06 - Equations & Definition of Conic Sections - Circle, Ellipse, Parabola & Hyperbola - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

06 - Equations & Definition of Conic Sections - Circle, Ellipse, Parabola & Hyperbola - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

06 - Equations & Definition of Conic Sections - Circle, Ellipse, Parabola & Hyperbola - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello , Welcome back to algebra . The title of
00:02 this lesson is well I could title in various ways
00:05 , but the one the one that I wrote down
00:06 is what is the difference between the four comic sections
00:09 ? Probably a better title would be definitions of the
00:12 comic sections . It's a kind of a weird title
00:14 but what I want to do in this lesson is
00:16 we want to go again through each of the four
00:18 comic section circle , ellipse , parabola and hyperbole but
00:22 want to go a level deeper than we did in
00:24 the last lesson in the last lesson . Just to
00:26 recap , we talked about the shape of these comic
00:28 sections but we mostly focused on what they're used for
00:31 . We talked about orbits every orbit in space ,
00:34 whether it's a circular orbit , an elliptical orbit ,
00:37 a space probe on a escape trajectory . They all
00:41 represent each of the four comic sections depending on how
00:44 much speed you have in your orbit . We also
00:47 talked about the idea that a parabola has a special
00:49 shape where it can take , take incoming radio waves
00:52 or light rays and focus them onto a focus .
00:55 So we kind of talked about the idea that a
00:57 parabola has a focus which is kind of near the
01:00 bottom of the Parabola that collects all of the light
01:03 rays , right ? So if you haven't done watch
01:05 that , I would like you to go ahead and
01:06 look at it again , make sure that you've you've
01:09 watched it . So here we're gonna go one level
01:10 deeper . We're gonna talk about the comic sections ,
01:12 we're gonna write down the shapes , but we're going
01:15 to go more deeply into why they have those shapes
01:18 . And we're gonna generally look at the equations of
01:20 these different comic sections and we're doing them all in
01:23 this one lesson , but in the next lesson and
01:25 the subsequent lessons were taking each of the comic sections
01:27 apart in more detail and solving tons of problems .
01:30 So you can still consider this to be kind of
01:32 an overview lesson of everything . So I want to
01:34 recap something very important . I'm gonna put my paper
01:37 down here that we did talk about in the last
01:39 section each of these comic sections can come from slicing
01:42 a cone . So the first comic section is the
01:45 one you already know about . A circle . A
01:47 circle comes from taking a cone and slicing it parallel
01:50 to the base like this , right across . When
01:52 you slice it and look at the cross section ,
01:54 you have that beautiful circular shape equal distant from the
01:58 the central point of the circle . So we all
02:00 know about circles already when I put that aside .
02:03 Um But what fewer people know is that you can
02:06 get the other comic sections from slicing a comb if
02:09 you take a comb and you slice it at some
02:11 random angle . This angle is not special at some
02:14 angle , I just happened to use my knife to
02:16 slice it at and you cut it apart and look
02:18 at it . The shape you get as the cross
02:20 section is an ellipse . So the help if I
02:22 turn it on the side , it's an elliptical shape
02:24 right now , of course the exact shape and size
02:27 of the ellipse will depend on how you cut it
02:29 . But you get a circle by cutting a cone
02:32 directly across . You get into lips by slicing it
02:34 at some random angle , right ? And of course
02:37 whatever angle that you have there is going to determine
02:39 the actual shape of the ellipse . And then we
02:41 take the same cone and we decide to slice it
02:45 slightly differently . In this case , you notice how
02:47 this side of the cone has an angle to it
02:49 , right ? So what we do is we slice
02:51 through parallel to this side . This line here is
02:55 as good as I can get parallel to this side
02:57 . So when you slice through parallel to the side
03:00 of the cone there than what you get , might
03:02 help if I turn it upside down is a parable
03:04 A . This is a parabolic shape , it comes
03:06 down , has a nice rounded bottom , but kind
03:09 of gets to a point and then it comes back
03:10 up . This is the shape of a standard problem
03:12 , of course , exactly where you cut it and
03:14 how you cut it , the shape of your cone
03:16 and all that is going to dictate exactly what it
03:19 looks like . But that's how you get the comic
03:20 section , known as a problem . The final comic
03:23 section we talked about is called a hyperbole . This
03:27 one is if you take uh your cone and instead
03:31 of slicing at an angle or parallel to the other
03:33 side , you look at the cone like this and
03:35 you slice it straight down so you slice straight down
03:38 . And when you do that you actually get something
03:41 that looks very similar to a parabola . In fact
03:43 , I'll go ahead and show you uh that they
03:45 are different . So so this one here is a
03:47 parabola . This one's a hyperbole to notice this one
03:50 has a much sharper point to it at the bottom
03:52 and it also has much more steep sides to it
03:54 . That's a hyperba . And then finally , whenever
03:57 you cut the hyperbole to , you need to really
03:59 envision it being really two cones . You have one
04:02 cone on the bottom and then one cone kind of
04:04 flipped upside down . When you slice through both of
04:06 them , you slice through the top cone and go
04:09 straight down and slice through the bottom cone . You're
04:11 actually gonna get two halves of the hyperbole . So
04:14 for a circle you make one slice you get one
04:16 shape , we call the circle for the ellipse .
04:18 You make one slice , you get one shape ,
04:20 we called in the lips for a parabola . You
04:22 make one slice , you get one shape , we
04:24 call a parabola for hyperbole . When you think of
04:27 the two cones , you really make one slice .
04:29 But you're slicing through two different cones . You get
04:31 two shapes which they kind of come in pairs called
04:33 a hyperbole or a hyperbolic shape . So what I
04:36 want to do now is I want to pick up
04:38 the toys here and we're gonna go through each of
04:40 these comic sections on the board drawing their shape ,
04:43 showing you exactly how the shape comes about writing down
04:46 some of the basic equations of the different shapes .
