My Online Income Streams from 2020 (Online Teacher Brand on YouTube) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

My Online Income Streams from 2020 (Online Teacher Brand on YouTube) - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

My Online Income Streams from 2020 (Online Teacher Brand on YouTube) - By Nancy Taylor

00:0-1 Hello everyone . It is nancy taylor here and in
00:02 this video we are doing a 2020 income review .
00:05 We're going over my 2020 income and I do this
00:08 video at the end of every year for two reasons
00:11 . Number one . It is so fun to document
00:13 my own business journey and to look back , I'll
00:15 leave a playlist of the videos below if you want
00:18 to check out previous years . But also I think
00:21 that it's so helpful for you to see where do
00:24 I spend my time in my online business and what
00:26 generates the biggest results ? I know that income is
00:29 not always the best result . That's not always my
00:31 end all goal . However , it's really nice to
00:34 know how I could spend my time most effectively .
00:37 Now I'll be jumping on the computer and showing you
00:39 income streams as well as business expenses and this year
00:42 is a little bit different than previous years . Previous
00:45 years I've only had 10 90 nines and relied solely
00:48 on other businesses for contracted work and I've also relied
00:52 on google adsense with my Youtube channel . So again
00:55 , you can check out those videos below . But
00:56 this year is the first year that I had an
00:58 offer of my own directly from business , like me
01:01 creating an offer and selling it directly to customer .
01:04 And so I think it will be really interesting for
01:06 you to see how does that work ? How much
01:09 income does that generate ? So I'm so excited to
01:11 share with you . Again , my goal is to
01:13 inspire , I never want you to compare . I
01:15 never wanted it to be discouraging or something that doesn't
01:19 uplift and motivate you . If you leave this video
01:22 and don't feel motivated and uplifted , then I did
01:24 not do my job because my goal in this video
01:27 is to motivate to give you tools that you can
01:31 utilize in your own brand and say , oh ,
01:33 I saw how this was done and this could be
01:36 the exact path I want to take . So I
01:37 hope that I can inspire you and give you the
01:39 tools where you can see similar results or maybe you're
01:43 above and you're already seeing bigger results than I am
01:46 . I don't know , we don't compare , it's
01:48 just here , we're here to help each other out
01:50 . And again , it's a great tool to document
01:52 the business journey . So let's jump into the income
01:55 streams . We are ready to jump on the computer
01:58 now , I'm going to be going over numbers ,
02:00 they're not actual fine . Two numbers . I'm giving
02:02 you more estimates that there apparently close to the actual
02:04 numbers . Stay tuned to the end . I'm going
02:06 to be giving you five tips that I have learned
02:08 from 2020 from income streams . If you're listening to
02:11 this journey and saying , I would love to replicate
02:13 that same journey , that's the path that I want
02:15 to take as my online teacher brand grows , then
02:19 make sure you stay tuned to the end and I'll
02:20 be sharing those . So first of all I'm going
02:22 to be going over the income for each month and
02:25 keep in mind that this is before and he expenses
02:28 this is before . Sometimes there's a transaction fee before
02:31 taxes , It's just that number . Okay , so
02:34 in January , it was close to 90,000 and I
02:37 share that in our previous video . If you check
02:39 it out here where I go over the teacher business
02:41 journey , make sure you check out that video because
02:44 it spells out the exact journey that I've taken to
02:47 create these income streams . That was my biggest month
02:50 , just so you know , that was my biggest
02:51 month . Crazy , crazy , crazy , blown away
02:54 . And just so you know that I had a
02:55 launch of a course , if you're like how did
02:57 that happen ? And I'll be going over how the
02:59 income is broken up because that's total income for that
03:02 month . And then february , it was close to
03:04 30,000 March , it was close to 30,000 about the
03:07 same , I think they're the same . And then
03:08 in april close to 20,000 around 20,000 now here's where
03:12 okay there's this whole feast and famine , so you
03:15 have a launch , so you launch a product ,
03:17 you have a payment plan and then maybe the payment
03:19 plan ends in a month . So do you have
03:22 income coming in ? And this is something that I've
03:24 recognized and in my own business have created other streams
03:28 of income . So there's a constant , there's a
03:30 stream , there's a constant stream each month , some
03:34 are larger because there's launches or a lot more promotion
03:38 and then also we do spend more money those months
03:40 to and I'll go over that . So in May
03:42 it was closer to 4000 that month . So just
03:45 you know 90,000 and 4000 this month . But I'm
03:47 not worried and hesitant because I know the majority of
03:50 the income for that year was made there at the
03:52 beginning that in June around 9000 in July it's around
03:56 7000 in August 2000 and then in September around 4000
04:01 . Now we had another launch in the fall .
