"Simple Tenses" | English Grammar with Educator.com - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

"Simple Tenses" | English Grammar with Educator.com - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

"Simple Tenses" | English Grammar with Educator.com - By LearningUpgrade

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00:0-1 Welcome back to educator dot coms , English grammar course
00:02 . This lesson is about simple verb tenses . Let's
00:05 get started . All right , We're gonna begin by
00:09 asking what is a verb tense ? We're gonna find
00:12 out what they are , how they work and what
00:14 they dio . We're gonna look at three simple tenses
00:17 . The simple present , the simple past and the
00:19 simple future . And we're also going to look at
00:21 the irregular past , tense and past participle . This
00:24 is a set of verbs that play by their own
00:26 rules . We're gonna look at them in detail and
00:29 finally , we're gonna learn how to use simple tenses
00:31 in our writing . Alright , What is a verb
00:34 tense ? Well , the word tents in English for
00:37 grammar comes from the Latin word tempos . Which means
00:40 time verb tenses are the ways that verbs change according
00:44 to the time at which the action they describe occurs
00:47 . There are three simple tenses . Simple , present
00:50 tense describes actions that occur in the present . Simple
00:54 past tense describes actions that occurred in the past ,
00:59 and simple future tense describes actions that will occur in
01:03 the future . Some verbs called irregular verbs , have
01:06 special participle forms that create unusual tenses and we'll look
01:10 at those as well . Okay , let's begin with
01:13 a review of basic verb forms . This was covered
01:16 in the last lesson , but we're gonna go over
01:17 it briefly so we can use it here . The
01:20 base form of the verb is the first person singular
01:23 present tense , the form that you've used in the
01:25 sentence . I do something or after two to form
01:29 the infinitive , so the cookies smell amazing . The
01:32 verb is to smell and the base form is smell
01:36 . The present participle form is usually created by adding
01:40 the Suffolk's I N G to the base form .
01:43 The birds are singing to sing , and the past
01:47 participle form , which will get into today , is
01:49 created by adding the Suffolk's D or E D to
01:53 the base form . I walked to the bus stop
01:56 . The verb is walk


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