Home Is The New School: Importance of Social-Emotional Learning (Webinar for Parents) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Home Is The New School: Importance of Social-Emotional Learning (Webinar for Parents) - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Home Is The New School: Importance of Social-Emotional Learning (Webinar for Parents) - By Lumos Learning

00:06 welcome , everybody . I'm Ed Rogoff . I'm ,
00:09 uh , an adviser to Lou Most learning . And
00:14 I should say that my involvement with limos learning goes
00:17 back to when the founder of Lou Most learning was
00:21 a student of mine in an n b a class
00:24 . And he , um , had a young Children
00:29 who were preparing for state exams in , um in
00:34 New Jersey and the preparation materials that the school was
00:39 giving very little to do with the exam that his
00:42 kids had to take at the end of the term
00:46 . And he said , Somebody should create materials that
00:49 are relevant for what the kids need , and that
00:51 was the start of Blue most learning , which is
00:54 about 13 years ago . And , um , Mukunda
00:57 , who I assume is on this call somewhere ,
01:00 um , has been a dedicated serious leader in building
01:07 this company , expanding its products And , um ,
01:12 you know , being committed to the mission of ,
01:14 uh , of of helping helping students . So this
01:19 , uh , program is an expansion of a series
01:24 of programs that we ran for principles and district superintendents
01:29 on issues of distance learning and technology . And after
01:35 we did that , I think it was a series
01:37 of five . Um , and they were well received
01:41 . We said maybe we should do something for parents
01:44 . And so this is the first in our series
01:46 of , uh , of programs for parents to cover
01:51 relevant issues for distance and hybrid learning in this new
01:56 environment . And , uh , it will be this
02:00 will be posted on the luminous website like the other
02:04 , like the other programmes we created . So people
02:07 can access them any time . And that's turned out
02:10 to be a successful , um , thing . Many
02:15 people have accessed those ones that we did already ,
02:18 and I'm sure that will be true about this .
02:21 So this program is about what can really we set
02:26 out to say , What can we tell parents in
02:30 an hour that will help them the best way possible
02:35 to support their child's success in this environment of ,
02:41 uh , of distance and and hybrid hybrid learning .
02:47 And towards that end , we have three fantastic experts
02:52 who have agreed to join us and to share their
02:55 wisdom and experience , and I'm going to give them
03:00 the briefest possible introductions . Asked them to , um
03:06 expand on their backgrounds as they relate to this if
03:10 if they want . But Maureen Healy is our first
03:15 speaker , and , um , she's an author .
03:19 She's , uh , you know , um , written
03:22 on on these topics and , you know , I
03:26 common speaker a frequent speaker , I should say ,
03:30 Dr . Newton Miller , um , gonna talk about
03:33 goal setting and managing the process . And Megan Tenny
03:37 , who's gonna talk about home schooling . Um ,
03:40 and she's got a very interesting , uh , background
03:45 and experience with this . And in essence , uh
03:49 , covid and hybrid learning has made all of us
03:53 into home schoolers at least some of the time .
03:58 So what are we gonna cover ? We're gonna try
04:01 to cover all these topics in an hour , promoting
04:05 social emotional learning , uh , communicating with teachers .
