The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 3) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 3) - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 3) - By Lumos Learning

00:0-1 that you might use . But I would say you
00:02 need to be at least familiar with what the cybersecurity
00:08 issues and solutions are , and you need to manage
00:11 the process on an ongoing basis . Mobile device managers
00:20 . Okay , this is sort of interesting . Students
00:28 , parents , teachers are all using different devices .
00:34 You if this is a part of your system ,
00:38 you need toe have control of that system . You
00:43 need to know who's on what what's what's hardware and
00:49 software they're using . You need to make sure they're
00:52 not doing something , you know , lurking toe ,
00:56 create an attack . You need to know they're not
00:59 doing something that you wouldn't approve off . Um ,
01:02 so these systems do this , and they interface your
01:08 programs . Um , you're learning management systems ultimately with
01:13 these mobile device managers . So your students can ,
01:18 you know , lay in bed with their , you
01:20 know , iPhone and do their assignments , do their
01:23 reading and answer questions on the quiz . Whatever .
01:27 Um , here are companies that do this , I'd
01:30 say of all the names we've given you for different
01:34 aspects of the system , thes probably are the least
01:38 familiar to you , with the exception of Microsoft .
01:42 But , you know , these air companies that do
01:44 this . It's an important part of the system .
01:49 You need to make sure your i t people are
01:53 paying attention to it . Um , okay , I
01:57 think this is my next to last area that z
02:03 giving you shrieks of horror about all the the issues
02:07 here . So , single sign on , um ,
02:10 you want everybody to have easy access to your entire
02:15 system . If you've got multiple sign ons to use
02:21 this system and a different sign on for that system
02:24 , it becomes cumbersome . People don't like it ,
02:27 it's inefficient . And so there are providers of single
02:31 sign on software that integrates into your system , and
02:38 this is a list of them . One of the
02:40 bigger ones is whoever on duh . This is an
02:44 extremely important aspect of your of your system is that
02:51 you want to make it really easy for people to
02:54 use . I think everyone who suffered with passwords on
02:58 who hasn't , you know , knows the problems that
03:01 it , you know , causes okay , hardware requirements
03:06 . So I think this is the next to last
03:10 . So how we doing on time ? Not bad
03:12 . Okay . Technology coordinators . I t device managers
03:16 . So you're not gonna make decisions on buying hardware
03:19 , but you do have to know something about it
03:21 . Um , you know , what is the hardware
03:23 ? Do you know ? Obviously it accesses the learning
03:25 programs it provides . Communication is interactive . Um ,
03:30 you know , chances are most of your bigger systems
03:33 . They're gonna be cloud based , but you may
03:35 also have a server at school . Or there may
03:39 be a district server that you need to use hardware
03:44 requirements and sort of interesting what devices to schools use
03:48 . So you can see it's a broad list .
03:50 Chromebooks , Even though Google classroom is very widely used
03:55 , chromebooks 31% ipads , 26% . So about the
03:59 same windows laptops 7 17% Windows tablets , only 3%
04:07 . So it is a broad variety and probably a
04:10 moving target . As these companies compete with each other
04:13 , become price competitive , etcetera on . Of course
04:18 , there's other hardware that you need in the school
04:21 on Do you use on And , um so let
04:28 me say Okay , so who are the hardware providers
04:31 ? This is a familiar list of names to you
04:34 . These air all by and large , big companies
04:37 . Andi , um , they all have school divisions
04:41 . They all wanna be in schools . They all
04:43 want to sell you 10,000 tablets and in one order
04:48 so that their sales team console a Breyton network providers
04:52 . Ultimately , this product , everything you're doing with
04:56 school gets delivered along a network on DE . So
05:01 these Maybe this maybe the company that's also providing cable
05:07 television service . You know , it might be ,
05:09 you know , Verizon or Spectrum or what was once
05:12 you know , Time Warner . Um , Comcast on
05:18 bond and eso Who are these ? Um , you
05:24 know , these folks are important to you , particularly
05:26 if you have trouble with connectivity in your regional area
05:30 . What can they do to help you ? Can
05:32 they create hot spots ? Can they build out their
05:34 network on Do you should certainly feel , um I
05:40 would say bold about going to them and telling them
05:44 our students can't be in school and can't learn because
05:48 you've not provided a good enough system in your network
05:53 and see what they say and what they're willing to
05:56 dio . Okay , helpful sources for Ed Tech purchases
06:00 . So obviously you , all of your district's in
06:03 your states to give you millions of dollars , and
06:06 in my opinion , you need millions of dollars .
