
15:30 , right , But this is not the only irrational
15:32 number that we've discovered . We have tons of irrational
15:35 numbers , we have . Let's talk about another equation
15:37 . what about X squared is equal to two ?
15:39 This is another kind of equation . How do I
15:40 solve this equation ? I'm gonna take the square root
15:42 of both sides , right ? So that means I'm
15:44 gonna say that X is equal to plus or minus
15:46 the square root of two , We've learned about that
15:48 . And if you take the square root of two
15:50 and you stick it in your calculator and you look
15:51 at the decimals , there is no repeating pattern to
15:55 the square root of two . It's an infinite number
15:57 of decimals that numbers that go beyond the decimal ,
15:59 but there is no pattern just like Pie has no
16:01 pattern . It is a irrational number . We cannot
16:04 write the square root of two as any kind of
16:06 fraction , so plus square root of two or minus
16:09 square root of two . Uh Let's see what we
16:12 can just say . The square root of two is
16:13 real positive in irrational . I'll put IR for that
16:19 and negative square root of two is real books .
16:24 Uh Instead of positive , it's negative and it's also
16:27 irrational because you cannot write it as a decimal .
16:30 All right . And it just in case you're curious
16:32 , the square root of two is something like 1.412135
16:38 dot dot dot dot . It does not repeat .
16:40 It goes on and on forever and ever . We
16:42 can calculate them now . Why am I going through
16:44 this trip down memory lane ? I think you can
16:45 probably figure it out right . The reason is because
16:48 all of these different kinds of numbers that we have
16:50 in math were invented at some point in time to
16:52 solve certain kinds of equations that we needed to solve
16:55 . The real positive numbers were used and we needed
16:57 to solve that equation . The real negative numbers ,
17:00 we had to invent a negative number to solve this
17:02 kind of equation . We needed to understand the idea
17:04 of a fraction in order to solve equations with fractions
17:06 to call them rational numbers . And then we had
17:08 to have irrational numbers to solve certain kinds of equations
17:11 that we have outlined here , decimals that go forever
17:14 . That you cannot write the number as any kind
17:16 of a fraction . And now were taken to the
17:18 very famous I the imaginary number . We invent the
17:22 concept of I because it is useful to solve certain
17:25 equations that require I as a solution that requires the
17:28 square root of negative numbers . That is the reason
17:31 why we have I because we have to have it
17:33 to solve certain kinds of equations . And these equations
17:36 that we're gonna learn algebra , we're gonna solve tons
17:37 of equations that have eyes and answer right ? You're
17:40 going to get them you're gonna circle , then you're
17:41 gonna say great . But the truth is we use
17:43 I probably more than almost anything else in in math
17:47 and higher level learning to solve all kinds of things
17:50 . Quantum mechanics , advanced physics and chemistry , all
17:54 almost always the solution to very common equations in advanced
17:58 math . Actually use the concept of i in the
18:00 solutions and I'm going to talk more about that at
18:03 the very end , we're going to give you a
18:04 concrete example of that . But the idea is we
18:06 invent this concept divide to solve equations . What kind
18:09 of equations do we need to solve ? Right ,
18:12 let's solve this equation . Very simple . I'm just
18:15 gonna put it to you like this . What if
18:16 you have the equation X squared is equal to negative
18:18 one . How do you solve that ? Well ,
18:21 in the previous , you know lectures we would have
18:23 just taken the square root of both sides . That's
18:25 exactly what we're gonna do . We're gonna say that
18:28 X is equal to plus or minus the square root
18:30 of the right hand side , negative one . But
18:31 then we say , well we don't know how to
18:33 take the square root of negative one . There is
18:35 no real number that actually can be multiplied by itself
18:38 to get me negatives one . So up until now
18:40 we just stopped and we said , well we can't
18:41 do that , it's undefined , but in higher math
18:43 , which is where you're at right now , we
18:45 don't say it's undefined , we say there's a new
18:47 kind of number to solve this equation , just like
18:50 we needed those new kinds of numbers to solve those
18:52 equations and this number is called the imaginary number ,
18:55 so we don't stop there , right ? Uh We
18:59 go further and we say uh let's take another equation
19:02 . X squared is equal to negative four . We
19:04 do the same thing , we're gonna take the square
19:05 to both sides . We say X is equal to
19:07 plus or minus the square root of negative floor .
