Can you solve this tricky math crossword? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Can you solve this tricky math crossword? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Can you solve this tricky math crossword? - By tecmath

00:0-1 Good day . Welcome to Tech Mouth channel . I'm
00:02 josh , Well , here's today's problem and it's pretty
00:04 self explanatory . It's a crossword . So a couple
00:07 of conditions do apply . We're going to be using
00:10 the numbers one through nine to put into the blank
00:12 spaces here to make these equations correct and the order
00:16 of operations do not apply for these equations . So
00:19 this number plus this number divided by this number will
00:22 give us the answer of two . For example .
00:24 So pause this video . If you'd like to give
00:26 his problem to try and when you're ready to see
00:28 the solution and see how I solved it started up
00:30 again . Yeah . So time's up all done .
00:48 Maybe that was easy or maybe you had a few
00:50 are crosswords what you did this by the way ,
00:53 I know it's a terrible joke , but that sort
00:54 of leads into what I'm gonna be asking . I'm
00:56 gonna be chasing down the world's best math jokes ,
00:59 uh , maybe the world's worst math jokes , depending
01:01 on your point of view . So if you have
01:03 any of these , can you please put them in
01:04 the comments ? That would be great . I'll go
01:06 through a few of these after the solution , but
01:08 I want your ones anyway , So let's go through
01:11 the solution here . First thing I did is I
01:13 figured I was going to be looking at one of
01:15 the equations that had either multiplication or division in them
01:19 because these have a whole lot more limited numbers that
01:21 you can put in them . So we have this
01:23 equation here . This multiplied by this , divided by
01:25 this equals to this equation here where we have a
01:28 division and this equation here where we have this multiplication
01:31 here and I ended up starting with this particular equation
01:35 here , you're going to notice that we've got a
01:37 number that we're going to multiply by this number to
01:39 get seven . So you're going to see that the
01:41 only numbers that we can multiply to get seven are
01:43 going to be one and seven . So either this
01:46 number minus this number equals one or this number minus
01:50 . This number equals seven and this will be a
01:52 one or a seven . So which way is it
01:54 going to be ? Well , if we have a
01:56 look at this equation here , it gives us a
01:58 bit of a hint because this number multiplied by this
02:02 number plus this number equals 22 . If this is
02:05 a one we can't multiply by any number . Even
02:08 if we multiply by nine , it's not going to
02:10 be big enough to actually then add to another number
02:13 two , equal 22 . This would be one times
02:15 nine , which would equal nine plus eight would still
02:18 be too short . So this number here has to
02:20 be the seven . Okay , so what now So
02:23 now I went to this equation here now , let's
02:26 consider the different numbers . It could go in here
02:28 seven times 17 times one is seven . But this
02:31 number here can not be big enough to make the
02:34 answer 22 . So that answer can't be won seven
02:37 times two . Well , that's okay . Seven times
02:39 two is 14 . So we could go seven times
02:42 to which article 14 . And that would make this
02:44 number here have to be an eight and that would
02:46 work Okay . We could also get seven times three
02:49 . That would work seven times three is 21 .
02:52 And this then would have to be a one .
02:54 We couldn't go to seven fours because seven forces 28
02:57 too big . The numbers that are going to go
02:59 in here are either going to be a two or
03:01 three and then eight or one that's going to go
03:03 in here , so which one is it ? Well
03:05 , we can work that out through a bit of
03:07 logic here . If we consider this number was a
03:09 one here , it would mean that these two numbers
03:11 here would have to have a difference . That would
03:14 be equal to 12 . This number minus this number
03:17 would be equal to 12 . You're going to say
03:19 , hey , they actually can't occur because we don't
03:21 have numbers that are big enough here for that to
03:23 occur . So this number here cannot be a one
03:25 . So therefore we have to have this number here
03:29 being the eight . So let's put it in .
03:31 This would have to be the eight and this number
03:33 here would have to be the two and we've got
03:36 now three and now we have three numbers in our
03:38 equation here , we have 72 and eight . So
03:41 how do we go through and solve the next part
03:44 ? Well , if we consider now this equation here
03:47 , we're looking for a number that advised by two
03:49 to give us two , it would mean that we
03:51 have to have these two numbers here adding up To
03:54 well four because 4 divided by two is equal to
03:58 two . So in here we only have two possibilities
04:02 that add up to four . That is going to
04:03 be the numbers of three and one . So let's
04:06 put that equation to the side for a minute and
04:08 come back to it . And I'm now going to
04:09 have a look at this equation here . We know
04:12 that this equation here . These two numbers have to
04:15 have a difference of five . This number - This
04:17 number has to work or five because then we add
04:19 eight to it and get 13 . So what numbers
04:22 could we have now ? We have a whole bunch
04:24 of numbers that are accounted for at the moment .
04:26 Let's drop them down . We have the following numbers
04:29 which are accounted for . We have seven , we
04:31 have to we have eight and we also have one
04:35 and we have three . So let's have a look
04:37 at what numbers we could put a difference of five
04:40 hearing first ones we could do is we could say
04:42 we could use the numbers nine and four . They
04:45 have a difference of five . So this could be
04:46 nine and this could be four . We could use
04:49 eight and three but that's can't be used because that's
04:51 already been used . We can't use seven and to
04:54 those guys have already been used we can't use six
04:56 and one because we've used the one down here .
04:59 So these numbers here have to be nine and four
05:01 . This has to be a nine and this has
05:04 to be a four . They're the only ones left
05:06 that actually fit the bill . So we've got our
05:08 numbers here . So now how can we solve this
05:11 particular part here ? Well we know that this part
05:13 here has to be a three or a one ,
05:16 but this can't be the one here because this would
05:18 have to be an 18 , 18 . Times one
05:20 divided by nine equals two , can't be it .
05:23 So this number here would have to be the three
05:26 and this number here has to be the one .
05:28 What numbers do we have left ? Well what number
05:31 do we multiply by three to get 18 ? Because
05:34 18 divided by nine equals to that would be six
05:37 there . You know , we've got that number here
05:39 and six minus what number times seven equals seven ,
05:44 so six minus five because that's a one and that
05:47 would have to be one times seven equals seven .
05:51 Lets us check this here . Five plus one equals
05:53 six minus four equals two . And there you go
05:56 . The crosswords been solved . How'd you like that
05:58 ? All right . Did you go okay with that
06:00 one ? Did you do it differently ? Maybe you
06:01 did it better than I did or faster . I
06:04 am going to expect at least one comment that says
06:07 I just randomly put the numbers in and got it
06:08 straight away . I don't even know what you're talking
06:10 about . So , I'd really love to see that
06:12 particular comment and I expect to see a whole bunch
06:14 of thumbs up with that as well . So anyway
06:16 , my particular math jokes that we're going to have
06:19 . First off , we have that all this time
06:21 . Never a crossword . What about this one ?
06:23 When somebody's saying they're cold , you say to the
06:24 mate go stand in the corner . It's 90 degrees
06:27 there , 90 degrees , 90 degrees in the corner
06:31 . Not a Bad one . What about we talk
06:34 about two parallel lines where they had so much in
06:36 common . They were going the same direction . But
06:39 tragically they never met . Yeah . Anyway , what
06:43 I would like is I would like your best math
06:46 dad jokes . I don't want to be coming out
06:48 with these in a few videos . I want to
06:49 chuck these in as much as I can because I
06:51 think they're awfully good or Goodly awful . I don't
06:53 know what it is . Anyway , if you like
06:54 this video , please give me a thumbs up and
06:56 a big shout out to my subscribers and my patrons
06:59 and we'll see you next time . Stay well and
07:01 stay safe . So you think boy .



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