04:48 So you'll understand how the different comic sections relate to
04:50 each other in algebra , and of course by extension
04:53 into geometry . All right now we're ready to roll
04:57 up our sleeves and and get uh get serious about
04:59 this . So on the first board we're going to
05:01 talk about the comic section that everyone here already understands
05:05 . At least something about , it's called a circle
05:06 . We haven't talked about circles much in algebra yet
05:08 , we're going to talk about them at great length
05:10 here , you all have some idea what a circle
05:13 is , right ? So let me go ahead and
05:15 try to do that here to draw that for you
05:18 here . So here's my best freehand at a circle
05:21 . Is it a perfect circle ? No , it's
05:22 definitely a lumpy circle , so sorry about that ,
05:25 but this is the best circle I can draw freehand
05:27 . Now , the thing about a circle is what
05:29 defines a circle . Well , the center is the
05:32 thing that defines a circle . So I'm gonna put
05:33 this is the center of the circle and you all
05:37 know that every circle has what we call a radius
05:40 . So to draw that radius , I'm going to
05:42 kind of draw a little arrow here and I'm gonna
05:45 put a point P on the edge of the circle
05:48 here , and I'm gonna call this point P .
05:50 X comma , y why am I doing that ?
05:52 Because if you can I'm not going to draw a
05:54 grid here , but if you can imagine an xy
05:56 plane kinda where the circle is sitting on top of
05:59 the xy plane , then what we want to do
06:01 is we want to write an equation down that talks
06:04 about the shape of the circle . We want to
06:07 we all know circle has a center and radius .
06:09 Of course we know that , but I want to
06:10 be able to put it in a coordinate plane and
06:12 say , what is the equation of that circle ?
06:14 How can I plot that circle ? Is a circle
06:16 of function is a circle not a function . We
06:18 need to talk about those things . So we need
06:19 to write an equation down that describes every one of
06:22 these purple points here . So it shouldn't describe points
06:26 here and here and here and here . Because those
06:28 aren't on the circle . The only points on the
06:30 circle are on the purple line , the circle ,
06:33 the points related to the circle are not outside the
06:37 circle and they're not inside the circle . The only
06:39 points that describe the circle lie on this purple line
06:43 exactly . So these points we call P and we
06:46 say these points P have xy values . That's what
06:48 the X . Y . Means . So here's a
06:49 different xy value . Here's a different xy value on
06:52 this part of the circle and so on . As
06:54 you go around , you'll have a different xy value
06:56 for the points on on that curve . Now we're
06:59 gonna do a similar thing when we talk about a
07:01 parabola and in the lips and high purple . So
07:04 it's important for you to understand P X . Y
07:06 . Just means the set of points that describe the
07:08 shape that we call the circle . And they all
07:10 have X . Y coordinates . Right ? So the
07:13 way that we write down the definition of a circle
07:17 is in words , if you were to see it
07:19 in the text book , you would see something like
07:20 this . A circle is the set of all points
07:28 . I'm gonna put P . Meaning all of these
07:30 points . P there's an infinite number of points on
07:32 this purple line . So the points P the same
07:38 distance uh from the center . Yeah . Okay .
07:51 And so a way that you can write this in
07:53 terms of the definition , I mean this is inwards
07:56 a definition , right ? I mean this makes sense
07:58 . I mean this is what you all know ,
07:58 A circle is . It's a set of all the
08:00 points . The same distance . That means the same
08:02 radius from the center of the circle . You want
08:04 you all know that the points P are all the
08:06 same distance away from the center . That makes sense
08:08 , right ? But in mathematical talk or mathematical uh
08:13 you know parlance , you would say if this is
08:15 the center C and this is the point P ,
08:18 you would say that cp the distant cp must be
08:22 equal to a constant . Now this does not mean
08:26 C times P this does not mean the center times
08:29 P . This means the distance . Remember in geometry
08:32 , when we talk about distances , we have the
08:34 endpoints and we we write them as , you know
08:37 , you can think of it as a line segment
08:38 with a bar on top . The distance between A
08:40 and B is a B . The distance between X
08:43 , Y . Is x . Y . The distance
08:45 between the center and the point P is called C
08:47 . P . And this distance must be a constant
08:50 no matter what angle I'm looking at . If I'm
08:53 looking over here , the distance between the center and
08:55 this point must be the same as the distance between
08:58 here and here , which must be the same as
09:00 the distance between here and here . So we're saying
09:02 that the distance between C . And all of the
09:04 points P must be a constant number . What do
09:06 you think this constant is ? Well , that's the
09:08 radius of the circle , that's what describes the size
09:11 of the circle . So that's what a definition of
09:14 uh of a circle would be . Now . In
09:17 terms of um in terms of an equation right ,
09:22 we're not gonna talk too much about the equation of
09:24 a circle . Now we're gonna have an entire set
09:26 of lessons on it . But just to give you
09:28 a flavor , the equation of a circle would look
09:31 something like this . A general equation of a circle
09:34 would look something like this , X squared plus y
09:39 squared is equal to r squared . And what does
09:43 this mean ? Now this is a different kind of
09:46 an equation than we've seen before . I don't expect
09:48 you to understand this yet , I don't expect you
09:50 to say , oh yeah , that makes sense .
09:51 I expect you to believe me this is the equation
09:54 of a circle , but once we get through the
09:55 overview of comic sections , we're going to go back
09:58 to circles first and we're going to really dissect why
10:01 this is the actual equation of a circle for now
10:03 , I just want to get all the equations on
10:05 the board so that you can see how they kind
10:06 of are similar to one another . All of these
10:08 comic sections come from cones from slicing cones , so
10:11 all of the equations have a similar flavor to them
10:14 . In particular , you're gonna start seeing squares all
10:16 over the place in general when you see something squared
10:18 and math , it means something is curving in general
10:21 and a circle is the perfect shape of a perfect
10:24 thing that curves so it has squares everywhere . Yeah
10:27 , this are here is what we call the radius
10:30 , right ? So this thing is the radius .
