06 - Proving the Logarithm (Log) Rules - Understand Logarithm Rules & Laws of Logs - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

06 - Proving the Logarithm (Log) Rules - Understand Logarithm Rules & Laws of Logs - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

06 - Proving the Logarithm (Log) Rules - Understand Logarithm Rules & Laws of Logs - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back . The title of this lesson
00:02 is proving the laws of logarithms . So up until
00:06 this point we've actually been using these laws of logarithms
00:09 . There's three primary ultra important rules of logarithms .
00:13 Laws of logarithms . We've been using in the solve
00:15 algorithmic equations and simplify expressions , but I never proved
00:19 them to you and I want to take a minute
00:20 to prove them to you because I don't like telling
00:23 you , hey , this is true . Trust me
00:25 in general , I don't like to , you probably
00:27 could skip this section if you want to but I
00:29 think it's probably a good idea that you watch it
00:31 just so you can know where they come from .
00:32 And also because it's a good exercise in working and
00:36 manipulating the algorithm . So you get your skills uh
00:39 kind of like you get your skills sharpened as well
00:41 . So at the end of this I really like
00:42 you to prove them all yourself . Even after you've
00:45 seen me do it , there's a lot of use
00:46 in that . So we're gonna prove three laws of
00:49 logarithms here . The first one we're gonna prove is
00:51 the following one approve the one that we use all
00:54 the time when we use all of these . But
00:56 this one probably use the most log rhythm base B
00:59 of the product M . Times in . And we
01:04 now know because we've been using this so much that
01:05 that's the same thing as log base B of M
01:08 plus log base B of N . So why is
01:12 it that when you have two things multiplied in the
01:15 log rhythm operating on it ? Why does that become
01:18 the addition of two logarithms ? It's almost like multiplication
01:22 . When you're dealing with logarithms , you take the
01:23 log of multiplication . It kind of gets transformed into
01:27 addition of law algorithm . So the multiplication operation becomes
01:31 addition . Which is very useful for more advanced math
01:34 when we're trying to simplify things . Sometimes , multiplying
01:37 things gets tricky and dicey . You can change it's
01:39 the addition . If you just take the law algorithm
01:41 of the thing . So we're trying to prove this
01:42 thing here . Also one more thing I'm going to
01:44 say probably in the beginning you might say , oh
01:47 , that proof was neat , but I never would
01:48 have thought of that . That's okay . None of
01:50 us think of the stuff to begin with , right
01:52 ? You have to see it right ? As long
01:54 as you understand what I'm doing , that's all I
01:55 care about . I don't expect you to know how
01:57 to prove this . I don't expect you to feel
02:00 like you should already know how to do this .
02:02 I just want you to follow it . That's all
02:03 I want you to do . So that you can
02:04 sharpen your skills . All right . So in order
02:08 to do this , we know we want to add
02:10 these guys together . So to make things easier ,
02:12 let's let the following things be true . Let's let
02:16 some new variable X . Equal the log base B
02:20 of M . And let's let a new variable .
02:22 Why be log base B of N . You might
02:26 say why am I introducing new variables ? Well ,
02:28 that happens all the time . In proofs . The
02:30 proof is like it's like a blank canvas for you
02:33 to paint on . You can paint anything . I
02:34 can paint what I want , I can paint jupiter
02:37 or Saturn , I can paint cows or chickens .
02:39 It's whatever I want to do in the proof ,
02:42 I can do what I want as long as it's
02:43 mathematically legal . So I'm just gonna let the variable
02:46 X equal to this and this equal to this .
02:48 That's fine . The rest of it . I'm gonna
02:50 try to logically connect the dots and make this thing
02:52 be true . Okay . But if I let these
02:56 things true , then the following things are true .
03:00 Because this is a law algorithm , then I then
03:02 no , because of this first line , B to
03:05 the power of X is equal to M . B
03:08 to the power of X . M . That's the
03:09 definition of a log rhythm . And also B to
03:13 the power of Y is equal to n . So
03:16 because of what I let these variables equal then these
03:19 variables are equal . You might say this is not
03:22 at all looking like that . That's fine . That's
03:24 what I said . You probably you know , unless
03:26 you're a math guru , you probably wouldn't know to
03:29 do this . I mean none of us would but
03:30 as long as you can follow what I'm doing ,
03:32 that's all I care about . All right then .
03:36 Or I should say thus . Use words like thus
03:39 . And a proof . If I let this true
03:41 , then this becomes is true because of the definition
03:43 of the law algorithm , then I know I want
03:45 to multiply these things together . M times in .