04:03 So these numbers now again are going to be higher
04:06 . So in October were around 26,000 in November 22,000
04:11 and in December close to 10,000 . So that's a
04:14 total gross income . Is that the right word ?
04:17 All the accounts are like please don't listen to this
04:19 lady . Total gross income is close 250-60 . Okay
04:24 that's before expenses . Now this is something to that
04:26 . I have learned that as I have been able
04:28 to create income streams and also automate my systems .
04:32 I'm willing to invest not only in coaches and programs
04:35 but also in system software that can automate it so
04:39 that it's a lot more hands off where I would
04:41 be spending more time if I had to go in
04:43 and run Paypal and manually do a lot of things
04:46 or have a team member do that . I'd be
04:48 paying them to do that are total expenses were around
04:51 70,000 , which is insane . So keep in mind
04:54 I have a team that's team income that I have
04:57 an affiliate program that's affiliate pay . That's just the
05:00 cost to run the business I've invested in my own
05:03 . So to purchase a high end maybe mastermind could
05:06 be around $20,000 . There's a lot of expenses That
05:10 you don't have to pay from the get go .
05:12 You don't have to pay those . If you're like
05:13 Holy Cow , there's no way I can maintain that
05:15 you can start with very small expenses , a very
05:19 small budget . It's totally doable . So total income
05:21 minus expenses is close to 200,000 . Okay , that's
05:24 awesome . Now I wanted to share with you ,
05:26 where did these income streams come from ? Where did
05:29 they come from ? And also look at this belly
05:30 bump guys , That's 37 weeks . I don't know
05:33 if you're , there's only two more weeks in this
05:35 baby bump . So I'm going to go over what
05:38 sources of income we have . So we have a
05:40 shop in e commerce . So throughout the whole year
05:43 it's around $10,000 income . Keep in mind when you
05:45 have products you have to purchase those products or maybe
05:48 you do drop shipping so you have to purchase them
05:50 before you send them . I mean if I have
05:52 a digital product I just invest in the software and
05:55 the platform but I don't have to purchase like an
05:57 actual T shirts . We sell these T shirts ,
05:59 we sell these maps , we have to pay for
06:01 the product and then you make a profit . The
06:03 profit margin is smaller than our digital products . So
06:06 just keep that in mind when you're building your own
06:07 teacher business , then for income for courses is close
06:11 to 1 60 courses , coaching and also membership .
06:14 So all that's where I have focused in on and
06:17 I'll get to my tips when I share with you
06:19 how we made that happen . Another big source of
06:21 income for business is affiliate marketing . So if that's
06:25 if you promote a program or a platform and then
06:29 you make a commission off of those that make a
06:30 purchase with it . So for one affiliate it was
06:33 around 40,000 and another affiliate was around 30,000 . I
06:36 would say pick one or two programs . Maybe it's
06:39 a course you've taken . Maybe it's an online E
06:41 . S . L . Company or teaching company .