10:35 So if you make are bigger than the circle is
10:37 gonna get bigger . So you can say from this
10:39 equation that are determines the size of the circle .
10:48 All right . So what I wanna do is I
10:50 want to put the circle on the back burner now
10:52 because I think we all understand the circle is the
10:54 same distance points of the same distance away from the
10:56 center , which means the center to the to point
10:59 P . No matter where the point P is must
11:00 be a constant . This is the equation the basic
11:03 basic equation of a circle . Of course we can
11:05 shift the circle around and change it a little bit
11:07 . But the basic equation is what we have written
11:09 here , but we're not gonna get into too much
11:12 of this yet . We're gonna do this later where
11:13 the radius determines the size . Now what I want
11:15 to do is get the next comic section on the
11:17 board and that is well you can put them in
11:20 any order you want , but I want to talk
11:21 about any lips next because in the lips , when
11:24 you think about it really looks kind of like a
11:26 circle , but it stretched out a little bit .
11:29 So the equation of an ellipse an equation of a
11:31 circle are kind of similar to one another . So
11:33 let's go over onto this board and talk about the
11:36 concept we put underline here , this is a circle
11:39 and we want to go over here and we want
11:40 to talk about any lips right ellipses . Very important
11:44 shape in in Math , we learned that all of
11:47 the orbits of all of the planets end up following
11:49 ellipses . Alright , so here's how we have to
11:53 do this . You have to kind of use your
11:55 imagination . I need to get some things on the
11:57 board before you totally understand it . So let me
11:59 just kind of draw a few things . So let
12:00 me try to draw my best guess and and the
12:03 lips , is this gonna be a perfect your lips
12:04 ? No , it's not going to be close to
12:05 the perfect ellipse , I can tell you right now
12:07 , it's already too flat at the bottom , you
12:10 know , I should around the corner is a little
12:11 bit , but I'm not an artist , I never
12:12 claimed to be an artist . So you're just gonna
12:14 have to put up with that . So the shape
12:16 of this thing is going to look more like something
12:18 like this . Anyway , that's pretty close to any
12:19 lips . Now , the thing about it is when
12:22 you look at a circle , there's one special point
12:24 in the middle , We call it the center ,
12:26 right ? But when we have any lips and also
12:28 the other comic sections , We have not just one
12:31 special point in the center , we have two special
12:33 points and we don't call them the center because they're
12:36 not in the center , we call them the focus
12:38 . And when you have to focus is you call
12:40 them fosse , right ? So you have to get
12:43 used to the idea that there's actually going to be
12:45 kind of two special points in the centre of the
12:47 shape instead of one for the case of the circle
12:50 . So one of these focuses or one of these
12:52 folks i is located around here and the other one
12:55 is located around here . Now , I don't want
12:57 to bog myself down too much with how I know
13:00 exactly where the focus is . What's gonna happen is
13:02 we're gonna write all this stuff down and we're gonna
13:04 go in detail and talk about ellipses , and we're
13:06 going to derive the equations and talk about where they
13:09 come from . But for now , just know that
13:12 if you kind of take this ellipse and squish it
13:14 together , so it becomes a circle , then both
13:16 of these focuses or folks , I kind of end
13:19 up becoming on top of each other . And then
13:21 in that case you get a circle . So basically
13:24 an ellipse is really just a stretched version of a
13:26 circle . So when you take a circle and you
13:28 stretch it out , that one center point , that's
13:30 so special , the center of the circle becomes too
13:32 special points , and that's called Focus number one .
13:35 And Focus number two . Right , So we're going
13:38 to actually call this focus number one , and we're
13:42 gonna call this uh Focus number two , and I'm
13:46 gonna label it because it's probably one of the most
13:48 important things I want you to really learn here .
13:50 This thing is called a focus and this thing here
13:55 is also called a focus And this is focused number
14:00 two . And this is focused number one . Right
14:05 now , why do we have these special points called
14:07 the Focus ? Well , we need to kind of
14:08 get into that . Right ? So what we have
14:10 here is just like we had in the case of
14:12 a circle . The shape was described by the purple
14:14 curve . We call , we said it had points
14:16 P . And they had locations X . And Y
14:19 . Right ? We wrote down some stuff to talk
14:20 about where they where they are now in the this
14:24 ellipse . We have points as well and we're gonna
14:26 call it the set of points P . X .
14:28 Y . Again . So basically the purple curve represents
14:32 all of the points . There's an infinite number of
14:34 points on this curve right there , infinitely close together
14:37 , right ? They all formed the special thing we
14:39 call on the lips . These points have locations X
14:41 . Y . If you put this thing on top
14:43 of the coordinate plain and you could put a location
14:45 for every one of those points . So how do
14:47 we determine the special case of the special curve that
14:50 we call on the lips ? Well , in the
14:51 case of a circle , it was simple because the
14:54 circle meant just meant that it was every point had
14:56 to be an equal distance . So if you lock
14:58 down the middle and you trace your finger out ,
15:00 then you're gonna trace out all of the special points
15:03 . And the lips is a little more complicated .
