Grade Practice Test | Lumos Learning

Read the passage and answer the question.

The teacher asked students in her class to write a research paper on the American Civil War. She also asked the students to list all sources of information for their paper. Nia, a student, went to the library and read books on the history of United States of America, and also a book on why the Civil War of the United States of America was fought.

Which of the following books do you think Nia used to write her research paper?

Read the passage and answer the question.

Beautiful seashells that are washed ashore on beaches by ocean waves have always fascinated human beings. Shells come in a wonderful array of shapes, sizes, and colors. Shells are actually made by marine creatures to serve as their homes.

Where would you most likely find this passage?

Read the passage and answer the question.

Everything in nature follows a pattern. Circles, lines, spirals, and angles are repeated to make a design or a pattern. Patterns in nature are not just pretty adornments. They do serve a purpose that has helped nature survive and flourish.

Have you ever taken a close look at a beehive? Well, not too close or you might get stung! The natural pattern in beehives is so perfect that it seems to be computer designed. The hives are made up of layers and layers of cells. Each cell has perfectly equal six sides or hexagons. Why would bees build six-sided cells, instead of circular or box shaped ones? That is because the bee is a genius at geometry and architecture! Six-sided cells use up every bit of space and allow bees to get maximum area for storing honey. Hexagons also use the least building material because all six sides are common to other cells. The bees don’t waste space, material or effort. Aren’t they smart insects?

Where could you look if you wanted to find out more information on bees?

Writing Standards (W.3.7)