06:43 Maybe it's out school , maybe it's V . I
06:44 . P . Kid , maybe it's go go kid
06:46 , whatever it may be . Maybe you promote that
06:48 company . Wells english . One of my sense of
06:50 the top recruiter for Wells English . If that's your
06:52 one thing dive all in because you can see huge
06:55 results with affiliate marketing . That's another big income stream
06:58 for us . Google adsense that those are the ads
07:01 that are on these Youtube videos . That was around
07:02 11,000 for the year . And a lot of people
07:05 say I'm gonna do youtube to monetize my Youtube channel
07:08 , but you can monetize your Youtube channel off of
07:11 Youtube . This free content is free value that you're
07:14 giving and yes , the absence are awesome . But
07:18 think about the big picture . What can you do
07:21 with a business , a brand Off of YouTube ,
07:23 not just YouTube absence . So expenses , I want
07:25 to go over those , just what you have ,
07:26 a percentage of them . So for like running ads
07:29 , we didn't run a ton of ads in 2020
07:31 for Facebook was about $3,000 . So I know that
07:34 if I create a system and I create um ,
07:37 an automated program , maybe I have a product that
07:39 really does well . It really helps a lot of
07:41 people if I want to scale that , I could
07:43 invest a lot more money into Facebook ads . And
07:45 so that was not a big part of our budget
07:47 for shops about $1,000 to run that for other items
07:51 . Let's say that I purchased a mastermind that was
07:54 about $20,000 . That was a big chunk . Also
07:56 , you could say the platforms I used to be
07:58 for my website , for my email list . That's
08:01 about $2000 a year . So those add up as
08:03 well . And then for my team payments and affiliate
08:06 pay , that was around 37,000 that I'm paying team
08:09 members and affiliates throughout the entire year . So that's
08:12 where our expenses get up to . About 70,000 .
08:14 I know I'm throwing out numbers , but I really
08:16 hope that they are helpful so that you can know
08:19 , okay , when I get maybe to this point
08:20 , this is what the budget is or this is
08:22 where I want to scale . Let's say that you
08:23 want to invest and have a budget for facebook ads
08:26 . Then maybe I would not have an affiliate program
08:28 or perhaps I would cut somewhere else . Maybe that
08:30 year I didn't need to invest in a mastermind or
08:33 the training and I was able to invest that money
08:36 into ads . It totally is up to you and
08:38 where you're at in your business journey . But I
08:40 hope this is helpful . Now I told you when
08:42 we get to the end I would share with you
08:44 my five takeaways . I'm talking to you . The
08:47 person on the other end that wants to build a
08:50 brand that wants to build on Youtube wants to create
08:52 these videos , not sure how to create these income
08:54 streams . I'm talking to you . These are the
08:57 five things . The five tips I want to share
08:59 with you first and foremost create systems that you can
09:02 automate . That has been huge for me . For
09:04 example , I used a job that's my email service
09:06 , that's my website , that's all the things running
09:09 , it's all automated . It all runs on autopilot
09:12 . So I'm willing to invest so that I'm not
09:14 manually taking every day to go in and run maybe
09:17 Paypal payments and then also checking on something that could
09:21 be automated . So invest in those systems . Maybe
09:23 you have callously for your coaching clients to sign up
09:27 and then it's connected to zoom and also to Paypal
09:29 . So it's an automated system . So I'm not
09:31 spending time or paying a team member to manually go
09:35 in and do it . The second thing is multiple
09:37 streams of income . You don't know what could happen
09:40 . An affiliate program could be gone and this has
09:42 happened to me and affiliate program gone , erase ,
09:45 done what if that was your only source of income
09:47 and you hadn't built other sources of income And that
09:49 brings me to the number three and that is to
09:51 go all in to focus in on one thing .
09:54 So I really focused in and I told you I'd
09:56 give you this tip on courses . I focused on
09:59 creating a digital course , creating a community a membership
10:02 , I swear by going all in on one thing
10:04 . The same thing happened here on Youtube . I
10:06 focused in on , I could have done instagram ,
10:07 tiktok , all of these different things . But what
10:09 if I just focus on youtube become really good at
10:12 it , understand the algorithm , understand how the content
10:14 works . The people that are showing up on the
10:16 other end . What type of videos do you want
10:18 to see ? I'm asking you , I'm making sure
10:21 that I've become an expert on that one platform .