04:10 Um , what ? Free tools and learning resources are
04:13 available that parents want to avail themselves of , um
04:18 , what available financial support there is how to manage
04:22 the process of learning at home and , uh ,
04:25 were applicable supporting special ed requirements , which is a
04:30 huge issue in this in this environment . So ,
04:35 Maureen , with the minimal introduction , I'm gonna hand
04:39 it off to you to , um , you know
04:43 , talk about these issues of dealing with socio social
04:48 emotional issues with with , um , educating your kids
04:55 participating in educating your child from home . So welcome
05:00 , Maureen . Thank you . And I appreciate it
05:02 . Let's see , what can I say ? My
05:04 background is Children's emotional health and development . I have
05:09 worked with parents and Children around the world . My
05:12 last book is the emotionally healthy child , and ,
05:15 uh , I work a lot with in the classroom
05:17 with teachers and with parents regarding learning styles and learning
05:21 differences , as well as how , How do we
05:23 build that emotional and social intelligence in the classroom ,
05:27 whether it's at home or whether it's distance or whether
05:29 it's in hybrid education ? Right now , we're dealing
05:32 with lots of different things . Um , so that's
05:35 that's my background . And I write for psychology today
05:39 and there's lots of different , um , specific concepts
05:43 I drill down in , but we can go to
05:45 the next line . Okay , great . So social
05:49 emotional learning . So I just wanted to give an
05:52 overview of the concept of emotional health and then drill
05:55 into strategies and I'll take any questions that pop in
05:58 . I'm happy to take them and answer them on
06:00 the fly . That's always , from my perspective ,
06:03 the really interesting . You know , I think we
06:06 get the most out of question so so emotional .
06:09 Health is really the skill of balance . So the
06:12 idea is that , you know , just because of
06:14 living were thrown off balance and the idea of helping
06:18 students and parents and Children , we want to build
06:22 that emotional intelligence so that self awareness . So what
06:26 are emotions , you know ? And then , ultimately
06:28 , what do we do with them ? So in
06:30 your ideal scenario , they're doing part of that at
06:33 school . Um , but I know that in the
06:35 distance , learning it presents a unique challenge because ,
06:39 you know , there might be two or three people
06:40 in the same room with headsets doing work and school
06:44 , and Mom's managing three kids or Dad's managing two
06:48 kids or however it's working out . There's a lot
06:50 of different pieces of the puzzle , but the idea
06:53 is that we want to help Children identify their emotions
06:57 and learn how to express them constructively . And ,
07:00 uh , that's different for a kindergartner than it is
07:04 for high school student . And it's different from middle
07:06 schooler versus a college student , so being able to
07:10 really help kids early on , um , and I
07:14 also think from my own personal perspective , and this
07:16 may not be a popular thought . But I really
07:19 do believe there's no academic emergency right now . We
07:22 are really in a global health crisis and a financial
07:25 crisis . And , um , if I look at
07:28 the upside the potential silver lining of the pandemic ,
07:32 it could be that we're helping our Children learn how
07:34 to be more resilient . We're helping them learn how
07:36 to be stronger from the inside out . So there
07:39 are a lot of teachable moments whether it's helping a
07:43 child identify the discomfort of wearing a mask or the
07:47 discomfort of being on Zoom or helping them create a
07:50 space , whether it's a physical space or an emotional
07:53 space where they feel like there are some things that
07:55 they can focus on , that they can control .
07:58 Whether it's you know , they're they're you know ,
08:00 some things are clearly out of their control , But
08:02 how do we help them in this present moment ,
08:05 You know , stay as calm as possible and make
08:07 good choices and engage in school . I mean ,
08:10 I know that that is part of the difficulty is
08:12 staying tuned in when you can mute people , or
08:16 when you know when , when you can just walk
08:18 away and say I've had plenty of students have worked
08:20 with recently . They just say when they've had enough
08:22 at school , they just slam down the laptop and
08:24 say There must have been a technical difficulty . So
08:27 I get it . There's some There's a low level
08:29 of frustration . So this is where I think that
08:32 , you know , it's not about doing more per
08:34 se . It's just sort of the low hanging fruit
08:36 . What are the tools that we can help ourselves
08:39 and our Children ? Because I'm a big believer that
08:42 Children mirror our own experience . So if we're angry
08:46 and frustrated , they're going to pick up on that
08:47 and then send it back to us even bigger .