15:05 So let me draw a couple of things and I'm
15:07 gonna draw a line segment from here to here ,
15:10 and I'm gonna draw a line segment from here to
15:12 here . All right , so I want you to
15:14 to kind of keep in mind I'm sorry about that
15:17 . Probably should have used a different color . So
15:19 this this is just saying Focus number two . So
15:21 here's a line segment from here to here . In
15:22 a line segment from here to here . So what
15:24 you have is let's see how do you want to
15:28 do this ? The set of points P . That
15:31 defines this purple , purple curving ellipse is the following
15:35 thing . The distance between F one mp , which
15:38 means this line here between F one and P plus
15:42 the distance here , which means from F to up
15:46 to pee . So this one plus distance . This
15:48 distance is equal to a constant . Think about what
15:53 that means for a second . The secret to what
15:55 an ellipses is all written down in this simple little
15:58 relation right here . What it means is I take
16:00 any two points in space , Call it focus .
16:02 One focus too . And I want to find the
16:05 set of points that gonna go around there so that
16:07 the distance between one of these points to my shape
16:11 , I'm calling an ellipse plus the distance down to
16:13 the other guy is equal to a constant . So
16:16 what this means is you can see how I've drawn
16:18 it here , that that that that works for that
16:20 one particular point . But let's draw another point .
16:22 Let's say we pick a point down here on this
16:25 point is on the ellipse as well . So this
16:27 is of course , p X comma y as well
16:29 . It's another point of course , but it has
16:30 X y coordinates . What we're basically saying , we
16:33 draw a little dot in line between this point and
16:35 this point and at this point to this point right
16:38 here . So you can imagine for any point on
16:40 the ellipse , you can draw these lines from the
16:42 ellipse to the border and then from the border to
16:45 the other folks , I'm sorry , from the focus
16:46 to the border and then from the border to the
16:48 other focus . So what you're basically saying is if
16:52 you have two points , call it Focus one and
16:54 focus to the ellipse is the set of points .
16:57 P so that as I walk around the ellipse ,
17:00 the distance from one focus up to the border and
17:04 back down to the other . Focus is the same
17:06 number . It's a constant . Just like the distance
17:09 here was a constant . No matter what , it
17:11 was really simple cause there was only one center point
17:13 . Now I spread the points out and I'm saying
17:15 , OK , if I move , let's say over
17:17 here , instead of looking at this point , I
17:19 look at this point here , then the distance between
17:21 here and here , that's a little longer . But
17:24 then the distance between here and here will be a
17:25 little shorter . So you add them up , you
17:27 get a constant number . So let's go over here
17:29 , let's say you take a point from here .
17:31 Way over here , over here , this is even
17:33 longer distance than what I've drawn in blue , but
17:35 then this is a shorter distance . So of course
17:37 you add them up , you get the same thing
17:39 . If I pick a point here compared to the
17:42 blue line , then this distance from F one to
17:45 my finger is shorter , but then the distance from
17:47 here to here is longer . So when I add
17:49 them up I still get a constant number . So
17:51 you see no matter where I walk on the edge
17:53 of this curve , if I even picked this one
17:56 , this is really , really short compared to the
17:58 blue line , but this distance is much much longer
18:00 , so I add them up and I still get
18:02 a constant number . So just like there's this thing
18:04 we call a radius when it comes down to circles
18:08 , Ellipses have a similar constant thing . It's just
18:10 that there's two centers , for lack of a better
18:12 word , we don't call them centers because they're not
18:14 in the center , we call them focus one and
18:16 focus to distance between Focus , one up to the
18:18 border and down to the other . Focus has to
18:21 be the same for every single point on that egg
18:24 shaped thing that we call an ellipse . So that
18:27 is what this equation means . The distance focus one
18:29 to the point . Focus to to the point has
18:31 to be equal to a constant . And that's why
18:33 I'm drawing it next to the circle because it's it
18:36 has a similar meaning . Now , if you wanted
18:39 to write in words , what it means , what
18:41 you would see in a book , an ellipse is
18:43 the set of points . P set of points .
18:49 But it's always gonna be the set of points .
18:50 P . Okay . Where the some I'm using shorthand
18:55 here . This means the set of points P where
18:56 the some of the distance from P two two fixed
19:10 points . Yeah . And these are called the fosse
19:14 are the same . Now when you read this kind
19:21 of thing in a book , the set of points
19:23 . P . So the some of the distance between
19:24 P two to fix points , folks are the same
19:26 . I mean even I know what it means .
19:28 I read it and I'm like what does that mean
19:29 ? Because it's just too wordy . All it's trying
19:31 to say is you pick any two points . I
19:33 mean literally I can define in the lips with any
19:35 points I want , I can say here's a point
19:36 , here's a point . Okay , great . Two
19:38 points . How do I find an ellipse ? There's
19:40 got to be some egg shaped thing we call on
19:42 the lips points that surround those two . So the
19:45 distance from here to here is a number and the
19:47 distance over here is the same number . When I
19:49 add the individual little radi I up . So you
19:51 can think of this as radius one and radius to
19:53 you add them up . You get a constant number
19:55 . You can think for this point , radius one
19:57 radius to you add them up . You have to
19:59 get a constant number and so on for every point
20:01 around . Even if you pick a point here ,
20:03 the distance from here to here . Short compared to
20:05 this . But the distance is much longer compared to
20:08 this one , you add them together and you get
20:10 the same the same constant thing . Now when we
20:13 get to actually talking about the math here , we're
20:15 gonna derive this . We're going to talk about this
20:17 in a lot more detail . But for now I
20:20 think what I wanna do is write the equation of
20:23 a basic ellipse on the board and that is the
20:26 following . I don't expect you to know this yet
20:28 or understand this yet . But this is what it
20:30 is . X squared over A squared plus Y squared
20:34 over B squared is equal to one . This is
20:38 a basic basic equation of an ellipse and a .
20:42 And be determined . Mhm . The shape , what
20:50 I mean by that is an ellipse can be really
20:52 long and slender or it can be kind of fat
20:55 and and study . It could also be rotated to
20:58 go up and down instead of side to side .
