Ratios Introduction - what are ratios? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Ratios Introduction - what are ratios? - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Ratios Introduction - what are ratios? - By tecmath

00:02 Good day . Welcome to the Tech Math channel .
00:03 What we're going to be having to look at in
00:05 this video is ratios . This is just a basic
00:09 introduction into ratios . And in some later videos ,
00:12 we will be looking at how to play around with
00:15 these and work out some more complex things with them
00:17 . So first off , what is a ratio ratio
00:20 is away of comparing uh , two or more sets
00:24 of quantities . I'll give you an example . That
00:26 that sounds a little bit funny . So say I
00:28 was looking at the amount of cordial in a drink
00:31 . Okay . So I bought myself some cardio mary
00:33 into a drink and I could say something like on
00:36 earning Every three parts cordial , 1 , 2 ,
00:39 3 , three parts cordial . I have seven parts
00:45 water . one , Okay , So this would be
00:53 said to have a ratio of three parts 273 is
00:57 27 Okay . And this is how we write these
00:59 . All right . So we're comparing one quantity to
01:04 another quantity . So they're pretty simple . And you
01:06 can do this with all sorts of quantities . Okay
01:08 ? Uh whether it be things to do with weight
01:11 or just even share amounts of things and we'll go
01:13 through a few examples with this . So just a
01:15 couple of things with ratios . The first one is
01:19 this I guess the first thing I want to tell
01:21 you is that units are important with ratios I'll give
01:24 you an example . Say I wanted to compare three
01:29 cm to a measurement of 20 centimeters . You'll notice
01:35 That these are both in cm . It's fairly simple
01:38 . We could say that these had a ratio .
01:39 You guessed it is three Yes . 20 . Okay
01:45 . We don't actually write the units . We just
01:47 write it has a ratio of three is 20 but
01:50 I'll make this a little bit hard in there .
01:52 Say for example , I changes this too Or change
01:58 it to two m . Now , how would you
02:00 write a ratio of these two amounts ? Because you
02:02 noticed that we have different units . So we're going
02:05 to change one of these units . I'm not going
02:06 to change the cm , you're going to leave that
02:08 the same 3cm , but I'm going to change this
02:11 so that the two m is also in centimeters ,
02:13 there's 100 centimeters in a meter . So this is
02:16 200 centimeters . Now we can easily write a ratio
02:20 where this is a ratio of three Is to 200
02:27 . Okay , now we're going along fairly well with
02:31 this so hopefully you're not finding it too hard because
02:34 it is fairly simple but a few people do you
02:36 know , panic when they get these . So the
02:39 other thing with ratios is ratios can also be written
02:41 as fractions to say we were looking at something like
02:45 um Okay , what about seconds and minutes ? Say
02:49 I was looking at 17 seconds and I wanted to
02:51 compare this to one minute . 1st off . What
02:56 you'll notice is to write this as a ratio .
03:00 I need to change this . Okay , so I'm
03:02 going to change this all in the 2nd 17 seconds
03:06 And 60 seconds here . Okay . So we have
03:10 a ratio of 17 is to 60 . We can
03:14 also write this is 17 Over 60 . We can
03:19 write this in a fractional form . Okay . And
03:21 that's all that means is but ratios can also be
03:23 written in a fractional form . The other thing with
03:27 ratios is they can be made into more simple forms
03:30 . Okay , this is something we're gonna have a
03:32 look at more extensively in another video . So I'll
03:35 give you an example that sales were talking about the
03:37 amount of kids walking to school . We could say
03:40 20% of kids in a class didn't walk to school
03:45 . They got a lift off their parents and 80%
03:50 walk to school . So we could write this as
03:52 a ratio as 20 To 80 . Okay . And
03:58 that's that's fine . We got a ratio there of
03:59 20-80 , but you can actually simplify this further .
04:02 You're going to notice that 10 goes into these numbers
04:05 . So I could divide 10 into both of these
04:07 . All right , Anybody do that divided by 10
04:10 . I would get two is 28 and you might
04:14 look at it and go , hey , wait a
04:15 second to also goes into this number two goes into
04:18 both of these numbers once and four times two goes
04:23 into two once and into 84 times . So we
04:26 can simplify a ratio and make it more simple .
04:29 And you'll notice that this is always four times as
04:32 much as this . You know ? This number 84
04:34 times as much as this , number 84 times as
04:36 much as two and once . Four times as much
04:39 as four there . Okay , so this is just
04:43 a simplified version of a ratio . Okay , so
04:46 hopefully that helps you a little bit ratios in some
04:48 next videos coming up , we will actually be looking
04:51 at just how to simplify ratios and that sort of
04:55 deal . Okay , see you next time . Bye
00:0-1 .



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