08:50 So we want to do our best to stay calm
08:52 and remember that , Okay , we you know ,
08:54 one moment to the next moment . Let's not like
08:56 speed ahead . Let's do the right thing , and
08:58 these are big choices . I know that we have
09:00 to make so whether our kids go back to school
09:02 or whether we continue distance learning . These are really
09:04 big choices , and there's no right choice . You
09:07 have to just choose what's right for your family and
09:10 and using this time constructively to be able to help
09:15 Children really learn how to recognize that they are bigger
09:19 than their feelings , whether they were on hot with
09:21 anger , you know , there's a child that would
09:23 be like irritated , annoyed , frustrated , then angry
09:27 , then mad . So learning how or they run
09:30 cold , right ? They disconnect , They get sad
09:32 , they get into a funk , you know ,
09:33 and it's not . We're not all one thing or
09:35 another . Our emotions come and go , but helping
09:38 them learn how to identify and express them and giving
09:41 them those tools . And since emotional health is a
09:44 lifelong endeavor , it's really not a box that we
09:48 check . You know , it's not like a to
09:49 eight or high school . You go . I did
09:51 that . I've done on there . I have to
09:52 do it again . It's like no one week .
09:54 We're learning tolerance . Another week . We're learning compassion
09:57 . Another week we're learning forgiveness . Another week is
09:59 conflict resolution , so it's learning together as a family
10:04 , creating a common language and helping your child or
10:07 Tween or teen identify it . And , you know
10:10 , maybe one child needs to go for a run
10:12 or one child needs to hit a punching bag ,
10:14 or one child needs to take deep breaths or one
10:16 child needs to walk away from the computer and have
10:20 a brain break . I'm a big believer that ,
10:23 you know we can sustain our attention like adults for
10:26 about 90 minutes if they're really good . But kids
10:29 , depending on their age and stage , is like
10:31 15 minutes , 20 minutes a half an hour .
10:33 You know , they really need frequent breaks , and
10:36 also they need , you know , they need a
10:39 way to restore themselves , whether it's to go outside
10:42 , take a few deep breaths , whether it's to
10:44 lay down with a pillow on their head , you
10:46 know , whatever helps them , whether they need to
10:48 go read . I think these are all ways that
10:51 we're helping them learn , not just for today ,
10:54 but what self care what emotional health is . What
10:56 is it doing ? The things you do today will
10:58 be planting the seeds for long term health and well
11:01 being , um , so navigating that and learn ,
11:05 I guess my point is that we want to learn
11:07 together . So I did have a family , you
11:10 know , because this is a stressful time . And
11:13 I said I recommended to them that they use ,
11:16 um what do you call it like three good things
11:19 , the scientific method of like every night , you
11:21 know , at the dinner table , why don't we
11:23 all go around and talk about three good things that
11:25 happened from the day ? And obviously there are days
11:27 where it's really easy . You're like I had pizza
11:29 . I went for a hike . I got to
11:31 go to the beach or I got to see my
11:33 friend . You know , there are days that it's
11:34 easy and there are other days that it's hard .
11:37 But they proved that after 28 days that your brain
11:40 starts to look for the good things that are happening
11:43 throughout . Um , throughout the day , you say
11:45 , Oh , wait , that's a good thing .