21:00 And so A . And B . Are going to
21:02 determine how the thing looks , how stretched out is
21:05 it ? That's what we call the eccentricity . Is
21:07 it oriented vertical or horizontal ? A . And B
21:10 . Are going to determine that . But when you
21:11 look at it it looks similar to a circle .
21:13 There's an X squared plus Y squared . Here's an
21:16 X squared plus Y squared . So that part is
21:18 actually the same between the two . Now , in
21:20 the case of a circle we just set it equal
21:21 to R squared . In this case we set it
21:23 equal to one . I'll explain a lot more why
21:26 it's written this way later . But anyway , the
21:29 idea is you have X squared plus Y squared is
21:31 equal to something . And now for the ellipse we
21:33 have these A and B terms which really determine the
21:36 shape , how stretched out the thing is . All
21:39 right , So that's what an ellipse is . Now
21:42 , what I want to do is talk about Parabolas
21:44 . Now we've been talking about parabolas and algebra for
21:46 a very long time . You all know that the
21:48 function F fx is equal to X squared , defines
21:53 that basic parabolic shape . We've sketched them , we've
21:56 grabbed them , we've done tons of things with problems
22:00 because it's one of the most important shapes and one
22:02 of the most important functions in algebra . But now
22:04 we're diving deeper . Don't skip over this stuff .
22:07 We're diving deeper into how that special shape of a
22:09 parabola comes about remember we actually talked about in the
22:12 last lesson that the parable has that special uh special
22:16 characteristic that it focuses all the incoming parallel rays onto
22:21 that special spot we call the focus . We now
22:24 know ellipses have to focus . I parables only have
22:26 one focus , so we have to figure out where
22:29 the focus is going to be and how the shape
22:31 of the proble actually relates to that . And so
22:34 for the third connick section , we're gonna talk about
22:36 Parabola and I know your parabola uh I know that
22:42 you're maybe rolling your eyes because we've talked about Parabolas
22:47 so much , but I'm sorry , it's just something
22:49 that it requires a lot of work because Parabolas are
22:51 very , very important . All right . So ,
22:54 first , let's figure out what is the shape of
22:55 a problem ? Now , this is a free hand
22:57 Parable . I'm sorry , it's not gonna be perfect
22:59 . It's probably too broad at the bottom or whatever
23:01 . But you see it's the general shape of a
23:03 problem that , you know , and love and um
23:06 but now we want to talk about it in terms
23:08 of its definition , in terms of the equation and
23:11 how this shape is actually really defined in general .
23:14 All right . So the thing to note about a
23:16 problem is that it has a focus also and we
23:19 talked about that the focus is going to be somewhere
23:21 around here . The exact spot where the focus is
23:24 will come into focus . Later on . When we
23:26 talk more about the equations , I'm gonna write an
23:28 equation for parabola down , but we're gonna discuss parable
23:31 is that much more great length , a little bit
23:33 more down the road . So we have this special
23:35 spot that we called the focus that we call the
23:38 focus of the parabola . So that means all incoming
23:40 light rays bounce off and they get concentrated at that
23:43 point . But here's the part that we have not
23:45 talked about problems in the past . There's also a
23:48 special line associated with the problem . It's down here
23:52 , it's actually below the problem . It helps define
23:54 what the problem is . C . In the case
23:56 of a circle , all we needed was one point
23:59 to define all the set of , you know what
24:02 we needed , the center and the radius to define
24:04 the set of points . We call a circle for
24:06 the lips . We just needed to focus . I
24:09 and then whatever this constant is , is going to
24:11 determine the shape of the actual ellipse . Now for
24:15 a parabola , you need two things to define what
24:19 the parabola is , but it's not too fussy .
24:22 It's or two focuses . Its one focus . In
24:24 one line , this thing is called a focus .
24:28 So I'm gonna write down focus here . Right ?
24:31 So call it focus . F . But this line
24:33 has a special word . It's called directory ticks .
24:37 Mhm . Directory . So any time you see the
24:40 word directorates , you know , it's some line that's
24:42 the line associated with the Parabola . So , this
24:44 is something we haven't kind of talked about it all
24:47 yet . So , I need to make sure you
24:48 understand . In the past we've graphed Parabolas . We've
24:50 shifted Parabolas around . We've dissected parabolas everywhere . You
24:55 probably thought there was nothing left to learn about Parabolas
24:57 . But it turns out to define the special purple
24:59 shape called a parabola . You actually need two things
25:02 . You need the focus , which is the spot
25:04 where the rays are concentrated on if they bounce in
25:07 . And you also need the special line called the
25:09 Directory . So , we're gonna talk a whole lot
25:11 more about how we know where the directorate says later
25:14 . But there exists online underneath every parable you've ever
25:16 graft called the directorate's . We just never told you
25:19 about it because we didn't need to know it until
25:20 now . All right . So , we also have
25:23 another special point and this one you already know .
25:26 This is called the vertex . Let's see here .
25:29 No , but I want to put it over there
25:30 . I wish I would have done that on the
25:32 other side because I have some other stuff I need
25:33 to draw here . So it's over here . We're
25:36 gonna call this the vertex , the vertex is the
25:41 lowest point of the problem . Or if it's upside
25:43 down , it's the highest point of the problem .
25:45 So , given that there is a focus of a
25:48 parabola , a dot and a line . In fact
25:51 , given any dot in any line , you can
25:53 always define define a parabola that goes down in between
25:56 these two things . How do we define what it
25:59 is ? Well , which similar to what we've done
26:01 before ? We have to draw a few things .
