Fa14 4RI3 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Fa14 4RI3 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Fa14 4RI3 - By eSparkLearningVideos

00:02 Hello East Mark leaders . In this quest , you
00:05 will identify procedures , events , concepts or ideas in
00:09 a text and refer to them as evidence to support
00:11 your idea or answer to a question . We can
00:15 recognize many different sources of evidence within a text .
00:18 Three examples are procedures , events or concepts . Can
00:23 you think of a simple procedure you follow before a
00:27 recipe is one type of procedure . When you follow
00:29 a recipe , you look for the keywords first ,
00:32 next , and finally , three keywords in a procedure
00:36 . Tell us what to dio . A second piece
00:38 of evidence you may identify and a text is an
00:41 event . You can refer to this text evidence .
00:44 When identifying cause and effect relationships of events , you
00:48 may see a picture within attacks , providing details of
00:50 what happened and when way see here . The volcanic
00:54 eruption in 2010 disrupted air travel for six days .
00:59 This information is important evidence that can support an idea
01:02 or answer a specific question . Ah , third piece
01:05 of evidence you may see in a text is a
01:07 concept . Concepts within a text provide specific information .
01:12 Evolution is one concept that explains the change in population
01:15 over time . Concepts in a text provide support when
01:20 comparing and contrasting ideas or events within a text .
01:23 By the end of this class , you'll be able
01:25 to recognize events , procedures , ideas or concepts in
01:29 historical , scientific or technicals text and use them to
01:33 support your ideas or to answer a question , have
01:36 fun East parking .


Fa14 4RI3


Fa14 4RI3 is a free educational video by eSparkLearningVideos.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RI.4.3.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Fa14 4RI3 but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. RI.4.3 : Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text..





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