Percentage Change - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Percentage Change - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Percentage Change - By tecmath

00:0-1 Good day . Welcome to the Tech Math channel .
00:01 What we're going to be having a look at in
00:02 this video is how to work out the percentage change
00:05 between two numbers . Pretty simple to either give me
00:08 an increase or a decrease . So we're going to
00:10 start off and have a look at a couple of
00:12 these . Then what we're going to have a look
00:14 at is the formula which you can use for these
00:16 . Then finally , what we're going to have a
00:18 look at is a bit of a tricky thing ,
00:20 which is actually not too bad once you've shown ,
00:22 which is how to actually reverse the percentage change .
00:25 And it's not as simple as you might think .
00:26 Okay , it's not as direct as you might think
00:29 . So there is a bit of a trick behind
00:30 that , but lets us launch into these and we'll
00:32 start by having a look at just working out the
00:34 percentage change between two numbers with a couple of examples
00:38 . So this is our first example , a shirt
00:40 cost $10 last year and now a cost $12 .
00:43 Disgraceful prices going up like that . What is the
00:47 percentage change ? So the way that we're going to
00:49 work this out is fairly simple . What we're going
00:51 to do is we're going to work out how much
00:53 has changed and then we're going to work this out
00:55 as a percentage of the original price . See how
00:58 complicated it's not too bad . So first off let's
01:00 work out what the actual change is . So how
01:04 much have we changed ? We've gone from $10 to
01:08 $12 . And so you can see there's been an
01:10 increase of $2 . 12 take away 10 is equal
01:15 to two . The next thing we do is we
01:17 work this out as a percentage . And what I
01:20 mean by this this $2 out of the original price
01:24 . So the original price was $10 , so two
01:26 out of 10 . This is a fraction of what's
01:29 happened . But we can now work this out as
01:31 a decimal and then as a percentage . So to
01:34 work this out as a decimal would go to divided
01:36 by 10 And that would be equal to 0.2 .
01:41 We then multiplied by 100 . To turn that into
01:44 a percentage . 0.2 times 100 . We have had
01:48 a 20% increase . That's pretty simple . Right ?
01:51 So just a couple of steps , we work at
01:53 the difference between these , how much things have changed
01:56 ? We put that over the original amount and multiplied
01:58 by 100 . We'll go through another example and then
02:01 what I'll do is I'll show you the formula for
02:03 this . So for a second example a bag and
02:06 35 lollies in it , but now it only has
02:08 27 . What is the percentage change ? So we
02:11 go through the same process to work out this percentage
02:14 change . The very first thing we work out is
02:16 the difference between these two numbers here , so we
02:18 can see the change is how much . Well if
02:22 we get 27 and we take off 35 we can
02:24 see we've decreased eight . Okay , the number of
02:27 lollies has decreased . eight . So this amount which
02:29 is going to be negative is over the original amounts
02:33 of eight Over 35 . And we can see what
02:37 this is . So 8/35 is 0.23 . Remembering that
02:42 this is a negative change , would multiply this by
02:45 100 and that would turn that into a percent .
02:48 So this is a 23 decrease because it is negative
02:54 . Okay , pretty simple . Right , So that's
02:57 a fairly simple thing to work out . So what
02:59 about we have a look at the formula for this
03:00 and then what we're going to do is we're going
03:02 to look at how much we need to increase .
03:05 Say for instance , here this 27 to go back
03:08 to 35 to get to that original statement by the
03:10 way , it's not increasing it by 23% . There's
03:13 a bit of a trick with us . Let's summarize
03:15 this all in a formula now . So , what
03:17 happened is the very first thing we did is we
03:19 got the new amount and we subtracted the old amount
03:23 to work out how much things had changed . All
03:26 right . So , let's just write that down the
03:29 new amount . Take away the old amount . Then
03:31 what we did is we put the entire amount over
03:35 In a fractured the original amount . That old amount
03:38 . Then after a bit of chewing and throwing .
03:40 What we did is we got this amount divided by
03:42 this . We end up multiplying by 100 . And
03:45 this is the formula you can use to work out
03:48 percentage change . It's pretty simple . Right ? What
03:51 about we have a look at an example with this
03:53 ? Okay , so we used the formula to solve
03:55 this particular question . There were 150 customers yesterday ,
03:59 but there were 200 today . What is the percentage
04:02 change ? So what we're going to do is going
04:04 to get the new amount and subtract that old amount
04:06 . The very first thing that we did before .
04:08 So The new amount 200 take away 150 , Take
04:14 away . 150 . And this is going to go
04:17 over The old amount . That original amount , that
04:21 150 We're gonna multiply by 100 Now . What is
04:25 this equal to ? So this is pretty simple .
