eSpark Learning Inference Framing Video (4.RI, Quest 8) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

eSpark Learning Inference Framing Video (4.RI, Quest 8) - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

eSpark Learning Inference Framing Video (4.RI, Quest 8) - By eSparkLearningVideos

00:03 welcome to your quest . In this quest , you
00:06 will determine the main idea of a text and tell
00:10 how it is supported by details . Also , you
00:13 will be switching gears from dinosaurs to pets . After
00:17 reading an article about caring for my new cat ,
00:20 I determined the main idea of the text and how
00:23 it was supported with details . I learned that I
00:27 need to be responsible for and take care of my
00:29 new pet . This means I have to make sure
00:32 my cat has food and water . Ah , place
00:35 to sleep and has toys to play with . From
00:38 the article about caring for my new cat , I
00:41 can infer that caring for a cat is a lot
00:44 of work . Not only do I have to give
00:46 her food , water , shelter and toys , but
00:50 also make sure she has groomed , trained , cared
00:54 for by a veterinarian and loved . In this quest
00:58 , you'll be using the reading strategy of inference .
01:01 Using this strategy means you will draw a conclusion from
01:04 the details given in a text . By the end
01:08 of this quest , you will be able to determine
01:10 the main idea of a text and tell how it
01:13 is supported by details have funny , sparking


This brief introductory video explains how readers can learn the main idea of a text and make inferences from its details. It gives the example of a short article on caring for pets.


ESpark Learning Inference Framing Video (4.RI, Quest 8) is a free educational video by eSparkLearningVideos.It helps students in grades 4.

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