Math Antics - Polygons - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Math Antics - Polygons - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Math Antics - Polygons - By

00:03 Uh huh . Hi there . Welcome to Math Antics
00:08 so far in our series in geometry , we've learned
00:10 about points , lines , planes and angles . In
00:14 this lesson , we're going to learn about another important
00:16 element of geometry . We're going to learn about polygons
00:19 . You probably already know a lot about polygons because
00:23 you see them all the time . Here are some
00:25 common examples that you might recognize . These shapes are
00:29 all polygons . That's because of polygon just means a
00:32 multi sided shape and these shapes all have multiple sides
00:37 . Okay , so that's a basic definition of a
00:39 polygon . But to really understand what is a polygon
00:43 and what is not a polygon . We need to
00:45 learn about the specific properties that all polygons have in
00:49 common . First , we need to know the three
00:51 parts that make up all polygons . And these parts
00:54 are sides vortices and angles . The sides are just
01:00 the straight line segments that make up a polygon and
01:03 the vertex is are the points where the sides intersect
01:07 and the angles are formed by the intersecting lines .
01:10 In fact in greek , the word polygon literally means
01:14 many angles . So all polygons have sides advertises and
01:19 angles . This polygon here has five sides , five
01:22 verses and it forms five angles . The next thing
01:26 we need to know about polygons is that they're closed
01:28 shapes . Now , what does it mean for a
01:30 shape to be closed ? You ask . Well it
01:33 means that the sides are connected so that there are
01:35 no gaps . The area inside , the shape is
01:38 separated from the area outside the shape and there's no
01:42 way to get from the inside to the outside without
01:44 crossing the line . It might help to think of
01:47 a close shape like a cage . If you put
01:50 an ant inside the cage then there's no way for
01:53 it to get out without crossing the line . But
01:56 if the shape is open then there is a way
01:58 out . So these are all examples of closed shapes
02:02 . And these are all examples of open shapes .
02:04 And the important thing to remember is that a polygon
02:07 must be closed . And the last thing we need
02:10 to know about polygons is that they're two dimensional or
02:13 flat shapes . And that means that all the vertex
02:16 is must lie on the same plane . If any
02:19 one of the vertex is were to move forwards or
02:22 backwards so that it wasn't on the same plane as
02:24 all the other vertex is . Then it wouldn't be
02:26 a flat shape anymore . Flat shapes are also called
02:29 cleaner shapes because all of their points are on the
02:33 same plane . And even though polygons themselves can't be
02:36 three D shapes , you can use polygons to make
02:39 three D shapes like a box . For example ,
02:42 the box is not a polygon , but each of
02:45 its flat sides is a polygon . All right then
02:50 we now have a specific definition of a polygon .
02:53 The polygon is a multi sided shape that has sides
02:56 , verte sizes and angles . A polygon is a
02:59 closed shape and a polygon is a two dimensional or
03:03 a flat shape . And now that you know that
03:06 it's time to play polygon or not a polygon .
03:10 Now here's your host , me . Thank you .
03:14 Thank you . All right now the rules of the
03:17 game are simple . I'm gonna show you a shape
03:19 and you tell me if it's a polygon or not
03:22 a polygon , are you ready to play ? Our
03:26 first shape is a square , is a square polygon
03:31 . Yes square has four sides and four advertises .
03:35 And it's a closed two D . Shape . So
03:37 it is a polygon . And next we have but
03:43 not exactly sure what to call this . But is
03:46 it a polygon , nope , it's close but because
03:49 it's an open shape , it can't be a polygon
03:53 . All right . What about this one , polygon
03:56 or not polygon , yep . It is a polygon
04:01 even though the sides aren't all the same length .
04:03 It is a closed two D . Multi sided shape
04:06 . In fact if you count you'll see that .
04:08 It has seven sides . What about this one ?
04:14 Is a circle of polygon ? Well it is a
04:17 closed two D . Shape but how many sides does
04:21 it have ? Now ? That's the problem . A
04:24 circle doesn't have any straight sides advertises or angles .
04:28 It's a curved shape . So it's not a polygon
04:31 . Next we have a star shape just like me
04:35 . Is it a polygon , yep , it has
04:39 straight sides advertises and it's a closed two D .
04:43 Shape . That means it's a polygon . And what
04:47 about this one ? Right , you are . This
04:50 is not a polygon , It's a dog . Uh
04:55 Here's an interesting one . It's a closed two D
04:58 . Shape that does have straight sides and vortices .
05:01 But it also has this curved part here . Can
05:05 it still be a polygon with that curve there ?
05:07 No the curved part disqualifies it as a polygon polygon
05:13 has to have only straight sides . So this is
05:18 not a polygon . And what about this guy here
05:21 ? Is this a polygon ? Well it is just
05:23 straight lines but two of those lines cross and if
05:27 any lines cross it can't be a polygon . Plus
05:30 he has this big open in here . So this
05:32 guy is definitely not a polygon . And last of
05:36 all , what about this one ? Right . You
05:38 are this is not a polygon because it's a three
05:41 D . Shape . It's made from polygons . But
05:44 the whole shape is not a polygon itself . Well
05:48 that's all the time we have for this week ,
05:50 join us next week as we decide is it bigger
05:53 than one ? Okay so after playing that game you
05:58 should have a really good idea of what a polygon
06:00 is and what it is . Not . The last
06:02 thing I want to mention is that some polygons have
06:05 special names depending on how many sides they have .
06:08 Here is a list of the most important ones to
06:11 know . three sided polygons are called Triangles . Triangles
06:15 are so important in geometry that they'll get a whole
06:18 video of their own foresighted polygons are called quadrille laterals
06:24 , wow . Now that's a fancy math word But
06:27 it helps if you just remember that the first part
06:29 quad means four quadra laterals are shapes like squares ,
06:34 rectangles and parallelogram . They'll also get a video of
06:38 their own five sided polygon are called Pentagon's six sided
06:43 polygons are called Hexagons . An eight sided polygons are
06:47 called Octagon , by the way , polygons that have
06:51 568 or however many sides like this are called regular
06:55 polygons . If all of their angles are equal and
06:58 irregular polygons , if their angles are not equal ,
07:02 of course there are a lot more polygons than that
07:05 , but you probably won't need to know their names
07:08 as long as you know what polygons are and how
07:11 to identify them , then you're ready to move on
07:14 . The exercises for this section are pretty easy .
07:17 So no excuses . Good luck . Thanks for watching
07:20 Math Antics and I'll see you next time learn more
07:24 at Math Antics dot com .



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