10:23 Same thing with your offer . You pick one thing
10:25 and go all in how many people will try multiple
10:28 things and that's okay because you're figuring out what your
10:31 one thing is . You don't have to know from
10:32 the get go , you gotta test . So I
10:34 like this scenario of you create . So if you're
10:37 creating content as you're creating offers , you are building
10:40 momentum for yourself and also for your future students ,
10:43 your current students , and then after you build momentum
10:45 , you gain clarity and with that clarity , you're
10:48 able to dial into that more specific niche , dial
10:52 in on that one thing that you offer and you
10:54 are able to see results . So action momentum ,
10:58 clarity , results . That's all going to happen when
11:01 you just start with Action , take action number four
11:04 , take care of those that are right in front
11:07 of you . And this has been the biggest takeaway
11:09 from the air . I have built relationships and I've
11:12 watched students journeys throughout the entire year because I launched
11:15 my first offer in january of 2020 . And so
11:18 to watch their entire journey , to watch them launch
11:21 their own Youtube channel for them to launch their own
11:23 coaching program , for them to start building a recruiting
11:26 funnel for them to do the things that I've been
11:29 able to be a part of their journey . It's
11:31 just been so rewarding and that's huge . Were so
11:34 often thinking , okay , how do I scale ,
11:35 How do I grow ? How do I go to
11:36 the next thing ? And we could be neglecting the
11:39 people who are right in front of us . If
11:40 I do a good job , taking care of the
11:42 person right here in front of me , my current
11:44 student , my current members , Even if there's one
11:47 , even if there's two , they're going to tell
11:49 another person they're going to get results , they're going
11:51 to be the ones that get the snowball rolling because
11:55 I'm taking care of the people right in front of
11:58 me . Do not neglect those that are closest to
12:00 you that includes your family , that includes those that
12:03 you come in contact with your friends , your neighbors
12:05 do not neglect them as you're trying to go find
12:08 the next person because you're just going to go find
12:11 the next person and then treat them not well .
12:13 You want to treat the people in front of you
12:15 the best . Okay number five . The final tip
12:18 I have is to focus in on your zone of
12:21 genius . Yes , at the beginning of your business
12:23 and brand , you're doing many things . Maybe you
12:25 are creating the content running the emails , also hosting
12:27 on social media , you're doing all these things ,
12:30 but remember I said focusing on one or two things
12:32 , so it's doable and then you will become aware
12:35 of what your zone of geniuses for my business and
12:37 brand minus to create the content to be a coach
12:40 with my students . So I'm always in the know
12:42 and also I invest in courses in the training to
12:45 make sure that I'm at the top of my game
12:46 , I'm able to really give them the best tools
12:49 to help them be the best brand , the best
12:51 business , the best teacher business that they possibly can
12:54 . So by investing in myself , I'm able to
12:55 invest in that . I'm also able to invest in
12:57 my team members and build an awesome team . But
13:01 it all starts with your zone , a genius ,
13:03 being aware of what that is and maybe from the
13:05 get go , you're not able to delegate or hire
13:07 a team member , that's okay , you might be
13:10 wearing all of the hats , but pay attention to
13:12 what lights you up and what you love , because
13:15 when you get to a point where you can hire
13:17 a virtual assistant where you can hire help for your
13:19 teacher brand , where you can hire someone to help
13:22 you in your business , then you are able to
13:24 delegate those tasks that maybe you don't enjoy . I
13:27 don't love writing emails , I don't , I don't
13:30 love it . That is something I would delegate or
13:33 I would hire someone to do that for me now
13:35 , I currently still do right my emails , that's
13:37 why you don't see them very often . So that's
13:40 something that I would hire a team member to do
13:42 . I love creating videos , I love love love
13:44 creating content and connecting with my community and that's where
13:47 I love to be , that's my like zona genius
13:50 , that's my people , so I am aware of
13:52 that and that's where I spend my time . Alright
13:54 guys , that is the end of this video now
13:56 . Make sure that you do check below . I
13:58 do have a full training if you're saying yes ,
14:01 I want to build a teacher business . I have
14:03 an entire 60 minute training for you . It's not
14:06 here on Youtube because it's for a specific person is
14:08 for that teacher that wants to build a brand specifically
14:11 on Youtube . So if you're like , uh ,
14:13 maybe it's me . If you're kind of questioning it
14:15 or on the fence , it's free , Go check
14:16 it out . You can watch the training and see
14:18 if it's a good fit for you and that's just
14:20 linked below . I'll also put in the comments for
14:22 you , 60 minute training if you're interested in building
14:24 a teacher brand on the tube on Youtube . That
14:31 is the end anymore . Do you want some preg
14:33 nancy dancing pregnancy ? It was like , my name's
14:36 in lava and I'm like , my name's in pregnancy
14:39 , So alright , pregnancy dancing all rob , rob
14:49 . Bye guys !



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