11:47 And those kind of small strategies are really helpful ,
11:51 not just for the child , but I could tell
11:53 when I was talking to the parents after they've done
11:54 it for two weeks like this has been really helpful
11:56 for us as adults , so we do have to
11:59 really train the mind and look for the constructive things
12:02 , even when it's a challenge . So regarding distance
12:05 learning in hybrid education , you know we want to
12:08 create a space where there are some good things in
12:10 it , right where there's a nice spot , where
12:12 there's some winds and to create something where we ,
12:16 you know , have some structure and there is some
12:19 flexibility . And then there are some strategies that your
12:21 child uses , and that's that's really , really important
12:25 . So I don't know if there's any questions that
12:28 came in or if anyone's thinking anything . I know
12:31 you probably all on mute , so I can't hear
12:33 you anyway . Um , but it did when I
12:37 throw it out there , Um , so I guess
12:40 again , from my standpoint , it's really the resilience
12:43 that's really important in building that resilience and those regular
12:48 strategies , whether it's taking deep breaths or , you
12:51 know , learning , learning , like my book and
12:53 the emotionally healthy child . They have a lot of
12:55 different strategies on how to identify and express emotions constructively
13:00 , and the first step is really working on self
13:02 awareness and mindfulness , just paying attention what's even happening
13:06 right now and then you know , having language to
13:08 talk about it or to express it constructively . Some
13:11 of us are more verbal than others when we're having
13:13 a big feeling , but giving a child tools at
13:16 their age and stage is really important . In particular
13:19 , there's a checklist I'll share . Now it's called
13:21 The Smart Choices Checklist , and the idea is that
13:25 a smart choices when it's good for you and good
13:27 for others . So if you're really angry and you
13:31 know I worked with a kid who was really angry
13:33 , she threw a notebook across the classroom and it
13:35 hit another kid . Obviously , that got rid of
13:38 her anger , but not really a good choice ,
13:40 because it hurts someone else . So you know ,
13:42 that's a choice . It's on a smart choice ,
13:44 so smart choices are good for you and good for
13:46 others . So I often work with kids and say
13:49 , Okay , when you're having a big feeling ,
13:50 what are your smart choices ? What can you do
13:52 at home list ? Three things . What can you
13:54 do in the classroom ? What we're here . What
13:56 can we do in the distance ? Classroom Women were
13:58 really feeling annoyed or agitated or frustrated . So the
14:02 idea is that you want to pre pay the path
14:04 and you want to help them before that moment occurs
14:07 . Recognize ? I could walk away . I could
14:10 throw water on my face in the bathroom . I
14:12 could get a sip of water like , What can
14:14 you do when you're having a big emotion ? Can
14:16 you take a five minute break ? How do you
14:19 handle that big frustration or challenging or irritations ? Because
14:23 we want to give kids those tools so they can
14:25 navigate it . And , um , it was funny
14:28 . I was visiting an old client of mine recently
14:31 , and , uh , you know , unbeknownst to
14:33 me , you know , his teacher didn't know ,
14:35 but he called her up even though he's doing distance
14:37 learning , saying , Hey , I have a friend
14:38 coming to visit me and she's coming from San Francisco
14:41 and can I , um , can I , you
14:44 know , skip class and meet with her , and
14:46 the teacher said , Of course , I think it's
14:47 really important for you to connect . I mean ,
14:49 the teacher didn't know it wasn't another 10 year old
14:51 boy . It was an adult . But the idea
14:54 that giving kids the tools and power to make some
14:57 choices on their own and then keep course correcting them
15:00 to keep moving in a positive direction is really our
15:03 role . And you know that includes sometimes you have
15:07 to say no to something , or sometimes you have
15:09 to navigate some tricky situations . But you know ,
15:12 the whole goal is building that resilience , that emotional
15:15 intelligence , keeping kids connected , learning and engaging in
15:19 a meaningful and purposeful way . I'm not a big
15:21 believer in just like school , just checking off time
15:24 , just , you know , doing your time in
15:26 school . I think you really need to stay engaged
15:28 and learn . And of course , experiential learning is
15:31 really important . But having direct experiences where you feel
15:34 like , Oh my God , they really see me
15:35 , I'm connected . I feel good is more important
15:38 than ever right now is a question about what is
15:44 what ? How should a parent handle it when the
15:47 schools where the teachers guidance is for the child to
15:52 spend hours a day online ? And that sort of
15:58 violates what the sensible , smart advice you're giving ,
16:01 which is attention spans ? You know , we all
16:04 have human attention spans , not computer attention spans .