19:10 In the past we would have stopped there , we
19:12 would have said , well we don't have any answers
19:14 , we're gonna stop , it's undefined . But now
19:15 we go further , we say that really X is
19:18 equal to plus or minus the square root of negative
19:20 one , which we're defining to be eye . So
19:23 we say plus or minus . I that's the answer
19:25 to that equation . Right over here , we're gonna
19:29 do a lot more problems here . What we have
19:31 here is the square root of negative for you can
19:32 kind of think of , we know how to take
19:34 the square root of four . That's just too right
19:37 , but the square root of the negative ones still
19:39 in there . When we take the square root of
19:41 that it's I . So it's really too I and
19:43 we still have the plus or minus . So you
19:46 see the punch line is when you take the square
19:48 root of negative numbers , you take them ignoring the
19:51 negative sign , you just pretend the negative signs not
19:53 there , you just write the number down just like
19:55 always . But then you tack an eye on there
19:58 because the negative inside of it produces an imaginary number
20:01 . So this is not a real number , you
20:03 cannot have two I potatoes , you cannot have six
20:07 I strawberries . It's an imaginary number . It doesn't
20:10 exist in a tangible form that you can touch .
20:12 However , as I've mentioned before , if I have
20:14 four I potatoes over here is a solution of some
20:16 equation . I may have to multiply it with some
20:20 other number of potatoes over here when I can multiply
20:22 those those imaginary numbers together , I get a real
20:26 number back because when you square I you always get
20:30 a real number back , you get negative one .
20:32 That's why imaginary numbers are useful . We say they
20:35 don't exist initially , but now we say , hey
20:37 , we're gonna define an imaginary number , we're gonna
20:38 keep track of them . But then sometimes they'll combine
20:41 and give us real numbers back anyway . All right
20:44 now what I wanna do is solve some very simple
20:46 additional problems to give you practice actually taking the square
20:49 root of negative numbers and then at the end of
20:51 the lesson , I'm gonna do a little bit more
20:53 into the philosophy of why imaginary numbers are useful for
20:57 modern day stuff . So stick with me to the
20:59 end and we'll get there , let's solve some additional
21:02 problems . Let's go over here , let's say we
21:05 have the square root of negative nine . As I
21:10 said , you just ignore the negative . You pretend
21:12 that it's the squared of nine . You already know
21:14 what that is . That is uh three , right
21:18 ? And you know what the square root of negative
21:19 one is ? That's just gonna be I so let
21:21 me just take it a little bit more step by
21:23 step . If you take the squared of the negative
21:26 inside , kind of pull it out and take the
21:28 square root , you're going to get the eye of
21:30 the negative one , but you'll still have this squared
21:32 of nine left over . So this is equal to
21:35 the eye that I comes about because we're taking the
21:37 square root of the negative one in there , poof
21:39 ! It turns into an eye , but the square
21:41 root of nine is still left over , which you
21:42 all know is three . So you can write it
21:44 as I times three if you want . But the
21:46 way we write imaginary numbers is we always put the
21:48 number first . So we say that the squared of
21:50 negative nine is three . I . So what you
21:53 do is you take the square of the number and
21:55 then any time you have a negative there you just
21:57 have to tack an eye at the end . That's
21:58 all you do . It's extremely , extremely easy to
22:01 work with imaginary numbers . So let's take some more
22:04 rapid fire example square to 49 . You know what
22:06 the square to 49 is it seven ? But you
22:08 have that negative so you have to take the square
22:10 to that too . So you get seven I that's
22:12 the final answer of this problem . This is the
22:14 final answer of this problem . What if I have
22:17 the square root of negative 36 ? I think you
22:19 can see the pattern here . We know that six
22:21 times six is 36 . And the square root of
22:23 negative one there is the eye . So that's not
22:26 a real number . This is an imaginary number six
22:28 times the base a number that we call . I
22:31 What about negative 100 ? We're gonna take the square
22:34 root of this . Well we know how to take
22:35 the square root of 100 , that's 10 . And
22:37 the square root of the negative there means we have
22:40 to put an eye there . So that's a 10
22:42 . I right now we learned up until now we've
22:46 learned how to take the square root of much more
22:48 complicated things in these simple things . We've learned how
22:50 to take the square root of things like 24 .
