Accelerated ACT Practice Program by Lumos Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Accelerated ACT Practice Program by Lumos Learning - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Accelerated ACT Practice Program by Lumos Learning - By Lumos Learning

00:00 are you spending a lot of time and frustrated with
00:02 bulky act practice guides ? Are you struggling to balance
00:06 your schoolwork with college prep ? You are not alone
00:10 . Thousands of students find the current A C T
00:12 guides and their strategies ineffective and time consuming . Lou
00:16 Most Learning has created the accelerated A C T online
00:20 practice program to save you a lot of time and
00:23 booster a C T score . It does it by
00:25 providing realistic practice and remedial resources that are precisely matched
00:30 to proficiency gaps . If you are a smart high
00:33 school student , you already know most of what is
00:35 needed for the A C T . Stop wasting time
00:37 reading 1000 page guide . Here's how the proprietary Lamo
00:41 Smart Test prep works . The student will take the
00:44 diagnostic test online , and based on the performance ,
00:48 the system automatically identifies standards where you need additional practice
00:52 . Once you complete the remedial activities , you can
00:54 take the second practice tests . You can further strengthen
00:57 your skills based on the report . After you complete
01:00 this smart practice , you're ready to ace the with
01:03 confidence limo . Step up for ACP practice includes two
01:07 full length realistic practice tests that mirror the format and
01:11 learning standards . Remedial tools to help you practice more
01:14 on your areas of weakness . Answer . Key with
01:17 detailed explanation and test taking tips and strategies from the
01:21 former . A C T Top scorers Limo study programs
01:25 are developed by expert teachers and are trusted by over
01:28 375,000 students and 55,000 teachers in 27,000 schools . To
01:34 improve student achievement on the standardized tests , Blue Most
01:38 a C T practice program , is ideal for a
01:40 CT success and is designed to eliminate student frustration ,
01:44 pinpoint and strengthen the weaker areas , provide skills practice
01:48 with access to over 2000 questions , familiarized with the
01:51 testing environment in standards and , most importantly , boost
01:55 Tracy T score in less time . Take the free
01:58 diagnostic test today to assess your A C T readiness
00:0-1 .


Lumos ACT online practice programs are developed by expert teachers to prepare students for the ACT tests. Through this innovative and comprehensive online program, students gain access to realistic ACT practice tests and necessary skill building workbooks. These rigorous learning resources equip and prepare students to tackle the ACT assessment with confidence. Key Benefits: - Realistic ACT Practice Tests - Tailored Comprehensive Learning - Complete Diagnostic & Remedial Tools - Includes Practice for English, Reading & Writing, & Math


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