03:48 Okay . But now I know what M and N
03:50 . Are they came from these definitions ? You see
03:52 ? Now I have equations for what M and N
03:54 are . So then M times in is this times
03:58 this which means that's B to the X , times
04:00 B to the Y . You see ? Because I
04:02 know what imminent are those things are multiplied together .
04:05 But because these have the same base in different exponents
04:08 , I can then say that this is B to
04:10 the power of X plus . Why ? Because I
04:12 can add these exponents anytime I have the same base
04:15 , I can take uh those exponents there . I
04:18 can I can add those exponents . Now . Ultimately
04:21 I have M times in . And I'm trying to
04:23 take the law algorithm of that and I want to
04:24 see what it equals . Now , I have an
04:26 expression for what M times N actually is . So
04:30 in order to figure out if this is gonna work
04:33 out , I'm gonna take long algorithm of both sides
04:35 . I'll take log of base be both sides because
04:42 I can do anything . I want to an equation
04:44 as long as I do it to both sides ,
04:46 I'm gonna work with this one . I'm gonna say
04:47 log base B of M times N is equal to
04:52 . I'm gonna have to take the log of this
04:53 log base B . Of B to the power of
04:56 X plus Y . Now this B to the power
04:57 of X plus Y . This is what the law
04:59 algorithm is operating on . But remember we talked about
05:02 90 million times about the idea that a law algorithm
05:06 with the base B is the inverse function of an
05:10 exponential with the base be there in verses . So
05:12 when they operate on each other , they annihilate each
05:14 other . That is what the definition of the inverse
05:16 . Does the inverse function under does what the parent
05:20 function or what the other function did in the first
05:22 place . So since we have an exponential here ,
05:24 it raised to the power B to the power of
05:26 this . But the law algorithm um does that .
05:28 So on the right hand side the log rhythm cancels
05:31 with the base B . And all I have left
05:32 is X plus Y . On the left hand side
05:36 I have the law rhythm based B . Of M
05:38 times N . You might say great but I don't
05:41 care about X plus Y . But then you remember
05:43 wait a minute . I define what X and Y
05:45 were up here . This X and Y are the
05:48 same ones that are rippling through the problem statement .
05:50 So then you know that the law algorithm based B
05:53 of M times N is equal to X . But
05:56 X is the log rhythm based be of them log
06:00 base B of M . There's a plus sign here
06:03 . Why why is log base B events ? Yes
06:07 . And if you look back and compare these things
06:10 , these are exactly the same thing . Alright ,
06:14 Because log base B of the product becomes the algorithm
06:17 of the first one . Plus the algorithm of the
06:18 second one . That's exactly what we set out to
06:20 prove . Do I expect that you would have known
06:22 how to do that ? No . Most teachers are
06:24 not going to tell you prove the first law of
06:26 algorithms , but what does it do ? It allows
06:29 you to understand how to get this from the definition
06:32 . That's a property of logarithms . When you multiply
06:35 them , you add exponents when I take the log
06:36 of both sides , the annihilation that happens here .
06:38 That's a property of algorithms . So in the process
06:41 of learning how to prove these things , you actually
06:43 sharpen your skills with dealing with logs . That's really
06:45 all I care about in this lesson . Okay ,
06:50 lets go and prove the the one about exponents .
06:54 Next . We're gonna prove log base B of M
07:01 . To the power of K . Some number to
07:03 the power of K . And we know that that's
07:06 equal from our laws of logarithms to K . Log
07:10 be of em like that . Okay . K log
07:14 b . Bass beat of the number M . So
07:17 we basically , we can take an expanded , we
07:19 can bring it out in front of the long room
07:20 , that's all this is telling us . How do
07:21 we prove that ? So we need to do ,
07:23 we're gonna do the similar kinds of assumptions . Okay
07:26 , We're gonna have to let some things happen ,
07:29 okay . In this case we're gonna let we're gonna
07:33 let X equal to log B . Of N .
07:39 Okay , now we could let Y equal to log
07:42 B . Of N . But you see in this
07:44 property of logs there is no end anywhere else .
07:46 So we don't really need to define that . Here
07:48 , we had an M . And an end .
