McGraw-Hill Math Tutoring | - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

McGraw-Hill Math Tutoring | - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

McGraw-Hill Math Tutoring | - By

00:0-1 The classic mistake that students making this problem is to
00:03 say that N plus three squared means n squared plus
00:09 three squared or n squared plus nine . Remember however
00:14 , that N plus three squared means N plus three
00:18 times itself or N plus three times N plus three
00:28 . So we really have to buy no meals that
00:31 are multiplying together . And to simplify this problem ,
00:34 we must use the foil method . So the products
00:38 of the first terms end times in is and square
00:43 plus apart to the outer terms end times positive three
00:47 is positive three in plus . Apart to the inner
00:51 terms positive three times in is positive three in .
00:56 Plus upon it to the last terms positive three times
00:59 positive three , Which is positive nine combining our middle
01:04 terms , we have N squared plus six . N
01:10 plus nine for our final answer . Remember whenever you
01:16 square a binomial , you must write it out as
01:20 that binomial times itself , then foil .


This lesson covers the midsegment of triangle. Students learn the following theorems related to parallel lines. If 3 parallel lines form congruent segments along one transversal, then they form congruent segments along every transversal. If a line intersects the midpoint of one side a triangle and is parallel to another side of the triangle, then it intersects the midpoint of the third side of the triangle. If a segment joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle, then the segment is (a) parallel to the third side of the triangle, and (b) half the length of the third side. Students are then asked to solve problems related to these theorems using Algebra.


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