26:04 All right . What we say is that from the
26:07 focus , the distance from the focus to the parabola
26:13 . Here's a dot here . Uh And the distance
26:16 from this point down here to the directory is the
26:20 same distance they're equal to each other . So I'm
26:22 gonna put a line through it . This is from
26:24 geometry , this line means this thing is congruent ,
26:27 which means it's equal to and in length this one
26:29 . Now , the way I've drawn it , this
26:30 line is actually slightly bigger . That's just because I'm
26:33 drawing it freehand . But what I'm trying to tell
26:35 you is that for every parabola you can make this
26:38 little argument that the distance between the focus to the
26:40 point P and the point P to the directorate is
26:43 the same distance . So , this little cross mark
26:45 means this is the same distance as this one .
26:48 And this relationship that these are equal is true for
26:51 every point on the problem . In fact , if
26:53 you look over here , if I draw , for
26:55 instance , maybe over here this distance um is the
26:59 same as this distance right here . And of course
27:01 that's not exactly right , because I drew this thing
27:03 freehand . The actual shape of the problem is not
27:06 quite the way I've drawn it . And also maybe
27:08 if you go up here , the distance here and
27:11 then also the distance down here , this should be
27:12 the same as well . And the one I look
27:14 at this , the more , the more it's not
27:16 quite right . And the reason that's not right is
27:17 because my parable is too narrow , it should be
27:19 , it should be drawn a little bit um wider
27:22 like this . So , you know what ? Let's
27:24 try to fix it . Why not ? We've got
27:26 we've got time and it's really important . So I
27:27 want to try to fix it for you . It's
27:29 not going to be exact , no matter how how
27:31 hard I try but let me go here and let
27:34 me kind of take these out , take these out
27:35 a little bit here . If I go and do
27:37 something like this and say OK , something like this
27:42 . Maybe that's slightly better shape of a problem ,
27:45 maybe something like that . Okay , so then if
27:48 you look , let me take these away . Okay
27:52 , what I'm trying to say is that the distance
27:55 between the focus and this spot right here is the
27:58 same as the distance down here . So these are
28:00 equal . This looks a little better . The distance
28:02 between here and here and here and here is equal
28:05 . It's a little better . It's not perfect .
28:06 The distance from here to here and then here all
28:08 the way down here , these are equal . So
28:10 it's pretty close . It's not exactly right , but
28:12 it's pretty close . You can see that the set
28:14 of points that are the purple points and actually I'm
28:16 gonna call them the same thing . I've been calling
28:18 them P . X . Comma Y . So there's
28:21 this is P all of these points are called point
28:24 P everywhere here this is point P . This is
28:26 point P . Different point , different coordinate X .
28:28 Y . But we all call him the set of
28:29 points P . The distance between the focus and the
28:32 point on the problem is the same as the distance
28:35 from the Parabola down to the directorate's . Now ,
28:39 we've never had to draw the directorate's before because I
28:42 was just giving you the equations of the Parabola before
28:44 and just telling you to draw a plot the points
28:46 and draw it . And I told you that f
28:48 of X equals X squared is a parabola . I
28:51 told you that , but I never told you why
28:53 it was a problem . I never told you what's
28:55 special about a problem . What is special about a
28:57 parabola ? Is the distance from the focus to any
29:00 point on the Parabola is the same as the distance
29:03 from the point on that . Parable it down to
29:06 this invisible line called the directories . Right ? So
29:09 if you wanted to write a definition , a mathematical
29:11 definition , definition of what this is , then the
29:14 way you would say it is the distance FP the
29:17 distance from the focus to the point P is the
29:19 same as from point P to point D . Where
29:24 we call this distance the directorate's here . So you
29:27 could say , you know , this is the one
29:29 point , the one point B to point D .
29:31 Three , you know , like this . So the
29:33 set of points on the directorate's is called the points
29:36 D . The set of points on the problem called
29:39 the set of points P . And the focus is
29:41 just one point . So the focus to the point
29:45 on the problem is the same as the distance ,
29:47 that same distance from the problem down to the directory
29:50 from Point P . Whatever point you pick on the
29:52 purple curve is going to be true . Even if
29:53 I go this way , the distance between here and
29:55 here is the same as between here and here .
29:58 If I go down below the distance between here and
30:00 here is the same as between here and here .
30:02 If I go way over here , the distance between
30:03 here and here is the same as the distance between
30:05 here and here . And that is what a parabola
30:07 is . It's a special shape that kind of uh
30:11 cuts through between the director and the focus in such
30:14 a way that those distances are the same . So
30:16 what you would see in a book um would be
30:19 something like this . A parabola is the set of
30:22 all points . Mhm . Equidistant from a fixed line
30:38 and a point . Mhm . Which is called the
30:42 focus not on the line , so Right . So
30:50 basically if I pick any point , call it the
30:53 focus and I pick any any line , call it
30:58 the directory , I can always find a set of
31:00 points that will cut down below the focus and above
31:03 the directorates and cut through like this . So the
31:05 distance between here and the curve is the same as
31:08 I've outlined it here . Now , what is the
31:10 equation of a parabola ? Of course , you all
31:11 know what it is because we've used it so many
31:13 times . But the basic basic equation of a parabola
31:16 is Y is equal to a times X squared .
31:20 So , notice that this one is different than the
31:22 other ones because I have a square on the X
31:25 . Term , but I do not have a square
31:26 on the Y term . Right notice here I have
31:28 a square in the X tournament square in the white
31:30 term . Yeah , there's some other junk here ,
31:31 but this is a closed shape because I have uh
31:34 squares on both of them like this and then I
31:36 have squares on both of them here as well for
31:38 the circle . So that's a closed shape . Um
31:41 Parabola is not quite the same . I don't have
31:44 a square on the Y term , I only have
31:46 a square in the X . Term . And of
31:47 course this variable A was very important . The A
31:51 determined the shape . So this variable A determined the
31:58 shape of the problem . Specifically if A . Is
32:02 really large . Like if it's 100 X squared ,
32:05 you have a really narrow parabola , really , really
32:08 tight , right ? If you have a very ,
32:09 very small value for a like 0.1 X square ,
32:13 then you're probably is enormously huge . It's like really
32:15 broad , really , really shadow shallow . So in
32:18 each of these equations of the comic sections , you
32:20 have certain little numbers that determine the shape of the
32:22 thing . And of course we know that we can
32:25 go in here and shift in this problem in the
32:28 X direction by putting the term inside of this X
32:31 variable . We can shift in the Y direction .
