How to Find the Volume of a Rectangular Prism and Composite figures - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to Find the Volume of a Rectangular Prism and Composite figures - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

How to Find the Volume of a Rectangular Prism and Composite figures - By tecmath

00:00 this video is just some problems new with volume .
00:04 The problems here , Organ or relate to just working
00:07 at the volumes of some different human shapes . For
00:10 the first one here , there's a nice little rectangular
00:13 prism , Which means it's 5.9 m by 3.6 m
00:18 by 0.3 . Now , like anything , the first
00:21 thing I'd do is draw these down so the volume
00:23 equals length times with type . So the volume here
00:27 is going to equal 3.6 m times five point nine
00:32 m by 0.3 m , Which gives us a volume
00:35 of 6.37 m . Uh huh . To get a
00:40 little bit more complex is going to be looking at
00:42 say something like this here . Working at the volume
00:44 of this path here As you're going to see the
00:46 path as a bit of 1.2 m all the way
00:49 around but it goes off in different directions . It
00:52 also has a depth for the concrete . 0.3 .
00:57 So how would you go about working this out ?
01:00 We don't recommend like when we do work with composite
01:03 rectangles and shapes a little bit earlier . What we'll
01:06 have to do is break these up individual bids .
01:08 So one of the bits we're gonna break off ,
01:10 first of all , you'll see right now , it's
01:15 right here . So I work with this . It
01:23 measures 1.2 , x 2.4 , So , and we
01:30 work out the volume of this particular bit . Well
01:32 , we just multiply these all together . So the
01:35 volume , it was 2.4 times 1.2 times 0.3 .
01:40 Which for this little section is going to be called
01:43 0.864 and then we'll break another little piece down .
01:50 Okay , here's a little piece just here that's going
01:53 to measure 3.6 m by 1.2 x 0.3 m .
01:58 How do you work at the volume again ? Well
02:00 you multiply these all together as well , so volume
02:02 equals 3.6 x 1.2 0.3 m which gives an answer
02:09 . 1.296 m Cube . Okay , so we worked
02:15 at the top . It we worked at the bottom
02:17 bit just leaves us a little bit in the middle
02:19 here . They were good at unknown side here .
02:21 So to work it out , We're going to have
02:23 to get that 4.4 m and take away 1.2 m
02:27 . No us that side length there . Sorry ,
02:31 that gives us little rectangle . We're going to work
02:33 out in the middle there . Okay , that measures
02:36 3.2 , by 0.3 Multiply those together , we get
02:40 1.152 m cube . So you work at the total
02:44 volume . We just had all these little volumes together
02:47 . Okay , Adding them up , we get 3.312
02:51 m cube . So when you remember all , you
02:54 need to remember this mainly to work out volumes ,
02:57 its length , times width , times height . When
03:00 you're working with the composite sort of shapes like this
03:04 , just break them into a little bit you can
03:05 work with and work out the volumes and then add
03:08 these bits together . Okay , good luck with that
03:11 by



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