07:49 So we had to kind of have a term for
07:51 each one of them . But here there is no
07:53 end anywhere , so there's no reason to really do
07:55 that . But from this single definition here , something
08:00 pops out . The same exact thing is before B
08:03 . To the power of X is equal to him
08:06 . So so far , it's just a rewrite of
08:07 what we did on the other board . But we
08:12 have a conclusion that we can draw here , I
08:16 should say . Thus , right ? Ultimately what I
08:20 want , I want him to the power of K
08:22 . Okay , into the power of K . So
08:24 this thing um to some power of K is what's
08:29 on this side , B to the x rays to
08:31 the some power of K . All I've done is
08:33 I said , hey , this gives me a definition
08:35 for what I am , is I want to raise
08:36 it to a power because that's what's in my proof
08:38 . So I raise it to a power . So
08:40 I have to raise this side to the power because
08:41 that's what it's equal to . But this means that
08:44 M to the power of K is B to the
08:48 how do I want to write it ? K .
08:49 X . Because this is an exponent raised to an
08:52 exponent . So I'm going to multiply those things together
08:55 . All right . And what do we do in
08:57 the last uh thing once we had it all kind
09:00 of written out like this we wanted to get em
09:02 times into to match our problem statement here , we
09:05 have M to the power of K . To match
09:07 what's in our proof . So now we want to
09:08 take log of both sides . So we'll take the
09:10 law algorithm . Uh We'll take a base be law
09:13 algorithm of M . To the power of K .
09:15 La algorithm based B . Of what's on the right
09:18 hand side , B . To the power of K
09:20 . X . Like this . But then , you
09:22 know that on the right hand side you're gonna get
09:25 the same annihilation here , you have a log of
09:27 an exponent . Those two things are gonna cancel just
09:30 like we had a log of an exponential here ,
09:33 we have a log of an exponential . here on
09:34 the right hand side . All you're gonna have is
09:36 K times X . On the left hand side .
09:38 You're gonna have log base B of M . To
09:41 the power of K . You have K times X
09:44 . And you say , well wait a minute ,
09:44 I know what X . Is X . Was log
09:47 base B of M . So you're gonna have log
09:50 base B of M to the power of K .
09:53 Is K , multiplied by X . But I know
09:55 what that is . It's log base being of them
09:59 . You see you take the law algorithm of something
10:01 with an experiment , you can just take that exponent
10:03 right out front and then multiplied by the log of
10:05 of that of that base there . So that is
10:08 the proof of the one of the three laws of
10:11 logarithms . The one that deals with exponents . Now
10:13 the one that I say for last is the one
10:15 that looks kind of like this . Remember there's one
10:17 that talks about multiplying things becomes addition of logs .
10:20 And then there's another one that talks about division of
10:23 things become subtraction of logs . So our last one
10:26 that we're gonna do this will be the last thing
10:28 will prove in this lesson , isn't want to prove
10:31 . Let me flip my page here just to make
10:33 sure I don't uh mess anything up . Let's prove
10:38 this last one , proof the following thing . Log
10:43 base B . Of the division M over N .
10:47 Is equal to log base B . Of M minus
10:51 sign . Log face beat in . So I want
10:54 to do the subtraction there . So ultimately this proof
10:58 is going to be very very similar to what we
11:01 did before . But let me show you how we're
11:05 going to get there . The first thing we're gonna
11:07 do is we're gonna recognize that this statement right here
11:11 . It's really the same as log base B .
11:14 Of Mm multiply by one over n . Right ?
11:19 Multiplied by one over N . That's how you get
11:21 a division here . You multiply by one over N
11:23 . And since we know what happens when we multiply
11:26 things , we can use a similar proof to go
11:30 . In fact , we can even use that thing
11:31 . We could just substitute in and use it .
11:33 But that's no fun . Let's do it . Let's
11:34 do it the real way . Let's let's do it
11:36 the right way . Let's let the following things happen
11:41 . Let's say let's let X . Equal to the
11:43 log base B . Of something called him . And
11:46 we'll let y equal log Base B . of something
11:50 called one over in . Mhm . One over end
11:54 like this . Why am I doing that ? Because
11:56 I know I'm gonna need an M . And I
11:57 know I'm gonna need a one over N . It's
11:59 different than the other one day and they were just
12:00 multiplied together . I'm going to need some fraction with
12:02 an M . On the bottom here . Mhm .
12:05 Okay . So we'll do the same thing again .
12:08 Then the following things are true . B . To
12:12 the power of X . Is in And then from
12:16 this one B . to the power of why is
12:19 one over in . So we're gonna need those .
