Complex Numbers: Multiplying and Dividing in Polar Form, Ex 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Complex Numbers: Multiplying and Dividing in Polar Form, Ex 1 - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Complex Numbers: Multiplying and Dividing in Polar Form, Ex 1 - By PatrickJMT



Complex Numbers: Multiplying and Dividing in Polar Form, Ex 1. In this video, I give the formula for multiplication and division of two complex numbers that are in polar form.


Complex Numbers: Multiplying and Dividing in Polar Form, Ex 1 is a free educational video by PatrickJMT.It helps students in grades HS practice the following standards HSN.CN.B.5.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Complex Numbers: Multiplying and Dividing in Polar Form, Ex 1 but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. HSN.CN.B.5 : Represent addition, subtraction, multiplication, and conjugation of complex numbers geometrically on the complex plane; use properties of this representation for computation. For example, (-1 + √3 i)3 = 8 because (-1 + √3 i) has modulus 2 and argument 120°..





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