What is a Conjunction? | Basic English Grammar Rules | ESL | SAT | TOEFL - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

What is a Conjunction? | Basic English Grammar Rules | ESL | SAT | TOEFL - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

What is a Conjunction? | Basic English Grammar Rules | ESL | SAT | TOEFL - By Socratica

00:03 conjunctions are the glue in English sentences . They hold
00:08 parts of a sentence together . Words , phrases and
00:10 clauses are brought together by these invaluable parts of speech
00:14 . There are three kinds of conjunctions coordinating , subordinating
00:18 and co relative . They all have their own special
00:21 way of connecting parts of a sentence . First ,
00:25 let's look at the most familiar kind of conjunctions coordinating
00:28 conjunctions . They can be used to join together words
00:31 , phrases and independent causes . There are seven common
00:34 coordinating conjunctions for and nor but or yet so Fanboys
00:41 . That's a little pneumonic to remember the coordinating conjunctions
00:44 . We'll look at three examples of coordinating conjunctions to
00:49 see how they can join words , phrases or independent
00:52 clauses . I would like to have a dog and
00:55 a cat . Notice how the coordinating conjunctions always come
00:58 between the words or phrases there joining together . You
01:01 can buy fresh bread in the bakery or at the
01:03 grocery story . We're all in the gutter . But
01:06 some of us are looking at the stars that Oscar
01:10 Wilde really knew how to join some independent clauses together
01:12 , didn't he ? E subordinating conjunctions , by contrast
01:18 , are only used to join together to clauses one
01:21 dependent and one independent subordinate conjunctions include the words before
01:25 after , although because since unless until while though ,
01:32 and many more they're called subordinate conjunctions because they join
01:36 a subordinate or dependent cause toe an independent cause .
01:40 Let's see these sticky words at work . E didn't
01:44 feel like eating ice cream because it was too cold
01:46 out . Although it was cold out , we still
01:49 went swimming . Notice that the subordinate conjunction can appear
01:52 either between the two clauses or it can be found
01:55 at the beginning of the sentence . Finally , let's
01:59 talk about car relative conjunctions . They always come in
02:02 pairs and are used to join together words , phrases
02:05 and clauses of similar length and impact . These include
02:09 either or neither nor not only but also both ,
02:13 and whether or neither the threat of rain or the
02:18 sound of thunder would stop Henry from walking his dog
02:21 . Yeah , you can either tell me the answer
02:23 to the riddle , or you can leave this in
02:25 her party immediately . She was not only a terrible
02:28 host , but also a terrible guest . Once upon
02:34 a time , there was a very silly rumor floating
02:36 around that you could not start a sentence with a
02:38 conjunction . I don't know who started this rumor .
02:42 It's perfectly acceptable to use a conjunction to give the
02:45 start of your sentence a little punch . In the
02:47 words of Groucho Marx , I've had a perfectly wonderful
02:51 evening , but this wasn't it . If you find
02:56 our Siris on English grammar helpful , share it with
02:59 someone you care about . And if you feel very
03:01 strongly about how wonderful Socratic is , we hope you'll
03:04 consider becoming our patron on patryan . You could really
03:08 make a difference . You'll be helping us make more
03:10 of the high quality educational videos you know and love
03:14 . Thank you .


This video reviews the role of coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions in sentences. It explains their use in joining words, phrases, and clauses.


What is a Conjunction? | Basic English Grammar Rules | ESL | SAT | TOEFL is a free educational video by Socratica.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.2.C.

This page not only allows students and teachers view What is a Conjunction? | Basic English Grammar Rules | ESL | SAT | TOEFL but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. L.4.2.C : Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence..





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