12:24 Alright now , ultimately what I'm trying to do is
12:25 I'm trying to form the product of these things so
12:27 I can take the law algorithm , right ? So
12:29 what I'm gonna have is M . Times one over
12:33 N . Because I'm trying to make him over in
12:36 is M over in . But I know what these
12:38 things are equal to its B . To the eggs
12:41 times B . To the Y . Because that's him
12:44 . And that's one over N . Okay . But
12:46 what is this B . To the X . Plus
12:49 Y . So what I figured out is M .
12:51 Over in is exactly the same thing as B .
12:55 To the X plus Y . So I'm gonna take
12:59 and write that down separately . Em over in is
13:02 B . To the X . Plus . Why ?
13:04 And now I want to take the algorithm of both
13:05 sides . Why ? Because I want the law algorithm
13:07 of this quotient of this division . That's what I'm
13:09 trying to get to . I'm trying to take the
13:11 algorithm of that . So I had to kind of
13:12 do all of this to get to where I had
13:14 an expression for this . And so I'll take the
13:16 log rhythm of both sides . So it has to
13:18 be a base be log rhythm base B of em
13:21 over in equals log base B . Of B .
13:27 To the X . Plus . Why ? all of
13:28 this is wrapped up inside that longer than I have
13:30 the same thing happening on the right The law algorithm
13:32 of an exponential annihilate each other . All I'm going
13:35 to have on the right hand side is X plus
13:39 Y . On the left hand side . I'll have
13:41 log base B in over in like this . Mhm
13:48 . All right . So what am I gonna have
13:49 next ? I know what X and Y are .
13:52 So let's substitute for that log base B mm over
13:57 in is equal to X plus Y . But I
14:00 know it . X and Y . Are X .
14:02 Is log base B log of him log base B
14:07 . Of M . And then the why is this
14:09 guy log base B one over in . So as
14:12 plus sign from this log base B one over in
14:19 . It's hard to read . I'm sorry about that
14:20 . This is a capital in right here like this
14:23 , so X plus Y . So I'm just plugging
14:25 what I have now you think well this isn't quite
14:27 right , this is a plus sign , this is
14:29 a minus sign , it's not quite right , but
14:30 we're gonna get there , how are we gonna get
14:32 there ? Let's go . Hm . Well if you
14:35 think about it , let me go over here .
14:36 Let me just write a note over here . This
14:39 is the same thing as the law algorithm Base B
14:42 of N to the -1 . How do I know
14:45 that ? Because one over and is the same thing
14:47 as into the -1 . So this is an exponent
14:50 . So this exponent can come out in front here
14:52 . So then I have logged base B of em
14:56 over N equals log bass beat of M . And
15:01 because of this the exponent could come down , it's
15:04 gonna be a minus sign log and then you have
15:08 an end right here and this is exactly what we're
15:11 trying to prove . The log of . The division
15:13 of N . M divided by in is the log
15:15 of M minus the log in . It's exactly what
15:18 we have right here . It all comes from this
15:19 little experiment and it comes from having to define things
15:22 this way , so I can make the product of
15:24 Eminem , So are the division of M divided by
15:27 N . Do I expect you to know this ?
15:28 No , of course not . The first time you
15:29 see this , nobody knows how to do this stuff
15:31 . All I care about is that you can follow
15:33 through so that it serves two purposes . It sharpens
15:36 your skills so that you know where things come from
15:41 . I mean , you know how to use these
15:42 laws of logarithms to in order to make a logical
15:45 conclusions . And it also shows you that these laws
15:48 of logarithms don't just come from the sky . They
15:50 come from logical progression of thought . We start from
15:54 here , we let this equal to this . Notice
15:56 how nobody , I don't wanna say , nobody on
15:58 this earth . There's some pretty brilliant math guys out
16:00 there , but not very many people can look at
16:02 this and say , oh yeah , I know how
16:04 to prove that , no problem , I can see
16:05 all the steps , almost nobody can do that .
16:07 But what we can say is if we let this
16:09 equal to this and this equal to this , then
16:11 this must be true . Then if we if we
16:13 multiply this in this , it must be this times
16:15 this and then we just ripple through . Every little
16:17 step is an incremental uh step towards the finish line
16:21 , that's all I care that you understand . So
16:23 make sure you understand this . If you want to
16:25 grab a sheet of paper and improve these yourself ,
16:27 it definitely can't hurt you . And then follow me
16:29 on to the next lesson . We're going to start
16:30 to learn more about the applications of logarithms and exponential
16:34 in math .


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