06:08 Here's a list of some sort of options for finding
06:13 money that are a little bit off that path .
06:16 And , uh , and we provide the links for
06:21 you if you want to take a look at them
06:23 as some place to go and and get some funding
06:26 . Racism , money , uh , focused on Ed
06:29 Tech for schools . Um , great supplemental tools .
06:36 Eso just a few of these , um , you
06:39 know , loom . I personally like a lot .
06:42 It's free for education . Um , it integrates the
06:46 video with assignments and other work that students do .
06:49 It's easy . It's nice students like it on gets
06:53 free . You know , Wicks or WordPress allows students
06:59 to create websites very , very easily and again it's
07:02 free , you know , for the basic service .
07:05 And it will really impress their parents when they create
07:09 a website in five minutes that looks quite professional on
07:14 bees could be used for assignments and class Or ,
07:16 you know , just for , you know , just
07:18 for fun . Eso my last request to you and
07:22 we're just about finishing on time is , um ,
07:26 you know , Please let me know if you're willing
07:29 to be a volunteer case study in later sessions next
07:35 week , we're going to talk more about curriculum specifics
07:38 , but then we're gonna and we're going to start
07:40 talking about your own situations . But introduce yourself to
07:44 May . You can call me . You can send
07:46 me an email it at Lou most learning dot com
07:49 , or and then we can , you know ,
07:53 you know , make these make taking these issues and
07:58 putting them into a context of somebody who's has a
08:03 real problem to solve today . And that would be
08:07 a goal to come up with a good solution ,
08:09 give you a chance to talk through that , to
08:12 hear from each other on de . So here ,
08:17 here's the ISO . Okay , so there's , um
08:23 I think I said this . If you're doing this
08:27 , eso if you're doing this for , um continuing
08:32 education credits , there's a little quiz that's available because
08:39 some professional development systems require there be some testing .
08:44 So we've provide something quite simple and straightforward for you
08:47 to use . And then the Loomis Learning platform has
08:51 other resource is for you to use . Okay .
08:56 Thank you . Um , I hope this has been
09:00 helpful to you . I hope that these slides ,
09:04 which you can download , become an ongoing resource .
09:08 Do you ? We will continue to update them and
09:10 so you can have them on Bond . Uh ,
09:17 that's it . You tell me . What do you
09:22 think ? Questions , comments , shrieks of horror ,
09:29 which you have chosen a different career . Hmm .
09:43 Mhm . I learned a lot . This was helpful
09:48 . I think it , uh you took us through
09:50 a whole set off tools and kind of helps relate
09:55 to different components off distance learning . Uh , you
09:59 know , I think other people's mix also probably .
10:03 You did eso filthy . You open up and share
10:07 your thoughts . Yeah . Yeah . Hi , guys
10:17 . I'm from lemons to Mass . Dave , based
10:20 on an assistant principal limits the mask and , uh
10:26 , you know , we have . So we got
10:27 about 18 , 1900 students in our high school ,
10:30 and we have a lot of poverty in the high
10:33 school . Probably high 30 low . 40% of our
10:36 students . Hello , income students . We're comprehensive high
10:44 school . We have a trade school inside the high
10:46 school , so the kids could go back and forth
10:48 all day s o . The requirements that those kids
10:52 need to meet along with the requirements of the regular
10:54 high school kids need to meet are pretty substantial .