04:28 200 take away 150 . Well this is equal to
04:33 50 50 divided by 100 and 50 is equal to
04:37 0.333 times 100 . This is 33% . That's nice
04:43 and easy . Right ? If you like this by
04:45 the way , please really hit the like button .
04:47 But what we're going to have a bit of a
04:48 look at right now , you may not like so
04:50 much . It's not too bad . What we're gonna
04:53 have a look at is okay , so we've had
04:55 to Increased by 33 to get from 150 to 200
04:59 . But how much would we need to reduce ?
05:00 200 by To get back to 50 in terms of
05:04 percentage and it's not 33% . You may be a
05:07 bit surprised to see this . So I'm going to
05:09 show you this first off in an example . So
05:13 consider this example . We earned $120 yesterday but only
05:17 $90 today . So we're going to work out a
05:20 couple of things for this particular statement . What we're
05:23 going to work out is first off what percentage change
05:26 has occurred from yesterday till today , But then when
05:29 we're going to work out and this is a new
05:31 thing , we're going to work out how much we
05:32 need to increase $90 to get back . 220 .
05:36 How much we need to increase it in terms of
05:38 percentage . So let's just go through and work out
05:41 this first part . What is the percentage change ?
05:44 Okay , so the first part , the% 90 and 120
05:50 . So we've gone down $30 and this is out
05:54 of the original amount . 120 . We would multiply
05:57 this by 100 according to our formula . And if
06:00 we do that we will see that we have actually
06:01 gone down 25 percent . Okay , pretty simple .
06:07 So how much would you need to increase $90 to
06:10 go back to 120 now ? It is not 25%
06:13 . You wouldn't increase it by 25% . And I'll
06:15 show you why this is the case . 25 Of
06:19 90 is not 30 . of 90 is in fact
06:24 $22.50 . So we're going to be $7.50 short .
06:30 Okay . How much do we need to change ?
06:32 Well , it's just a bit of a tweaking of
06:34 what we have here because we're not after $22.50 .
06:38 How much we're trying to actually increase ? We're trying
06:40 to increase Back $30 . So let's put that there
06:45 . The other thing we actually have to change here
06:46 is we don't know what this particular percentages that's the
06:50 percentage of 90 but we don't know how much that
06:53 percentages and that's what we're trying to work out .
06:55 So the way I think about this is I would
06:57 think about this in terms of a decimal . OK
07:01 so a lot easier to work with a decimal here
07:03 . So what decimal would you multiply by 90 to
07:07 get 30 Now ? How would you go about working
07:10 out ? Well the opposite of multiplication is division .
07:14 So we could divide this side by 19 , divide
07:17 this by side by 90 . And pretty much what
07:19 we can get is we would say the amount we're
07:21 after is equal to this amount divided by 90 .
07:25 So 30 divided by 90 . It's going to be
07:28 as a percentage though , so multiply our answer by
07:32 100 because this will give it as a decimal .
07:35 So 30 divided by 90 is how much ? Well
07:39 that is 900.33333333 times by 100 . This is 33%
07:46 . So we would need to increase $90 x 33%
07:50 to get back to 120 . Okay , pretty simple
07:54 . Right , what about to give you one more
07:56 example of this ? So consider this , the cost
07:58 of a pair of pants fell from $70 to $62
08:03 . We're going to work out first off how much
08:05 it's fallen in terms of percentage and they were going
08:07 to work and how much it would need to be
08:08 increased to get back to that original price . So
08:12 let's just through those right now . So what has
08:14 been the percentage change ? So you can see here
08:18 that the initial percentage has gone from eight ? Okay
08:22 , there's a change of eight and it's gone downwards
08:24 so it's going to be a decrease Out of 78
08:27 , out of 70 multiplied by 100 . We have
08:31 this change of 11.4% . Pretty crazy . Right ?
08:37 No problems . Okay the second thing I want to
08:39 ask you now then , it's okay to get from
08:41 60 back to 70 . How much do we need
08:45 to increase 62 in terms of a percentage ? So
08:48 how do we do that ? Well once again ,
08:50 what we're going to be doing is we are going
08:52 to be getting trying to work out a certain percent
08:55 of an amount which we're going to work out as
08:56 a decimal uh and work out that amount of 62
09:02 which is equal to eight . Okay , so how
09:05 do we go about doing that ? Pretty simple .
09:07 We're gonna get eight , we're going to divide it
09:09 by 62 we're gonna multiply By 100 . Okay ,
09:14 so eight divided by 62 times 100 , we would
09:17 need to increase By 12.9% to get back to that
09:22 original $70 amount . Anyway . Hopefully you like that
09:26 video if you did pleasure ever hit the like Button
09:29 comment and big shout out to my patrons . Okay
09:32 ? Big thank you to you guys . Uh and
09:34 I hope everybody's keeping Well anyway , thank you for
09:37 watching . We'll see you next time . Bye .



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