32:33 So we can of course shift the parable is the
32:35 circles and the parabolas ellipses and circles around by playing
32:40 around with what's inside of the variables here . But
32:42 these equations I'm writing down here are just representative basic
32:45 equations . Now , the circle , the ellipse and
32:48 the parabola are um I don't wanna say they're easy
32:52 , but they're easier to understand the hyperbole . A
32:55 actually is a little weird to wrap their brains around
32:58 , but it's not so hard to understand when you
33:00 understand where you're coming from here . You know ,
33:02 you have the set of points an equal distance from
33:06 the center . Okay then this is the set of
33:08 points where you're adding together these two kind of line
33:12 segments and whatever the some of them are you getting
33:15 a constant number . This defines the special shape .
33:17 We can pick any point we want on this purple
33:20 curve and I can take from here to that point
33:22 and from that point to here and I can add
33:24 it up and I'll get a constant number . That's
33:25 what the ellipse is . Keep that in mind as
33:28 we go and talk about what hyperbole is . So
33:33 we need to write a high purple and alan ,
33:34 I know we haven't talked about high purple as yet
33:36 much , but this is the introduction to what a
33:39 high purple is . Very important actually . All right
33:42 , so now we need to do is draw the
33:43 shape that we call a hyperbole to and we have
33:46 to kind of mirror images here . These are not
33:48 going to be great drawings . I'm sorry about that
33:50 . It's hard to do this free hand but I'll
33:52 try to do my best . But they basically form
33:55 these shapes . If you turn your head sideways ,
33:57 remember how we cut that cone ? It would produce
33:59 one shape angle down and one kind of shaped angled
34:03 up and that kind of face each other because the
34:05 cones were pointed toward each other . But anyway ,
34:07 that doesn't matter so much . We have this shape
34:09 called hyperbole . This purple shape is what we call
34:11 a hyperbole . Both halves refer to the single thing
34:14 called hyperbole . This thing is not a hyperbole and
34:17 this is a separate hyperbole . They both form this
34:19 thing called a hyperbole together . Now , just like
34:22 in the case of any lips we had um the
34:26 focus right ? Uh and also for a problem as
34:28 well . So here we have a focus for this
34:30 hyperbole . We have a focus here as well .
34:32 So we call this one Focus F one and we
34:35 call this one focus F two , you might imagine
34:38 because we have to focus is now this is why
34:40 it becomes a little bit weird to think about ,
34:44 I need you to think about the ellipse . So
34:45 we had the two focuses and what we did is
34:47 we said the distance from one focus to the point
34:49 on the ellipse . Plus that distance from the same
34:53 point down here was a constant . We had to
34:55 add those to kind of radi i together . If
34:57 you want to think of a kind of kind of
34:59 sort of like a radius , we add them together
35:00 and we get a constant for hyperbole as we need
35:03 to do subtraction . That's why it's a little hard
35:05 to visualize . So let's say there's some point here
35:08 on this um hyperbole and let's say it's we don't
35:12 want to draw this , Let's call it P one
35:15 X comma . Why ? Okay , so what I'm
35:20 saying here is that the distance between here and here
35:24 and then we have a distance here and here .
35:26 So in order to well it's probably gonna be easier
35:29 to to show with another point as well . Um
35:31 we have let's call it p sub two X .
35:37 Comma . Y . Right , so let me draw
35:40 another one as well , make it a little easier
35:41 to understand . So then we have the distance between
35:44 F1 up to here and then the distance between here
35:48 down to the focus as well . So what we're
35:51 basically saying here is that the distance F one up
35:58 to the point P one minus the point P .
36:03 Um P one down to F sub two . This
36:09 is the exact same distance as whenever you say Point
36:13 F one up to P two minus P 2 2
36:19 f . two . And another way to really say
36:23 this is the distance in general from Point F one
36:28 up two point any P on the parabola minus that
36:31 same distance point P . But to the other focus
36:34 is going to be equal to a constant . So
36:38 when you really think of it this way it's very
36:40 similar to the equation . I'm gonna lips , we
36:42 added together the distance between the focus and the point
36:44 on the parabola , we had to add them up
36:46 and we got a constant here , We're subtracting them
36:48 . Now . What I need you to understand is
36:50 more than just the math here . I want you
36:51 to intuit intuitively understand what it means . If I
36:54 look at this point in blue here , the distance
36:56 here and then if I subtract this distance here ,
36:58 that's going to give me some number , let's pretend
37:00 this is like six centimeters and this is like two
37:02 centimeters . I'm gonna subtract them , I'll get four
37:04 centimeters . But if I take the distance between this
37:07 and this other line , that's going to be a
37:08 longer distance than this line , it's longer . But
37:11 then I'm subtracting off a longer distance as well .