10:57 There's gonna have to be some concessions by the state
11:00 Education Board as toe you know , the number of
11:03 hours these kids have to put in . I mean
11:05 , mine might be a good case study . I'm
11:07 not I'm not sure , but we have Ah ,
11:10 you know , my big my concern . Personally ,
11:13 I feel like the longer we stay out of school
11:16 , the more chances you're going to see schools going
11:21 towards remote learning . And , you know , and
11:24 I'm concerned about that because I I honestly feel there's
11:28 nothing better than a teacher standing in front of those
11:30 students and and in the classroom they get the supports
11:33 that they need . Where ? Outside the classroom .
11:36 It's not that simple . So yeah , you know
11:40 , You know , I you know , I think
11:44 you know I'd love thio . Yeah , let's talk
11:47 about you know , your situation in subsequent because one
11:51 of the one of the classes I did one of
11:54 the schools I've spoke thio for this white paper .
11:58 Waas A district was quite poor . That terrible Internet
12:03 service . They're gonna deliver packets to students at home
12:07 every week while they were not in class and pick
12:10 them up every week . Then the bus driver gets
12:13 co vid they saw that . I mean Oh ,
12:17 my God . You know , you just say ,
12:19 you know , could everything just come together ? You
12:21 know , and eso Here's a , you know ,
12:23 principal who's driving the bus , and , um ,
12:27 so , yeah , I mean , good for him
12:29 . Um , but yeah , it's but yeah ,
12:32 thank you very much . So Yeah , well ,
12:33 that's definitely , you know , talk . You know
12:36 , talk about that . Um , you know ,
12:38 mawr , obviously , you know , not so easy
12:40 to teach , you know , to take shop online
12:44 on . And so , uh , Christine did you
12:48 did you want to say something ? I saw your
12:50 mic went on for a second , but went off
12:58 . Um , if I I know that actually ,
13:01 this really helped me see how far ahead my school
13:04 is because I have task forces working on all this
13:07 . But one important component that I'm wondering if it
13:10 will be addressed is academics are one thing , but
13:13 academics will always follow is the social and emotional component
13:18 . Because that's really what my school focuses on .
13:21 And knowing that right now , the kids are in
13:24 crisis , the kids are in chaos , and kids
13:26 that are not feeling safe cannot learn . So is
13:29 that something that we will be . It's definitely on
13:35 the agenda . But let me also say that I'm
13:39 happy to put on the agenda anything that you all
13:42 would like to discuss . So this is , you
13:45 know , we're , you know , happy to go
13:48 and dio , you know , research . And And
13:53 I think frankly , interacting with each other will be
13:56 , you know , be very useful . I know
13:59 for is I know in the education system , you
14:03 know , except for doing things like going toe annual
14:05 conferences , which no one is doing now , you
14:08 don't get a chance to interact with your peers very
14:11 much . And so we're home on that opportunity for
14:16 you all . And so , yes , I think
14:20 you're absolutely right . And so definitely . And and
14:24 I just reiterate anything that you feel should be covered
14:27 . Um , let me know you . No way
14:30 . We'll figure it out . Great . Thank you
14:34 . Sure . All right , Bill . In San
14:42 Francisco , not may , not San Francisco . Maybe
14:52 Arkansas . Oh , I see . That's the Golden
14:56 Gate Bridge in Little Rock and not E . Now
15:06 , that was just the background . I can't figure
15:07 out how to get off . No . Okay ,
15:14 that's a good background , So Okay . Thank you
15:17 a lot of information today . I look forward to
15:19 to get him more in depth with this , uh
15:22 , And you and the next classes . You will
15:24 cover a lot of a lot more of this information
15:27 you presented today . Is that correct ? Yes .
15:29 Okay . Correct . All right . Thank you very
15:33 much , sir . Okay . Thank you . Thank
15:35 you for joining us . Okay . It says to
15:38 get the presentation on everything . Log into the admin
15:42 portal teacher eyes that through ever fire you on the
15:46 other side . Okay . Yeah . Alright . E
15:53 . Think we're good . Thank you so much ,
15:55 Professor , for kicking this off . Looking forward to
15:57 the next one , which is me to Wednesday .
16:00 Same time . Okay . Alright . E . Thank
16:05 you so much . Bye . Bye , Barbara .



The Fully Informed Administrator: Distance Learning Basics and Best Practices - Session 1 (part 3) is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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