Referring to References L.3.4 Grade Practice Test Questions TOC | Lumos Learning

Referring to References L.3.4 Question & Answer Key Resources Lumos StepUp - PARCC Online Practice and Assessments - Grade 3 English Language and Arts

Lumos StepUp - PARCC Online Practice and Assessments - Grade 3 English Language and Arts Referring to References

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View the dictionary excerpt and answer the question.

Main Entry: 1wrap
Pronunciation: 'rap
Function: verb

1 (a): to cover especially by winding or folding (b): to envelop and secure for transportation or storage: BUNDLE (c): ENFOLD, EMBRACE d: to coil, fold, draw, or twine (as string or cloth) around something

2(a): to involve completely: ENGROSS

3: to conceal or obscure as if by enveloping

4: to finish filming or videotaping <wrap a movie>

Which definition of the word wrap is used in the sentence below?

Jenny was so wrapped up in the movie that she did not hear the phone ringing.