22:52 But what if you have the squared of negative 24
22:55 ? So what you're gonna do is you're gonna completely
22:57 ignore the negative side in there . You're gonna come
22:59 over to the side of your paper and you're gonna
23:01 write that 24 down and build a factor tree .
23:03 Like always you're going to ignore the negative . So
23:06 for 24 , you know that eight times three is
23:08 24 , but you know that eight is um two
23:12 times four and you know that four is two times
23:14 two . So you've got your tree built , you're
23:16 looking for square roots . So that's a pair .
23:18 I still have a two and 23 left over right
23:21 ? So what you have is when you write the
23:23 answer here , the square root of negative 24 you
23:26 just pretend that the negative completely gone . And so
23:30 if I if there was no negative there at all
23:32 , I would take a single to out , I
23:34 would have a square root of two . Times three
23:37 is six , right ? I would have that leftover
23:39 . Let me write it explicitly on the inside .
23:41 It would be two times three leftover . However ,
23:44 because I took the square to that negative , I
23:46 still have an eye here . We don't usually write
23:48 the eye after the radical . I mean it's all
23:50 multiply . It doesn't really matter if you put the
23:52 eye here , we put it in front of the
23:53 radical to keep it away because if you put the
23:56 eye at the end , you might accidentally leave it
23:59 under the radical and you don't want that right .
24:01 Eyes do not , imaginary numbers do not live under
24:04 the radical in general . So too , I times
24:06 the square root of two times three . So it's
24:07 two times I times square root of six . This
24:10 is the answer to this problem . So whereas before
24:14 We don't know what the square root of this negative
24:16 24 is here . You can see all we're doing
24:18 is we're writing the square root as if it were
24:19 positive under the radical . But then attacking an eye
24:22 on because it's an imaginary number . So working with
24:24 these imaginary numbers is exceedingly easy . Right ? What
24:28 if you have the square root of -5 ? Well
24:30 , we can't simplify the negative five . There's no
24:33 factor tree that's going to help us . But we
24:35 can take the square root of this negative one in
24:37 there . So that comes out as an eye .
24:39 But what's left over is what's underneath this . The
24:41 square defies left over just like we have the left
24:44 over six here . In our answer , we have
24:45 to leave it as a square root there as well
24:47 . So at the end of the day , you
24:48 should never ever have negative numbers under a radical .
24:51 If the only thing you do is just pull the
24:53 negative one out as an eye , then that's fine
24:56 . I can't do anything else with the five .
24:57 Leave it there under that radical . What about the
25:00 squared of negative 12 right same sort of thing .
25:03 You pretend this is a positive number . You go
25:05 over here or I guess you could go underneath if
25:07 you want . But just ignore this . When you
25:09 build your factor tree , ignore it . You can
25:11 say six times two and six is three times to
25:14 you're looking for pairs . So there's your pair right
25:16 there . So if there were no nothing , no
25:19 negative number there , the two would come out and
25:22 then underneath you would have a square root of three
25:24 which is left over . But you still have the
25:26 square of this negative one , which means an eye
25:28 comes out . So it's two times I times the
25:30 square root of three . Now on this page ,
25:33 what I have done is I have tried to show
25:38 you a basic idea about how to take square roots
25:41 of negative numbers . So you just do the factor
25:43 tree as usual . And if you have a negative
25:45 under there you just tack an eye on extremely simple
25:48 . Alright . But we also learned another property of
25:52 rat of this imaginary number because it's defined this way
25:56 the I square the square . The times itself is
26:00 not imaginary anymore . It's equal to a negative one
26:02 which is a real number . So any time in
26:05 an equation you see an eye squared . Then in
26:08 the very next step you just substitute negative one .
26:11 You don't have to think about it , you don't
26:12 have to drive it or calculate it anytime you see
26:15 I squared , you just write down negative one .
26:17 So because of that we can do some simple problems
26:20 here . So let's just get some practice . The
26:21 simplest one is what is I squared ? You just
26:24 replace it with negative one . You don't have to
26:25 think about it . You have to prove it .