16:08 Um , and , um , that there's no time
16:12 left for other constructive activities . So , you know
16:16 , where do you suggest they go with that when
16:18 they have the conflict between the schools , guidance and
16:23 sensible guidance ? Right , right . Yeah , it's
16:26 a really good question because , you know , every
16:29 situation is different every child is different , their learning
16:32 needs and personality and sort of threshold for what feels
16:36 appropriate . I mean , I can say that the
16:38 screen time has been an issue . It does impact
16:41 your nervous system . It does make you a little
16:43 more agitated after many , many hours online . So
16:47 I think that , um , if I was the
16:48 parent , I would be having a dialogue with the
16:51 school teacher and administrators and trying to oppose to ,
16:55 um , just focusing on it as a problem which
16:58 I get . See if we can problem solve anything
17:00 , see if there's any sort of accommodation or anything
17:03 that we can do that makes sense for you and
17:05 your child because we do want to have meaningful and
17:08 purposeful learning . And I think just spending time ,
17:11 hours and hours and hours and hours and hours online
17:13 isn't always helpful per se . And I would say
17:16 , and I would even say , Hey , listen
17:18 , you know this my son or daughter is X
17:20 y z they you know they are very sensitive to
17:22 this environment or , you know , could we go
17:25 online two hours and then get the homework assignments offline
17:28 and then report back to you because we want to
17:30 honor the with the goal of the school , which
17:33 is really to keep kids engaged and connected and learning
17:36 . But , you know , online doesn't work for
17:38 everyone all the time . So coming up with creative
17:40 solutions , I think is just part of this process
17:42 . This is you know , I think out of
17:45 the pandemic . When we get to the other side
17:46 , we will have so many more creative solutions in
17:48 life because the universe has forced us to do this
17:51 . And that includes Children . I mean , I
17:53 want to empower kids to be able to be appropriate
17:56 , but to voice like , Hey , this is
17:58 working for me or this isn't working for me .
18:00 How do we do that ? So I'm a big
18:02 believer in partnership . How do we partner and make
18:04 solutions ? So that would be my recommendation . Fantastic
18:08 . Yeah , I think also , you're focus on
18:12 building resilience during this period is a wonderful positive ,
18:18 uh , constructive approach tank . So that's that's fantastic
18:24 . Um , so , marine , if you're okay
18:26 , we'll move on to the next speaker . Yes
18:30 . Let's just go through the other slides quick .
18:32 And I probably don't have anything to say , but
18:34 let's just pop them in . Okay ? Yeah ,
18:37 no problem . Okay . The emotional language is more
18:43 just like making sure there was a language in the
18:45 home that we had were all speaking the same language
18:48 . And I guess from my the only other thing
18:50 I want to highlight from this slide is really emotional
18:53 . Health is flexibility . I know that we all
18:56 a lot of kids sometimes get step . You know
18:58 , they're stubborn or strong willed . And listen ,
19:00 I'm one of those people . And the upside is
19:03 that you can stay with problems longer and come up
19:05 with amazing solutions . But sometimes it's difficult when you
19:08 put your feet and say , I cannot do this
19:11 . It sort of doesn't help emotional health or emotion
19:13 . Intelligence . So another way to think of emotional
19:15 health besides the scale of balance is also to think
19:19 about your helping your son or daughter learned the skill
19:21 of flexibility and , of course , distance learning .
19:23 This is we've had to pivot . We've had to
19:25 be flexible . So that's just another thing to think
19:29 about . And I guess you know , my website
19:32 is growing happy kids dot com and I'm happy to
19:35 connect with people offline . If there's additional questions as
19:37 well . But I'm grateful , Ed , and you
19:40 can slide it to the next speaker . And ,
19:42 um , I think that this is a wonderful thing
19:44 for us to connect about . Terrific . No .
19:47 Fantastic . Thank you so much . Um , and
19:50 , uh , we may see if we , you
19:52 know , time permitting . We may circle back with
19:54 you with questions , but , you know , we
19:55 understand you . You need to jump off .



Home Is The New School: Importance of Social-Emotional Learning (Webinar for Parents) is a free educational video by Lumos Learning.

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