37:15 So when I do both sets of subtractions , I'm
37:17 going to actually get the same distance because no matter
37:20 where I walk on this parable , if I walk
37:22 all the way down here , but then I'm gonna
37:24 take this , but then I have to subtract off
37:26 this distance which is also longer , then I'm going
37:29 to get the same thing . That's why we say
37:30 it's a constant . So in general , the hyperbole
37:34 A is similar to the ellipse in the sense that
37:36 you're kind of taking two distances and you have to
37:38 get a constant out of them . But in the
37:40 case of the ellipse , we add those distances together
37:42 and we say that we get a constant in the
37:44 case of a hyper Bella we subtract those distances and
37:47 we say that we get a constant . So this
37:49 is what basically you get here now , in terms
37:51 of , you know what you might see in a
37:52 book , as far as like the definitions of hyperbole
37:55 , it's the set of points . P so that
38:04 the difference between the distance between , let's see such
38:14 that the difference between the distance from this is why
38:22 it gets hard to understand it from P two two
38:27 fixed folks . I these are points , right ,
38:32 is a constant . Yeah . Now if I give
38:36 this to anybody , just say , hey , here's
38:37 what a high purple is . You're not going to
38:38 understand it because it doesn't make , it doesn't make
38:40 intuitive sense the set of points piece . So the
38:42 difference between the distance between P two to fix fosse
38:46 is constant . It's so hard to understand . All
38:48 it's basically saying is pick two points . We call
38:51 it Focus one Focus two . There must exist to
38:54 purple curves in there so that the difference in the
38:58 distance between this to one of the points on the
39:00 curve and the point on the curve to the other
39:02 focus is the same and that very special shape so
39:05 that you always get the same number when you do
39:06 the subtraction , meaning it's a constant is called an
39:10 ellipse . I'm sorry , it's called a hyperbole .
39:13 I'm sorry about that . Now the equation for hyperbole
39:16 to looks like this . The basic equation X squared
39:19 over a squared minus Y squared over B squared is
39:26 equal to one . Now of course we can change
39:28 it . We can shift the hyperbole around by doing
39:30 shifting and all this . But notice this has a
39:32 very similar form to the ellipse and that's because the
39:35 constraint is real similar . So we had a plus
39:37 sign here when we're adding up these little segments to
39:40 get a constant . So we have a plus sign
39:41 here . Here we're subtracting the two segments so we
39:43 have a minus sign . So they're very similar to
39:46 one another , right ? But the idea is that
39:48 you have a subtraction going on . The A .
39:50 And the B term are gonna also determine A .
39:53 And B . Are going to determine the actual shape
39:54 of the hyperbole . Is it going to be really
39:56 broad or it's gonna be really really narrow coming in
39:59 and out and that . And also A . And
40:00 B will determine if it's tilted up and down along
40:02 the Y axis or if it's extended along the X
40:05 axis as well . Now the purpose of the section
40:08 was not to make you an expert in comic sections
40:11 that actually takes more time . But what I wanted
40:13 to do is give an overview of what the different
40:16 comic sections are in more detail than we did in
40:18 the last lesson to talk about mostly the definitions of
40:21 what the set of points for circle parabola , ellipse
40:24 hyperbole are and to also write the equations now .
40:27 Not so that you understand them yet , because I
40:29 don't think you really should understand them yet , but
40:32 just so you can kind of see the similarities .
40:34 So for a circle it's a set of all points
40:36 , an equal constant distance from the center . It
40:41 has the equation of this form . You have a
40:43 square in the X term , a square in the
40:44 right term , and you have a single number ,
40:46 we call the radius which determines the size of the
40:48 circle . For an ellipse , it's similar . You
40:51 have kind of the distance from the central point to
40:55 the point on the edge . We call it maybe
40:57 radius one if you want to and then you have
40:59 to add to it . The other kind of quote
41:00 unquote radius from the the other special point to the
41:04 edge . We add them together and we get a
41:05 constant thing . But in turn produces an equation like
41:08 this . You still have the X squared plus the
41:10 y squared . You have a number on the right
41:11 . But then you have two numbers . The two
41:13 numbers dictate the shape of the thing . Is it
41:15 going to be really long and stretched is going to
41:17 be fat and study . Is it going to extend
41:19 in the extra direction ? Is it going to extend
41:22 in the Y direction ? This will determine . And
41:25 also other things that we'll talk about later . The
41:27 shape of this ellipse . Then we had the famous
41:30 parabola . We never learned before that we had a
41:33 directorates that exist below every one of these parabolas .
41:36 You pick a special line called directorates . You picked
41:39 a focus and you can always dry curve that goes
41:42 between the two such that the distance from the focus
41:45 to the curve and the curve to the directorate is
41:48 the same . Right ? So the set of all
41:50 points equal distant blah , blah blah . And so
41:52 when you do the math , which we will do
41:54 in a few lessons , you'll find out the basic
41:56 equation of a problem looks like this . A single
41:58 number determines the size or the shape of the problem
42:02 . How squished it is , how broad it is
42:04 . Notice we only have one square in the X
42:06 term , We don't have a square on the white
42:07 term . And so the problem is opened up like
42:09 this . Next we finally have the hyperbole actually very
42:14 shares a lot of characteristics with the ellipse . You
42:16 can kind of think of a hyperbole as any lips
42:19 that's been stretched so much that it kind of flips
42:21 back on itself and kind of becomes opened up uh
42:25 into this hyperbolic shape like this . And it is
42:28 defined to be the distance from one focus to the
42:30 point on the curve minus the distance between that point
42:33 to the other . Focus is a constant and the
42:36 equation you get looks almost exactly the same as any
42:38 lips but you have a minus sign instead of a
42:40 plus sign . There are a lot more details to
42:42 this . We're going to get into all of them
42:44 . Now what we need to do is we need
42:45 to talk about circles in great detail , how to
42:48 graph them , how to shift them , how ,
42:49 what the size and shape looks like . We'll do
42:51 the same thing for Parabolas will do the same thing
42:53 for ellipses , will do the same thing for hyperbole
42:55 is um by the time you get to the end
42:56 of it you'll understand all the comic sections where they
42:59 come from , how to graph them , why they're
43:01 useful and how to in general solve almost any problem
43:04 that someone can throw at you with regard to comic
43:06 sections .


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