Level 4 Unit 04 Modal Auxiliaries Main - YouTube - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Level 4 Unit 04 Modal Auxiliaries Main - YouTube - Free Educational videos for Students in k-12

Level 4 Unit 04 Modal Auxiliaries Main - YouTube - By parksjt

00:0-1 Level four unit for modal auxiliaries . Models are helping
00:05 words . They help you express your intentions . Ah
00:09 , polite request can be expressed with the words May
00:14 Could can would you ? Would you mind ? Necessity
00:21 can be expressed using Must have to have got to
00:28 express or give advice . Using the words should ought
00:34 to had better . Logical conclusions are usually expressed using
00:41 must give a suggestion using Let's and why don't express
00:49 your preferences using prefer liking better . Would rather let's
00:58 start with ability and possibility . Using Can Could May
01:05 might , my son can read Can yours ? I
01:14 could help him learn if you would like . Possibility
01:19 is also expressed using may and might , but it
01:24 sounds a little different . Mother Louise might call me
01:30 tonight for a date . May we go to an
01:34 R rated movie ? Possibility is used by expressing could
01:43 if the service were better at the mall , I
01:46 could do all my shopping there . Expressing politeness is
01:51 very important . You also use may I could I
01:57 can I will you Can you ? Would you and
02:04 could you polite questions such as Pardon me , May
02:10 I get in front of you are often answered politely
02:16 . Yes , you may . Polite questions also use
02:21 . Would you ? Could you ? Will you ?
02:25 Would you sign this for me , please ? Yes
02:29 , I will thank you . Expressing at advice ,
02:35 necessity and lack of necessity . All use should ought
02:43 to had better have to have got to and must
02:51 . Advice should be offered gently . You should follow
02:58 the recipe I gave you that way . The brownies
03:03 ought to be perfect . Use had better . For
03:09 example , he had better move the car before he
03:14 gets a parking ticket . Necessity ? Yes , I
03:19 guess he has to . Lack of necessity . We
03:24 don't have to move the car now . We have
03:28 an hour expressing logic , suggestions and preferences . Use
03:36 must . Let's why . Don't prefer better . Like
03:43 Better would rather a sentence reaching a logical conclusion .
03:50 Sounds like this . He must be her son .
03:55 They look just alike , making suggestions , expressing yourself
04:02 . Sure use , Let's and why ? Don't example
04:08 . Why don't we jog faster ? Yes , let's
04:13 race stating your preferences are important . People can get
04:18 to know you better . Use . Prefer , like
04:22 better would rather example . Jerry prefers to read ,
04:28 but I like dancing better . That's why I would
04:33 rather listen to music . Polite thinking . Remember he
04:41 who says what he likes shall hear what he doesn't
04:46 like


Level 4 Unit 04 Modal Auxiliaries Main - YouTube


Level 4 Unit 04 Modal Auxiliaries Main - YouTube is a free educational video by parksjt.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.1.c.

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