26:27 What if I have two times I squared ? Well
26:30 the two is totally normal but the I squared is
26:33 negative one . So you just substitute for I squared
26:35 negative one and the answer to this is negative two
26:38 . So you see what I mean , how you
26:39 have to imaginary numbers multiplied together . But at the
26:42 end of the day you don't get an imaginary number
26:44 back . You get a real number back . Right
26:47 . Same thing we got here . What if we
26:49 have three ? I wrapped up inside of the parentheses
26:52 and that whole thing squared will be treated as we
26:55 do anything . You pretend this is kind of like
26:56 a variable . The exponent will apply to the three
26:59 into the eye separately . So you'll have three square
27:02 times I squared . The same rules of algebra apply
27:04 to complex number two , imaginary numbers three squared is
27:07 nine and you're still gonna have this I squared .
27:10 But anytime you see an eye square you substitute negative
27:13 one . Anytime you see I scared you just put
27:15 negative one there , so it's negative nine . This
27:17 is the final answer . So when we have three
27:20 I quantity squared , we get a real number back
27:22 which is negative nine . Now it turns out that
27:25 these imaginary numbers if you have them in a fraction
27:28 , they can cancel . Just like variables can cancel
27:31 . So for instance , four times I squared in
27:33 the numerator with eye on the bottom right ? So
27:37 I'm gonna rewrite it just so I don't clutter up
27:39 my problem statement . So this is for I squared
27:41 over I . So if these were variables , if
27:43 this was like four X squared over X , what
27:45 you would do is you would say well I'm gonna
27:46 cancel this one and I'm gonna cancel with this one
27:49 . I'm gonna leave an explosion of one left behind
27:51 . Basically I'm dividing away one of them and the
27:53 same thing is true of imaginary numbers . So I
27:56 had an imaginary on the bottom and imaginary squared on
27:59 the top . All I'm left with is the four
28:01 and the eye on the top to the first power
28:04 , it's basically gone divided away in the bottom .
28:06 So I get an answer of four times I okay
28:10 . What if I have something more complicated ? What
28:12 about five times I . Quantity Q . But on
28:16 the bottom I also have and I I don't handle
28:19 that well I still have this numerator three is going
28:23 to apply to the five as an exponent . It's
28:25 also going to go in and apply to this I
28:27 right so you have five cubed times I . Cube
28:31 . And on the bottom you still have this I
28:33 right but notice that I have the same variable just
28:35 like it's not a variable , it's an imaginary number
28:38 but you can treat it as a variable that can
28:39 cancel with this . Leaving me too behind . So
28:43 what I have left with is five cube five times
28:45 five times five is going to be 125 . But
28:49 what's left over is I squared but we now know
28:53 that I square . It is very easy to remember
28:55 any time you see it you just replace it with
28:56 a negative one . So what you have is negative
28:59 125 . So this whole expression which looks very complicated
29:03 with imaginary numbers everywhere actually is not imaginary in the
29:07 end , this is one of the things I've been
29:09 trying to harp on to tell you is that oftentimes
29:12 when you're working with imaginary numbers , you'll get real
29:14 numbers as your answers . The last one I'm gonna
29:17 do for you is a really interesting one . What
29:21 if you have I cubed some , some students will
29:24 look at that and say I have no idea .
29:25 You didn't tell me what I cube was equal to
29:27 until you remember that I cube can be written as
29:30 I times I squared . Why ? Because you can
29:34 treat it as a variable . I can add these
29:36 exponents of course it's equal to this and I know
29:39 that this I squared is negative one . So really
29:41 it's I times negative one which means it's gonna be
29:44 negative . I so the imaginary number I can be
29:47 positive , it can be negative , it can have
29:49 fractions involved , decimals involved , it's all fine .
29:52 It's just a placeholder for the square root of negative
29:55 one . Anytime I see an I squared anywhere I
29:58 have to replace it with the real number which is
30:00 negative one . Now I've talked at great length or
30:04 at least in the introduction to try to give you
30:06 some motivation why imaginary numbers are so useful . What
30:10 usually happens is you study imaginary numbers in algebra and
30:13 then in pre calculus you do more with it and
30:15 then in calculus you do even more with it .
30:17 And then when you get in really advanced math beyond
30:19 calculus you take advanced math classes where we solve special
30:23 equations . Doesn't matter what they're called . They're called
30:25 differential equations but that's that's the name of it .
