Lattice Multiplication - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Lattice Multiplication - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Lattice Multiplication - By tecmath

00:0-1 Good day and welcome to the Tech Math channel .
00:01 What we're looking at today's video is how to multiply
00:04 any two types of numbers with one another . So
00:06 any type , any three digit by two digit or
00:09 a four digit by a three digit number . We're
00:11 going to have a look at these and look at
00:13 a different way of doing this . I've been looking
00:14 at this sort of thing in previous videos and I'm
00:16 gonna put a link up right now . There you
00:18 go there . Um , on different ways I do
00:20 this . But today it's going to be a bit
00:22 different because I'm looking at this using our boxes and
00:25 basically a little table . Very easy table to draw
00:27 and an easy way of doing this just in case
00:29 it might be a different way you prefer doing .
00:31 So without much further ado , let's work out 324
00:36 times 15 . So , how do we work this
00:41 out now ? That's what I said to do this
00:43 . I'm gonna be using these boxes now , we're
00:46 gonna need a table which is going to be three
00:49 boxes . What's more boxes ? Okay , so draw
00:54 this Here right now , there's my two by three
00:59 . And the other thing you draw on these tables
01:00 are these diving online , sloping down to the left
01:03 . It's very important . I think with this also
01:05 try to be as neat as you can . Otherwise
01:09 you're getting all sorts of troubles with math when you're
01:10 not , you're not being needed . You probably realize
01:12 . So 324 times 15 and how I'm gonna do
01:19 this is only go three times 12 times 14 times
01:23 13 times 52 times five and four times five .
01:27 I'm going to write the answers to each of these
01:29 questions . So the tens go in this part and
01:32 the unit's going this part . So three times one
01:34 is three , two times 1 is 2 . 1
01:39 times four is 4 , three times five is 15
01:43 , 5 times two is 10 and five times four
01:47 is 20 . There you go . Already got the
01:48 answers now . How do I get my final answer
01:51 ? Well , I just start adding up in this
01:52 diagonal direction , so let's have a look . Nothing
01:55 and nothing . There's nothing . Four plus two is
01:58 65 plus one , plus two is eight and four
02:02 plus three plus one is four . There you go
02:06 . That's the answer . That's pretty cool . Right
02:08 , we can do this with bigger numbers , I'll
02:10 put a bigger one up right now . Okay ,
02:13 so let's do uh 1342 , and We'll Times Act
02:19 by 600 , Okay , so we're gonna need a
02:27 box . How big ? That's right , three x
02:29 4 . So let's draw that in . Oh ,
02:32 here's the box . Which is gonna have to fit
02:37 three rose and for columns and these diagonal lines sloping
02:46 down once again , so . Mhm . All right
02:51 . In a question which is 13 42 times 643
03:01 . And I'll start putting in my answers now .
03:03 162663 18 , 64 24 to 6 to 12 .
03:11 Okay . Next next row , 14 is 443 12
03:17 , 4 , 4 - 16 . 4 to 8
03:21 . Okay . Next 113 is 33 threes and 934
03:26 12 and 3 to 6 . Now we can start
03:30 adding these up diagonally . Okay , we have a
03:32 62 plus eight is 10 , carry the one 10
03:37 , so one plus 9 is 10 , 11 ,
03:40 17 , 19 . Okay , carry the one .
03:44 One plus three is 467 11 , 12 carry the
03:51 one , one plus four is 56 one plus four
03:57 is 56 14 , 16 carry the one and six
04:03 plus one is seven plus . This one here is
04:05 so answer is 862906 . That's pretty easy . Right
04:13 ? It's a really , really good method . I
04:15 really , really like this method as well , tend
04:17 to use a slightly different way . I think the
04:18 bigger numbers actually in some ways prefer this method .
04:21 I think it's a nice simple cut and dry sort
04:24 of one , especially for kids and that sort of
04:26 deal . It's a really good way also of getting
04:27 to practice their times tables . It's a good one
04:30 . Also , if you don't buy juggling so many
04:31 numbers necessarily in your head at once . Okay ,
04:35 hopefully you like that method and you might give it
04:37 a bit of a shot . We'll see you next
04:40 time .



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