30:27 But anyway their equations and you deal with imaginary numbers
30:30 every day and then finally at the end you understand
30:33 why they're so useful and how common they are and
30:36 how real that they are in the solutions of our
30:38 mathematics right ? But I want a short circuit that
30:41 because I don't want you to wait six years to
30:43 figure after seven or eight years to figure out why
30:44 they're useful . I'm gonna give you a quick 10
30:46 minutes or five minutes explaining that to you . Okay
30:49 so I've talked about in general the idea that I
30:52 can have an imaginary number like I have I strawberries
30:56 and I can have another imaginary number in my other
30:59 hand another I strawberries . So individually this is an
31:01 imaginary number and this is also separately an imaginary number
31:05 . But when I multiply them together they form I
31:08 squared , which I know is equal to negative one
31:10 . So this is one of the main reasons why
31:12 they're so useful because separately they're not real numbers .
31:15 But when I combine them together , that can give
31:17 me a real number back , which is a tangible
31:19 thing . This is something I can touch in the
31:21 real world . I mean , yeah , it's negative
31:23 , but it's still a number that exists in our
31:25 everyday , you know , life so we can get
31:27 as a result a real result . Now , this
31:32 isn't too exciting . The I times I and all
31:34 that . It's not too exciting . But there's one
31:36 example I'm gonna give you that's way beyond the scope
31:38 of an algebra class . But I want to give
31:39 it to you because it is so powerful for you
31:42 to understand how how common imaginary numbers are in real
31:46 world problems . I want to give it to you
31:47 . I don't want you to wait until your second
31:49 year of college to see it . All right ,
31:51 I want to introduce something to you that we're gonna
31:53 get to later in this math class , in this
31:55 algebra class , I want to talk to you about
31:57 something called the sign of some number . Right ?
32:01 So the sign , we're gonna get to this in
32:03 algebra later on in our in our set of lectures
32:05 , I'm gonna explain this to you in a future
32:07 lesson . So this is not something crazy that you're
32:10 never ever going to see . This is something uh
32:12 quite common that that you that you learn . So
32:15 the sign is a special function . It's a very
32:18 special function . Sine of X . This is the
32:20 X . Axis , and this is the sine of
32:22 X . It's very special because it has this wavy
32:25 shape to it , so it goes like up and
32:27 then it goes down and it goes up and then
32:28 it goes down and on the other side it continues
32:31 the other direction it goes down and up and down
32:33 so on . So you can see it's this general
32:35 wave shape right ? That you that you recognize ?
32:39 Okay , why is this important to study this thing
32:41 called a sign ? Why is it so important to
32:43 study something that has a wavy shape ? Well ,
32:45 I'll try to explain it to you . You know
32:47 , light we get into advanced physics much much later
32:51 , but light one theory of light is that it
32:53 behaves like a wave , right ? What kind of
32:56 wave here it is . This is the kind of
32:58 wave that a light behave . The lightwave actually is
33:01 . So later on in your education , when you
33:03 write down , what does a lightwave look like or
33:05 what does a lightwave behave like ? You're going to
33:08 write down a sign ? Or you might write down
33:10 its cousin which is called the co sign . I'm
33:12 not gonna get into that because it's the same shape
33:14 . A CO sign is the same shape as a
33:16 sign . It's a wavy shape , a very special
33:18 shape that's extremely common in nature . All uh lightwaves
33:23 , r sine waves , right ? Which means x
33:25 rays , gamma rays , infrared , visible light .
33:29 The light that goes into your eyes , microwaves that
33:31 you heat your food , radio waves , which your
33:33 your cell phone use is in your your your walkie
33:36 talkies to talk to people . All of those things
33:38 are sine waves . Right ? So I'm I'm building
33:41 it up for you because of the following thing .
33:45 This sine wave is numbers that are plotted on the
33:48 Y axis here as a function of this is just
33:51 like any other function and just goes up and down
33:53 and up and down and up and down . It
33:55 can be proven in advanced math classes . It's can
34:01 be shown , I'm not going to show it here
34:04 because it's way beyond the scope of this . But
34:06 it can be shown that this thing that we call
34:09 the sign can be written like this equals E .
34:14 To the I times X minus E to the negative
34:18 , I , times X . All divided by two
34:22 times I . This is incredibly important for later mathematics
34:27 . It's not important for algebra . I don't care
34:29 if you remember this , I don't care if you
34:31 toss it in the in the in the trash can
34:32 and just forget about it . That's fine . When
34:34 I'm trying to show you though , is notice what
34:37 you have here . E is just a number we're
34:39 gonna talk about . E actually not too much longer
34:41 from now . That's a number . It's a number
34:43 like pi it's an irrational number . That's very common
34:45 in nature . It's not equal to pi it's equal
34:47 to about 2.7 and some some uh infinite number of
34:51 decimal places after that . But it's just a number
34:53 . So this E is not a variable , it's
34:55 a number , it's some number . To the to
34:57 the what ? To the power of I . X
34:59 . So to an imaginary power . So this is
35:02 an imaginary power , this is an imaginary power to
35:05 but it just has a negative sign in front .
35:07 So if I take this guy to this imaginary power
35:10 and then I subtract E raised to the exact same
35:13 thing but to the negative a copy of itself .
35:15 But to the negative imaginary power if I take the
35:18 answer to that and I divide by two times I
35:20 which is another imaginary number . I'm putting these imaginary
35:24 numbers in a pot and I'm stirring them around in
35:26 this function . What you get out is not an
35:30 imaginary function , it's a real number . So imaginary
35:34 numbers go in here , imaginary numbers go in here
35:37 , imaginary numbers go in there . What you get
35:38 out is not an imaginary number . You get a
35:40 real number back and that real number is a plot
35:43 . I can plot this real number as a function
35:46 of whatever I stick in here . See this is
35:48 exit goes in here . Well you would put it
35:49 in here , put it in here , calculated all
35:51 get the thing but you don't get an imaginary number
35:54 back . Why ? It's for the same basic reason
35:56 that we don't get an imaginary number back here .
35:59 I mean it's beyond the scope . I don't want
36:00 to prove it . But basically you can see how
36:02 you can combine imaginary numbers and get real numbers back
36:06 . Well I'm combining imaginary numbers in a much more
36:08 complicated way and you're just gonna have to take my
36:11 word for it that you don't get an imaginary number
36:13 back . So why am I doing all of this
36:15 ? Because when I first learned what an imaginary number
36:18 was , I thought they were useless , I thought
36:20 they would just I would just circle some answers for
36:22 the teacher and be done . But it turns out
36:24 that almost every equation that we solve in real life
36:28 looks like some kind of wave and if it looks
36:30 like some kind of wave with a sine wave then
36:33 it can be written as imaginary numbers . And so
36:35 a lot of times you'll get an equation , you'll
36:37 solve it , you'll get some imaginary numbers in the
36:39 answer . I might have to take that and multiply
36:42 by another equation which has some other imaginary numbers when
36:45 they get all mixed together . Sometimes what pops out
36:47 is not an imaginary number at all , it's a
36:49 real number and that's why it's so useful . Another
36:53 example would be quantum mechanics way future physics , you'll
36:56 study that long time from now . All the solutions
36:58 of quantum occasions , they all but most of the
37:00 solutions of quantum mechanics are all waves . They all
37:04 involve these signs are they involve these exponents with I
37:08 in there and you mix them around and oftentimes you
37:11 get real numbers back , right , That is why
37:13 imaginary numbers are so useful . We don't know how
37:16 to take the square root of negative one with a
37:18 real answer , but as a placeholder we say we
37:21 just say it's equal to I will keep it as
37:23 a placeholder and we start combining it with other things
37:25 and oftentimes pop poof , the imaginary numbers go away
37:28 and we have a real answer back . So it's
37:30 very , very tangible . When you get some more
37:32 advanced math , a lot of your answers will be
37:34 imaginary , you'll get very used to it , they
37:36 won't seem crazy or weird , and then often they
37:38 combine back into real numbers anyway , which we can
37:41 measure in the real world . That is why imaginary
37:44 numbers are useful . So make sure you understand this
37:46 and then follow me on the next few lessons .
37:48 We're gonna learn how to work with imaginary numbers ,
37:51 a little more , a little more detail than we've
37:54 done here . We get a lot of practice by
37:55 solving problems .


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